securecrt 终端VIM配色


solarized for securecrt

Here’s a set of solarized dark colors for SecureCRT.

With SecureCRT closed, edit your Global.ini which lives by default in %appdata%\VanDyke\Config\Global.ini, find the three lines the start with B:”ANSI Color RGB” and replace it and the two lines of hex below it with:

B:"ANSI Color RGB"=00000040
00 2b 38 00 dc 32 2f 00 85 99 00 00 b5 89 00 00 26 8b d2 00 d3 36 82 00 2a a1 98 00 ee e8 d5 00
07 36 42 00 cb 4b 16 00 58 6e 75 00 65 7b 83 00 83 94 96 00 6c 71 c4 00 93 a1 a1 00 fd f6 e3 00

This version is different than the version I put on pastebin a couple years ago- it has a darker background color (still using solarized colors!) than the pastebin version.


2. 配置solarized

posted @ 2013-10-17 12:12  Melvin.Yang  阅读(1113)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报