【sublime】CoffeeScript plugin —— highlight, preview, compile, go to definition and so on .

        All these plugins you can install by package controller.

1. CoffeeScript

        It provide syntax  highlight, code auto compelement, compile coffee into javascript, recompile and so on.
      alt+shift+t - Run a Cake task
      alt+shift+r - Run some CoffeeScript (puts/print is available for output)
      alt+shift+s - Run a syntax check
      alt+shift+c - Compile a file
      alt+shift+d - Display compiled JavaScript
      alt+shift+l - Display lexer tokens
      alt+shift+n - Display parser nodes
      alt+shift+w - Toggle watch mode
      alt+shift+p - Toggle output panel
        For example, create a "aaa.coffee" file, and press "alt+shift+c",it will auto create a " aaa.js" file. And I found a very helpfull function, after it compile, the html file will auto refrash, it's so awsome.

2.  CoffeeCompile

        It can preview the compiled javascript code. When meets error, it can tell which line and error for you.Default shotcut is "ctrl+shift+c". Because it has some shortcut conflict in my sublilme, so I change the shorcut.
        The way to change shortcuts is very easy. Preferences -> Packeage Settings -> your plugin -> Key Bindings - User.
]        I have change it into "ctrl+shift+m".
        You also can use right click.

        Here is the demo. You can preview the compiled javascript codes in console panel.

3. CoffeeComplete Plus 

        Provide autocomplete, goto definition(ctrl+alt+d or ctrl+alt+left click).

≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡★ From Laker's blog ★≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡

¤ ╭⌒╮☀Coding and changing~☀ ╭╭ ⌒╮

✪Fighting and insisting~✪

posted @ 2013-09-09 16:29  youngLaker  阅读(426)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报