

  1. #取出MASS包这中的数据
  2. data(geyser,package="MASS")
  3. head(geyser)
  4. attach(geyser)
  5. par(bg='lemonchiffon')
  6. hist(waiting,freq=F,col="lightcoral")
  7. #freq=F要加上,否则就无法添加线了
  8. lines(density(waiting),lwd=2,col="cadetblue4")
  9. #根据图像,我们认为其在前后分别是两个正态分布函数的组合
  10. #定义 log‐likelihood 函数
  11. LL<-function(params,data){
  12. #参数"params"是一个向量,
  13. #依次包含了五个参数: p,mu1,sigma1,mu2,sigma2.
  14. #参数"data",是观测数据。
  15. t1<-dnorm(data,params[2],params[3])
  16. t2<-dnorm(data,params[4],params[5])
  17. #f是概率密度函数
  18. f<-params[1]*t1+(1-params[1])*t2
  19. #混合密度函数
  20. ll<-sum(log(f))
  21. #log‐likelihood 函数
  22. return(-ll)
  23. #nlminb()函数是最小化一个函数的值,
  24. #但我们是要最大化 log‐likeilhood 函数
  25. #所以需要在“ ll”前加个“ ‐”号。
  26. }
  27. #估计函数####optim####
  28. # debugonce(nlminb)
  29. geyser.res<-nlminb(c(0.5,50,10,80,10),LL,data=waiting,
  30. lower=c(0.0001,-Inf,0.0001,
  31. -Inf,0.0001),
  32. upper=c(0.9999,Inf,Inf,Inf,Inf))
  33. #初始值为 p=0.5,mu1=50,sigma1=10,mu2=80,sigma2=10
  34. #初始值也会被传递给LL
  35. #LL 是被最小化的函数。
  36. #data 是估计用的数据(传递给我们的LL)
  37. #lower 和 upper 分别指定参数的上界和下界。
  38. #查看拟合的参数
  39. geyser.res$par
  40. #拟合的效果
  41. #解释变量
  42. X<-seq(40,120,length=100)
  43. #读出估计的参数
  44. p<-geyser.res$par[1]
  45. mu1<-geyser.res$par[2]
  46. sig1<-geyser.res$par[3]
  47. mu2<-geyser.res$par[4]
  48. sig2<-geyser.res$par[5]
  49. #将估计的参数函数代入原密度函数。
  50. f<-p*dnorm(X,mu1,sig1)+(1-p)*dnorm(X,mu2,sig2)
  51. #作出数据的直方图
  52. hist(waiting,probability=T,col='lightpink3',
  53. ylab="Density",ylim=c(0,0.04),
  54. xlab="Eruption waiting times"
  55. )
  56. #画出拟合的曲线
  57. lines(X,f,col='lightskyblue3',lwd=2)
  58. detach(geyser)

  1. function (start, objective, gradient = NULL, hessian = NULL,
  2. ..., scale = 1, control = list(), lower = -Inf, upper = Inf)
  3. {
  4. par <- setNames(as.double(start), names(start))
  5. n <- length(par)
  6. iv <- integer(78 + 3 * n)
  7. v <- double(130 + (n * (n + 27))/2)
  8. .Call(C_port_ivset, 2, iv, v)
  9. if (length(control)) {
  10. nms <- names(control)
  11. if (!is.list(control) || is.null(nms))
  12. stop("'control' argument must be a named list")
  13. pos <- pmatch(nms, names(port_cpos))
  14. if (any(nap <- is.na(pos))) {
  15. warning(sprintf(ngettext(length(nap), "unrecognized control element named %s ignored",
  16. "unrecognized control elements named %s ignored"),
  17. paste(sQuote(nms[nap]), collapse = ", ")), domain = NA)
  18. pos <- pos[!nap]
  19. control <- control[!nap]
  20. }
  21. ivpars <- pos <= 4
  22. vpars <- !ivpars
  23. if (any(ivpars))
  24. iv[port_cpos[pos[ivpars]]] <- as.integer(unlist(control[ivpars]))
  25. if (any(vpars))
  26. v[port_cpos[pos[vpars]]] <- as.double(unlist(control[vpars]))
  27. }
  28. obj <- quote(objective(.par, ...))

  29. rho <- new.env(parent = environment())

  30. assign(".par", par, envir = rho)
  31. grad <- hess <- low <- upp <- NULL
  32. if (!is.null(gradient)) {
  33. grad <- quote(gradient(.par, ...))
  34. if (!is.null(hessian)) {
  35. if (is.logical(hessian))
  36. stop("logical 'hessian' argument not allowed. See documentation.")
  37. hess <- quote(hessian(.par, ...))
  38. }
  39. }
  40. if (any(lower != -Inf) || any(upper != Inf)) {
  41. low <- rep_len(as.double(lower), length(par))
  42. upp <- rep_len(as.double(upper), length(par))
  43. }
  44. else low <- upp <- numeric()
  45. .Call(C_port_nlminb, obj, grad, hess, rho, low, upp, d = rep_len(as.double(scale),
  46. length(par)), iv, v)
  47. iv1 <- iv[1L]
  48. list(par = get(".par", envir = rho), objective = v[10L],
  49. convergence = (if (iv1 %in% 3L:6L) 0L else 1L), iterations = iv[31L],
  50. evaluations = c(`function` = iv[6L], gradient = iv[30L]),
  51. message = if (19 <= iv1 && iv1 <= 43) {
  52. if (any(B <- iv1 == port_cpos)) sprintf("'control' component '%s' = %g, is out of range",
  53. names(port_cpos)[B], v[iv1]) else sprintf("V[IV[1]] = V[%d] = %g is out of range (see PORT docu.)",
  54. iv1, v[iv1])
  55. } else port_msg(iv1))
  56. }
obj <- quote(objective(.par, ...))
rho <- new.env(parent = environment())
assign(".par", par, envir = rho)
.Call(C_port_nlminb, obj, grad, hess, 
        rho, low, upp, d = rep_len(as.double(scale), length(par)), iv, v)
Further arguments to be supplied to objective.
Function to be minimized. Must return a scalar value. The first argument to objective is the vector of parameters to be optimized, whose initial values are supplied through start(start 参数). Further arguments (fixed during the course of the optimization) to objective may be specified as well (see ...(参数)).




    posted @ 2017-01-27 22:59  旅鼠  阅读(3555)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报