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信头                                  G WARREN & CO LTD
                                          Exporters and Importers
和                                      72 Fleet Street
商号                                  London EC4W 4JT
标记                                  Telephone 01-762  8562
                                          Telegraphic address:WARCO London
                                          Telex 41891
事宜                                  Your Ref FJS/EK
标记                                  Our Ref GW/24
日期                                  23 March 19

地址                                  Messrs John Simpson & Co
                                         620 East St
                                         P O Box 9125
                                         Stamford,Connecticut 06904
称呼                                 Dear Sirs

事宜                                  Ladies' handbags

开头                                  We were very pleased to receive your enquiry of 18
格式                                  March 19.. and enclose our illustrated catalogue and
                                          price list giving the details you ask for.
价格                                  The prices of the various models which we can supply
折扣                                  are quoted in US-dollars and are subject to a 10
批量                                  percent discount.We would be willing to allow you a
折扣                                  special 15 per cent discount but only on items ordered
                                          in quantities of 1,000 or more.
付款                                  Our customary terms of payment for export are:irre-
条件                                  vocable and confirmed documentary letter of credit.
质量                                  It is our policy to supply the best possible merchandise
                                          at the most competitive prices and we also take special
                                          pride in assisting our customers in every way we can.

样品                                  We are sending you by airmail parcel a range of sam-
                                          ples which will convince you of their high quality.All
交货时间                          the items listed in our catalogue are held in stock and
                                         we can guarantee immediate despatch.
介绍人                             As we have not previously done bussiness together,
                                         perhaps you will kindly supply either the usual trade
                                         reference or the name of a bank to which we may re-
结束语                             We hope to serve you in the future and look forward to
                                         the pleasure of receiving your first order.
结束                                 Yours faithfully
形式                                    Xpendif


签名                                 XpEndIf
                                         Managing Director


附件                                 enc
                                         price list

经理姓名                          Directors:G B Warren,J Roberts OBE,LE H
与                                     Perking FCA,G Fawcett(non-executive)
法律注册                         Registered in England
登记                                 Number:2454658

posted @ 2006-04-25 10:30  endif  阅读(200)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报