伏龙再现 我心飞翔



Text (Teen Drug Abuse: Bring the Message Home)

New words

  • marijuana        a marijuana cigarette 大麻烟卷。 Cannabis    hemp plant    smoke marijuana
  • cocaine        可卡因
  • illicit        illegal unlawful        have [maintain] illicit relations with a foreign country 里通外国。 Unacceptable by prevailing the social standards    illicit copy    illicit dealing    illicit trade    illicit activity    illicit account
  • addiction        being addicted        
  • cofounder        创始人之一
  • discount        折扣    percent discount for cash 现金付款,九五折优待。an arithmetical [true] discount 真折扣。accept his story with some discount 打折扣听他的故事。The store discounted all clothing for sale. 该店的服装全部减价出售。
  • peer        You will not easily find his peers. 他是一个无与伦比的人物。 Look closely     be partially or briefly visible
  • anguish        in anguish 极度痛苦。    Extreme anxiety    feel or cause somebody anguish     case anguish
  • novel        新奇的        a novel experience 新的经验。    Refreshingly new     long story     literary genre        translate novel        write novel    finish novel    punish novel
  • ingest        take in
  • nourish         give food to somebody or something     support or foster something     help something develop    
  • follicle        1.【解剖学】(小)囊,滤泡,卵泡。a hair follicle 毛囊。
  • abstain        abstain from (wine) [luxury, doing, voting] 戒(酒)[避免奢华,不做,放弃投票]。Not vote    refrain from something         
  • residue        for the residue 至于其余;说到其他。Something left over    remainder of estate    remove residue    leave residue
  • bleach        bleached goods 漂白布匹。    Color-removing substance    application of bleach    use bleach on something     bleacher    bleacher hair    liquid bleach
  • overwhelming    by an overwhelming majority [superior] 以压倒的多数[优势]。 Extremely large        emotionally overpowering    physically overpowering    overwhelming compulsion    overwhelming sense    overwhelming significance    overwhelming majority
  • snippet    small piece cut off     snippets of news 零星消息。    
  • radioimmunoassay
  • opiate        opium-containing drug    sleeping-inducing substance    something with dulling effect
  • methamphetamine
  • confidential    Strictly confidential 绝密。a confidential clerk 极受信任的职员a confidential creditor 优先债权人。a confidential inquiry 秘密调查[打听]。confidential papers 机密文件。a confidential opinion 心里话。
  • anonymous
  • intrusive    the intrusive sound 【语音】插入音。intrusive body 【地质学;地理学】侵入岩体。intrusive rocks 【地质学;地理学】侵入岩。Appearing where unwelcome    causing uninvited disturbance    formed by intrusion
  • empower
  • intervene    intervene between two objects 夹在两件东西当中。I shall come if nothing intervenes. 如果没有别的事,我就来。intervene between two people quarrelling 在两个争吵者之间进行调解。Become involved in situation    have preventive or delaying effect
  • initiate    initiate a reform 着手改革。initiate the attack 开始攻击。initiate pupils into the elements of grammar 把基本语法教给学生。initiate somebody into a secret 把秘密传授给某人。Make something start     teach somebody about something new    introduce somebody into group     somebody initiated into group     somebody newly introduce something
  • incentive        incentive pay (增产)奖金。be incentive to further study 鼓励进一步研究。much incentive (many incentives) to work hard 很多努力工作的动机。Something that encourages somebody to action    encouraging or motivating     remove incentive     give incentive     provide incentive    offer incentive
  • premium        a premium for 为…而发的奖金。at a premium (股票)以超过票面以上的价格;〔比喻〕非常需要,极受重视 (opp. at a discount) (It sells at a premium of 20 percent. 这是加二卖出的)。pay a premium for 付…佣金。    Cost of insurance    additional sum        prize    inducement to buy     amount above par value        unusually high    
  • reinforcement    a concrete reinforcement worker 钢筋工人。a stub reinforcement 【电学】撑杆;帮桩,接腿。
  • redress        redress the balance 恢复平衡;矫正不平衡状态    make up for something         impose fairness on something     compensation    act of compensation    redress balance     redress record
  • head-on    with the front parts meeting
  • dramatically    in starting and attending-grabbing way    markedly    alter dramatically    increase dramatically    
  • readily        easily    without hesitation    accept readily    convert readily    
  • ongoing         continuing
  • ultimate        the ultimate end of life        to the ultimate ends of the world 到天涯海角。
  • ironically        sarcastically    in incongruous way
  • policymaker    draw up of policy
  • reexamine
  • tackle        I tackled him on this question. 我跟他在这个问题上展开争论。    Attempt to stop opponent’s progress    
  • decrease
  • cofounder        共同创立者。
  • voluntarily        of free will    without pay     using volunteers    
  • entitling        be entitled “Your Highness” 被尊称为“殿下”。    Grant somebody right     give title to something         award somebody honor
  • ward off        repel    avert something bad
  • applicant nationwide
  • candidate
  • urine        pass [discharge] (one's) urine 小便,排尿。
  • urinalysis        尿分析法    
  • entrapped        1.俘获,使陷罗网。    Oppress somebody     trick into doing something bad
  • shaft        shaft excavation 井筒掘进;竖井。shaft walls 炉墙。
  • friendliest        a friendly game [match] 友谊赛。
  • prevention

Phrases and Expressions

  • On the rise     increasing
  • On …… front    in …… area
  • Ward off        keep away     avoid
  • Rites of passage     成人仪式
  • Bring the message home    使人深刻地认识到问题的严重


  • We draw a conclusion that drugs are more readily available a used by youth at the younger age than ever before.
  • I think the current drug prevention efforts are failure. In a sense, they are a failure considering the increasing drug use among teenagers.
  • Helping youth to ward off peer pressure to experiment with drugs in the first place.
  • When they are in school, at home or applying for a job.
  • Who plays a key role in teenage drug prevention?


Although today’s teenagers are exposed to more drug education than any previous generation, drug use among American teens is on the rise. Governments, schools and parents are all making efforts to tackle the problem, mostly on two fronts: warning the children about the dangers of drugs and administrating drug tests both in schools and at home. There are two types of widely used drug testing-urine analysis and hair analysis, with the later gaining in popularity and support. Those who have passed the test can get kinds of reward as incentive to free themselves from drug status. It is expected to solve the drug problem by bringing the message of the dangers of drugs one.


    In American society drug abuse has always been a serious problem. Although people from presidents to school authorizes and parent have all made great efforts in teenage drug prevention, various kinds of research have found that drug are more used by youth at a younger age than ever before. The finding are bringing the message home and more active measure are initiate to reward drug free status.

posted on 2006-07-26 17:47  谢日敏  阅读(462)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报