个人觉得目前 最好用的Taobao API的NodeJS封装


话说,Top API SDK默认只给了四种语言的SDK,没有我大NodeJS,这可怎么行,于是封装了一个。


GitHub: https://github.com/xiaoppp/TopAPI-Node

NPM: https://www.npmjs.com/package/topapi-node



TopAPI SDK for Node.js

Using Es6 promise, all api return promise.


Platform Compatibility

Using Promise, Generator features of ES6

When using node 0.11.x or greater, you must use the --harmony-generators flag or just --harmony to get access to generators.

When using node 0.10.x and lower or browsers without generator support, you must use gnode and/or regenerator.

io.js is supported out of the box, you can use co without flags or polyfills.


$ npm install topapi-node


var Top = require("topapi-node");

var top = new Top({
appSecret: "",
sessionKey: ""

var params = {
page_size: 200,
fields: "num_iid,title,price,pic_url,num,seller_cids,modified,list_time,has_showcase"

(data) => {
(err) => console.log(err)

Extend Top Apis

Since topAPI has huge APIs, and this only implements some of them, so you have two ways to extend that, both of them were fine.
Maybe the best way is contribute your code into lib/apis file. :)

First way, you can extend the TOPAPI prototype

Top.prototype.taobao_items_onsale_get = function(params) {
let self = this;
let method = "taobao.items.onsale.get";
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
self.postAPI(method, params).then(
(body) => {resolve(body.items_onsale_get_response);},
(err) => reject(err)

Second way, postAPI to server

let method = "taobao.items.onsale.get";

var params = {
page_size: 200,
fields: "num_iid,title,price,pic_url,num,seller_cids,modified,list_time,has_showcase"

top.postAPI(method, params).then(
(body) => {
(err) => console.log(err)

Process Control

Suggest to use CO for process control

co(function*() {
let param = {
parent_id: 0,
picture_category_name: "test"

let category = yield top.taobao_picture_category_get(param);

if (category) {
category = yield top.taobao_picture_category_add(param);

return Promise.resolve(category);


(c) Fork Ltd. Licensed under the MIT license.

Using ES6 features Promise Array Function Generator

posted on 2015-04-27 13:30  xiao_p  阅读(1816)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
