
环境:CentOS 6.4, Hadoop 1.1.2, JDK 1.7, Spark 0.7.2, Scala 2.9.3

1. 安装 JDK 1.7

yum search openjdk-devel
sudo yum install java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel.x86_64
/usr/sbin/alternatives --config java
/usr/sbin/alternatives --config javac
sudo vim /etc/profile
# add the following lines at the end
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
export JRE_HOME=$JAVA_HOME/jre
export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin
export CLASSPATH=.:$JAVA_HOME/lib/dt.jar:$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar
# save and exit vim
# make the bash profile take effect immediately
$ source /etc/profile
# test
$ java -version

2. 安装 Scala 2.9.3

Spark 0.7.2 依赖 Scala 2.9.3, 我们必须要安装Scala 2.9.3.

下载 scala-2.9.3.tgz 并 保存到home目录.


 1 $ tar -zxf scala-2.9.3.tgz
 2 $ sudo mv scala-2.9.3 /usr/lib
 3 $ sudo vim /etc/profile
 4 # add the following lines at the end
 5 export SCALA_HOME=/usr/lib/scala-2.9.3
 6 export PATH=$PATH:$SCALA_HOME/bin
 7 # save and exit vim
 8 #make the bash profile take effect immediately
 9 source /etc/profile
10 # test
11 $ scala -version

3. 下载预编译好的Spark

下载预编译好的Spark, spark-0.7.2-prebuilt-hadoop1.tgz.

如果你想从零开始编译,则下载源码包,但是我不建议你这么做,因为有一个Maven仓库,twitter4j.org, 被墙了,导致编译时需要FQ,非常麻烦。如果你有DIY精神,并能顺利FQ,则可以试试这种方式。

4.1 解压

$ tar -zxf spark-0.7.2-prebuilt-hadoop1.tgz


$ vim ~/.bash_profile
# add the following lines at the end
export SPARK_EXAMPLES_JAR=$HOME/spark-0.7.2/examples/target/scala-2.9.3/spark-examples_2.9.3-0.7.2.jar
# save and exit vim
#make the bash profile take effect immediately
$ source /etc/profile

这一步其实最关键,很不幸的是,官方文档和网上的博客,都没有提及这一点。我是偶然看到了这两篇帖子,Running SparkPiNull pointer exception when running ./run spark.examples.SparkPi local,才补上了这一步,之前死活都无法运行SparkPi。

4.3 (可选)设置 SPARK_HOME环境变量,并将SPARK_HOME/bin加入PATH

$ vim ~/.bash_profile
# add the following lines at the end
export SPARK_HOME=$HOME/spark-0.7.2
# save and exit vim
#make the bash profile take effect immediately
$ source /etc/profile

4.4 现在可以运行SparkPi了

$ cd ~/spark-0.7.2
$ ./run spark.examples.SparkPi local 

5.1 安装Hadoop

用VMware Workstation 创建三台CentOS 虚拟机,hostname分别设置为 master, slave01, slave02,设置SSH无密码登陆,安装hadoop,然后启动hadoop集群。参考我的这篇博客,在CentOS上安装Hadoop.

5.2 Scala

在三台机器上都要安装 Scala 2.9.3 , 按照第2节的步骤。JDK在安装Hadoop时已经安装了。

5.3 在master上安装并配置Spark


$ tar -zxf spark-0.7.2-prebuilt-hadoop1.tgz


$ vim ~/.bash_profile
# add the following lines at the end
export SPARK_EXAMPLES_JAR=$HOME/spark-0.7.2/examples/target/scala-2.9.3/spark-examples_2.9.3-0.7.2.jar
# save and exit vim
#make the bash profile take effect immediately
$ source /etc/profile

在 in conf/spark-env.sh 中设置SCALA_HOME

$ cd ~/spark-0.7.2/conf
$ mv spark-env.sh.template spark-env.sh
$ vim spark-env.sh
# add the following line
export SCALA_HOME=/usr/lib/scala-2.9.3
# save and exit

conf/slaves, 添加Spark worker的hostname, 一行一个。

$ vim slaves
# save and exit

(可选)设置 SPARK_HOME环境变量,并将SPARK_HOME/bin加入PATH

$ vim ~/.bash_profile
# add the following lines at the end
export SPARK_HOME=$HOME/spark-0.7.2
# save and exit vim
#make the bash profile take effect immediately
$ source /etc/profile

5.4 在所有worker上安装并配置Spark


$ cd
$ scp -r spark-0.7.2 dev@slave01:~
$ scp -r spark-0.7.2 dev@slave02:~


5.5 启动 Spark 集群


$ cd ~/spark-0.7.2
$ bin/start-all.sh


$ jps
11055 Jps
2313 SecondaryNameNode
2409 JobTracker
2152 NameNode
4822 Master

浏览master的web UI(默认http://localhost:8080). 这是你应该可以看到所有的word节点,以及他们的CPU个数和内存等信息。 ##5.6 运行SparkPi例子

$ cd ~/spark-0.7.2
$ ./run spark.examples.SparkPi spark://master:7077

(可选)运行自带的例子,SparkLR 和 SparkKMeans.

#Logistic Regression
#./run spark.examples.SparkLR spark://master:7077
$ ./run spark.examples.SparkKMeans spark://master:7077 ./kmeans_data.txt 2 1

5.7 从HDFS读取文件并运行WordCount

$ cd ~/spark-0.7.2
$ hadoop fs -put README.md .
$ MASTER=spark://master:7077 ./spark-shell
scala> val file = sc.textFile("hdfs://master:9000/user/dev/README.md")
scala> val count = file.flatMap(line => line.split(" ")).map(word => (word, 1)).reduceByKey(_+_)
scala> count.collect()

5.8 停止 Spark 集群

$ cd ~/spark-0.7.2
$ bin/stop-all.sh
posted @ 2013-08-17 08:58  vincent_hv  阅读(684)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报