How to make communication on a serious tension!

My partner Jack will leave from our company tomorrow,I felt sorry,he is a good man.

My another partner Liang blamed him with bad attitude, Liang announced his views to Jack in office loudly, about five minutes,Jack ends the talk politely, Liang is very angry,Jack is very quiet.

I learn some things from this communication; At first, when a communication is a tension, the party handled priority need to ask more why to another party, as the  above case, Liang need ask more that why jack want to leave, make more listens to jack, Have a clear cause on why jack want to leave, then manage to solve the difficulty with jack together, try to detain jack.

When a communication is a tension, try to ask more why ,try to interchange views each other, Either party announced its views to another never.

Keep in mind, My God!

posted @ 2006-08-25 15:59  23热爱,自学业余码农。  阅读(365)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报