

  • 固步自封/Thinking you already know everything;
  • 乱花迷眼/Being confused by the marketing hype
  • 光说不练/Not taking action
  • 轻易放弃/Giving up
  • 左右摇摆,轻信谣言/Worrying about/listening to what others think
  • 浅尝辄止/Dabbling with it
  • 期望过高/Having unreasonable expectations
  • 缺乏自知/Failing to/not wanting to (at least start to) understand yourself
  • 自暴自弃/Not taking responsibility for yourself
posted @ 2008-01-31 23:55  Tony Chi  阅读(135)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报