Lesson 18 Electric currents in modern art

New words and expressions

1.       Current  n./adj.

Water current 水流  air current 气流   electric current 电流

A stream of water 一股水流  a cold flow of air 一股寒流

Eg.A cold current of air rushed through the open door.门一开,一股冷空气进来了。

A stream of traffic 车流

A stream of tourists 川流不息的游客   a gust of wind 一阵风

A torrent of water 湍流的水流

A torrent of protest over the new tax 对新税的一阵反对浪潮

Adj. 流行的,时尚的,当前的 (happening or existing now but not expected to last for a long time.

Current affairs 当前时事   current account  活期存款  current fashion 流行时尚

The current animal year  本命年

Currency n.货币  hard currency 硬货币

2.       Sculpture  (the art of making solid objects representing people or animals out of stone,wood)

A piece of sculpture 一件雕塑品    ice carving 冰雕

Engraving (cutting words or pictures on metal ,glass) n.阴刻

Be engraved in your memory / be engraved in your mind / be engraved in your heart 铭记于心

Eg.The day of the Tragic sinking of Titanic should be engraved in people’s memory for ever.泰坦尼克沉船事件应该永远铭记于心。

         Enscribe v.(to write words on the surface of a stone or coin) 题字

         Inscribe something with 用什么题字

         Eg.The tomb was inscribed with a short epitaph [ˈɛpɪˌtæf] 墓志铭.

         Model  v.塑造

Model oneself on /model oneself after  把自己塑造成为

         Mold  铸造(Am.)   mould (Br.)

         Mold something into  ….特别合体,得体

         Her dress was molded to her body.她的裙子特别合适。

         Chisel  v. 凿刻

3.       Art gallery (Br.) 艺术馆 ,美术馆

Art museum (Am.) embassy 大使馆  library 图书馆 restaurant 饭馆 tea house 茶馆

Odd adj. different from what is normal or expected 奇怪的

Eg.It is odd that to be known by so many and yet to be so lonely.

The odd thing is ….说来奇怪的是

Odd number 奇数 even number 偶数

Strange  :unusual or surprising

Eg.That’s strange .(口语) 太奇怪了。有点惊讶

All alone in a strange city. 陌生的城市

Feel strange (to feel unpleasant physically or emotionally)

Eg.I feel a bit strange .身体有点不舒服。

Queer  adj.(贬义) 有点怪

A queer laugh 怪笑  a queer bird 怪鸟  homosexual 同性恋[ˌhoməˈsɛkʃuəl]

Weird [wɪrd] adj.离奇古怪的  weird dress 奇装异服

Weird hair-do 怪异的发型

Bizarre  adj.(程度较深)太奇怪

Eccentric (behaving or appearing in a way that is unusual and different from being normal) 古怪的, 怪癖的; 异乎寻常的

(center ,concentric ,eccentric )

An eccentric old man 一个怪老头

4.       Attach to 依附

1)       To connect one thing to another 将二者联系起来

Eg.Attach a recent photograph to your application form.

Eg.a house with a garden attached 一个带有花园的房子。

2)       To like something very much

Eg.The old woman was sentimentally attached to her old house since she and her husband have lived there for quite a few years.

Attach importance to something  attach significance to something 把什么东西看得特别重 /重视(to belive )

In China ,academic education is attached too much importance to while little attention is paid to practical abilities.

Be affiliated to /be affiliated with 小的机构附属大的机构

(usually used to define a smaller organization connected with a larger one or controlled by it.

Eg.a high school affiliated to a university 附中

Be wired with  将收音机,电话,电脑安装接通

Hook up  接通,衔接

Eg.China has hooked up 6,000 computers and 40,000 subscribers to the Internet through 6 international channels.

         Be soaked with  ….密切相关

         Eg .So everything is soaked with New Year celebration.总之一切都和信念庆祝有关

        Such as fire crackers,couplets,happiness character ,New Year painting,New Year cakes, lantern riddles,ancestral sacrifices, paying New year’s calls and so on.

5.       Sphere n.a ball shape 球形 引申为范围、领域

Hemisphere 半球  

The sphere of her interest. 兴趣范围   the sphere of her power 权利范围

Globe  n.地球仪;世界

Global fortune forum 全球财富论坛

GPS   global positioning system 全球定位系统(美军)

Earth  - sky

6.       Magnetize [ˈmæɡnɪˌtaɪz] v.使磁化;(比喻) 吸引

Eg.His dark flashing eyes magnetized all the girls around him.

Magnetic adj.磁性的 magnetic force 磁力  magnetic field 磁场  magnetic pole 磁洞

Magnetic tape 磁带  magnet  n.磁铁()

Eg.Funfair is like a magnet for little children.游乐场对小孩来说很有吸引力。

Magnate  n.大亨,大腕 a tobacco magnate 烟草巨商

Tycoon  商业巨子,大亨

Eg.Bill Gates ,computer tycoon.

Fat cat (口语) 有钱人   baron  n.大实业家,大王

An oil baron 石油大王  a press lord 媒体大亨

7.       Fl- 移动的光

Flicker :to shine with unsteady light 摇曳

Eg.the candle flickered in the wind.

Flash :to shine suddenly and brightly for a short time.

Flash on and off 忽明忽暗

A flash of lightning 闪电 注意拼写 lightning

A flash of pan 昙花一现,好景不长

Flare v.to suddenly begin to burn or to burn brightly for a short time.

Flare up :突然燃烧起来;突发,暴动

Eg.Vilence has flared up again iin the Middle East.中东再次发生暴动。

Flame :to become suddenly bright with light or color,esp.red or orange. 文学色彩

Eg.Her face flamed red with embarrassment .他的脸都红起来了。

Eg.Hatred flamed in his eyes.

Flames  火焰;火海

Eg.The house was in flames.

A flame of rage 怒火  old flame  :旧情人

Gl -  不移动的光

Glare  v.(even hurt your eyes) 令人炫目的光照

Eg.The wet sand was glaring in the sun.湿润的沙子发出耀眼的光。

Glare at sb (to look angrily at sb for long time)

Glow  .鲜艳夺目,照耀,闪亮着

Glow with pride  春风得意,洋洋得意

Glow with pleasure (to look very happy

Sun-set glow  落日余晖

Glint v.闪亮,闪闪发光

Eg.The gold bracelet glinted in the sunlight.

Eg.The wolf’s eyes glinted in the darkness.凶狠的饿狼在黑暗中闪闪发光。

Glitter v.闪闪发光

         Eg.All is not gold that glitters.闪光的不一定都是金子。

Gleam  发出微光

         Eg.The crops gleamed in the autumn sun.

         A gleam of pride .骄傲的神采

         Glisten (to shine and look wet or oily)

         Eg.His brow glistened with sweat.

         Glimmer 朦胧闪烁

         Eg.The candle glimmered .

8.       Emit  发射,放出

Emit light  emit heat emit smoke emit sound emit sparks

Eg.The chimney emits clouds of smoke.

Send out /give out/ give off

Eject  (突然) 喷出

Eg.Lava was ejected from volcano.

Launch a man-made satellite 发射卫星

Project v.(technical saying) 发射

Project a missile 发射导弹

9.       Prehistoric adj.史前的;过时的

Prehistoric animals 史前的动物

Eg.The strick father’s ideas about educating girls are prehistoric.


Preschool  pre-marriage 婚前

<-> post later than ;after

Postwar  postpone 推迟,延期 postgraduate 研究生  postmodern 后现代的

Ante :before  antenna 触角 anteroom 前室;接待室

Fore :before (位置)

Fore name (given name) 英文 +

Foreleg 前腿  foreword 前言  foretell 预言 fastcast 预报

<-> hind hind legs 后腿

Ex-: former or still living

Ex-girl friend 前任女朋友  ex-wife 前妻  ex-president 前总统

Late :used to talk about someone who has died.

Her late husband 她刚刚过世的丈夫

The late president 刚刚过世的总统


1.       Rarely 很少,几乎不


Eg.Rarely has he  been so happy for years.

Scarcely 几乎不,几乎没

Eg.Scarcely did he borrow money from other people.

Seldom 很少

Eg.Seldom have I watched a film so touching as Titanic.

Barely 很少,几乎从不

Eg.Barely does she go back on her own words.她几乎从不失言。

Hardly 几乎不

Eg.Hardly can I never trust him!

Never 永不

Eg.Never could I resist the temptation of chocolates.我几乎抵制不住巧克力的诱惑。

Often 表示强调 也会引起倒装

Eg.Often would he go there and have a talk with someone.

A little :强调引起倒装

Eg.In nature’s infinite book of secrecy ,a little can I read.

2.       Mistake  v.误解,弄错


1)       Wrong or wrongly

Misunderstand  misuse 错误使用 misspell 错误拼写

2)       Bad or badly  

Misfortune 不幸

3)       Lack of something

Mistrust 疑惑

         Mistake A for B 错误把A当成B

         Eg.She mistake sympathy for love.她错误把同情当做爱情。

         Be mistaken about  误会,误解

         Eg.She was mistaken about my kindness.她误解了我的好意。

         Get somebody wrong 冤枉,委屈 wrong 动词就是冤枉和委屈

         Eg.Hilarry ,a woman wronged? 希拉里,一个冤枉的女人吗?

3.       Even …..cannot have failed to do something 就连也不可能没有

Eg.Even the stupidest students cannot have failed to pass such an easy test.

Eg.evn students who take no interest in English cannot have failed to be attached by the book New Concept English(NCE).

Couldn’t agree more (used when you completely agree with somebody) 完全同意

Couldn’t be better 最好了  couldn’t be worse 最糟糕

(used to emphasize how good or bad something is)

Eg. Things couldn’t be worse; everything seems to be going wrong at the same time.

Can not have done something 不可能,不会

Might have done something 本可能就(差一点,几乎)

Eg.The flashing car might have killed the boy!

Should have done something 本应该

Eg.The clever boy should have gone to university.

Eg.You should have declared the perfume.

Would have done something 本来会

Eg.If it hadn’t rained yesterday,we would have gone picnic 。昨天不过不下雨,我们就去郊游了。

4.       Strange forms 奇形怪状


Modern sculpture (支配此)

Modern art /  examples of modern sculpture

Strange forms /so-called modern pieces 注意写作中使用,避免重复。

5.       On display 展示

On public show  公众展示   on exhibition 在展览

6.       In spite of 语篇表示词

This:”modern sculpture rarely surprises us any more”

7.       The first thing I saw 首先映入眼帘的是

a/one thing or two 基本的,入门的

eg.Let me show you a/one thing or two.让我来指点你两下子吧.

And things/and others

Eg.The business man sells jewelry and things.这个商人除了做珠宝生意还做其他的。

And everything :used to talk about an activity and everything that is involved

Eg.We’re going to have a big party and everything .我们举行一个party和一切庆祝活动。

8.       A notice says….告示上写着

The sign says 招牌上面写着

The book reads that 书上说

The newspaper reads 报纸上说

The newspaper says  

9.       Oddly shaped forms 奇形怪状的展品

In response to 作为回答;作为对….反应

Eg.The law was passed in response to public  pressure.

Move in response to a qust of wind 随风而动

In regard to 关于,考虑到

Eg.In regard to the great demands of the product ,the manufacturers promised to produce more.

In respect to 关于,考虑到

Eg.In respect to her begging ,her husband bought her a new dress.

In relation to 关于,与….相比

Eg.Woman’s earnings are still low in relation to man.

In opposition to 与之相反

In opposition to your opinion, I think quite the opposite.

10.   A gust of wind  一阵风

A gust of rage 一股怒火   a gush of enthusiasm [ɛnˈθuziˌæzəm] 一腔热忱

A flow of tears 一串泪珠 a gale of laughters 一阵狂笑

A wave of hysteria 一阵歇斯底里

Gust 阵风 breeze 清风,微风  

Eg.Flowers wave in the breeze.

Tornado 龙泉风 sandstorm 沙尘暴 typhoon 台风  hurricane 飓风 tsunami [tsʊˈnɑmi] 海啸 cyclone 旋风

11.   Be familiar to sb 对某人来说熟悉

Eg. All of the sight which was cherished [ˈtʃɛrɪʃ] in my memory when I was small seems still familiar to me.

Be familiar with sth

Eg.I’m quite familiar with computer.我对计算机特别熟悉。

Eg.Do I look familiar ? 我看起来脸熟吗?

12.   过去分词作伴随状语

Eg.Seen from the top of the hill,the lake is so beautiful that it’s beyond description.从山顶望去,那个湖美不胜收。

Lined up against the wall


Eg.The years forgotten by modern men 被人遗忘的岁月。

Eg.a new nation conceived in liberty 期待和孕育中的一个自由新国度

13.   Attract and repel

Attract <-> repel   fire and water 水与火  come or go 来来去去 live or die 生与死

In black and white 白纸黑字

Repel v. 1) 击退;抗,防

Repel the enemy 击退敌人

Repel one’s offer of help (不礼貌)拒绝别人。

Eg.Fire repels water .水火不容。

Eg.Water and oil repel each other.

         Repel 2)cause dislike 使厌烦

         Eg.His long,dull speech repels the audience.他的演讲使人厌烦。

         Compel  强迫   dispel  消除   expel 开除;驱除出境  impel 驱使;驱动

         Propel  驱动;推动

         Eg.old ships propelled by steam.老的船靠蒸汽推动。

14.   All the time 不停地,一直

Eg.Try to be all yourself all the time.以真实的面孔自己。

Around the clock 连续,连轴转

Eg.I’m working around the clock for the time being.我眼下实在是太忙了。

On and off  断断续续  off and on 

On and on

Eg.My heart will go on and on .我心永恒。

15.   Continually  :at short intervals 老是,不断地(强调动作的重复性)

Eg.He is continually reminding me of what I owe him.他老是提醒我欠了他。

Continuously :uninterruptedly  连续不断,往往持续时间较长,强调动作的连续性。

Eg.The plane flew continuously for 5 hours.

Eg.It rained for three days continually.雨不停的下了三天。

16.   Go mad

Go blind 变瞎  go deaf 变聋  go hungry 饿了。Go crazy 变得疯狂 go cold 变冷

Go sour 变酸  go wild with excitement 顿时欣喜若狂。

17.   Flash on and off 忽明忽暗

18.   Not only …. But … as well

Eg.The big Ben is not only of immense size,but is very accurate as well.

Seemed (to be) designed

奇怪: strange forms  oddly shaped/ peculiar forms



1.       This is a fashion up to the minute/second.这是最新时尚。

2.       Sunday Mr. Right will come along and sweep off your feet.
