Lesson 12 Life on a desert island

New words and expressions

1. Desert n./a. 沙漠 /遗弃 名前动后

dessert n.饭后甜点 the Sahara Desert (North Africa) 撒哈拉大沙漠

Eg.Marco Polo was the first European to cross the Gobi Desert.

cactus n.仙人掌 camel n.骆驼 casis n.绿洲 mirage n.海市蜃楼

desert island 荒岛 barren mountain 荒山

eg.He lives in the middle of nowhere.他住在人烟稀少的地方。

2. Island n.岛,岛屿

England n.Anglo-Saxon :English peninsula n.半岛

Eg.Millions of years ago,England was a peninsula.

Insulin n.胰岛素 diabetes 糖尿病 insulator n.绝缘体

1. Paradise :a place where it is extremely beautiful ,pleasant.

Parasite n.寄生虫

Eg.The parasite lives in the paradise.

Eg.Hawaii is a paradise for surfers.(surfer 冲浪者)

A shopper’s paradise 购物天堂

The Garden of Eden: 幸福和纯洁的天堂

In the Bible ,the garden where Adam and Eve,the first humans,lived ,often regarded as a place of happiness and innocence.

Heaven :the place where God is belived to live and where good people are believed to go when they die.

Be in serventh heaven :to be extremely happy.

Eg.I felt in seventh heaven when enrolled /admitted by my college.

A never-never land :世外桃源 an imaginary place where everything is perfect.

Eg.To many people ,America is like the Garden of Eden or a never-never land .But,to many others,it’s a hell on the contrary.

On the never-never :分期付款 British English , a humorous way to say that you buy sth,usu,a house,on the hire-purchase system.

Eg.Nowdays,many people buy themselves houses on the never-never. 现在很多人分期付款买房子。

2. Element n.元素 compound 合成物

The periodic table of the elements 元素周期表

A small amount of a quanity of feeling .少量的,有一点点儿

An element of 有点

Eg.There is an element of truth in the idea that a cat has nine lives.关于猫有九条有点道理。

An element of risk.

Eg.There’s always an element of risk in investment .投资总是有风险。

An element of surprise 有点惊讶 an element of doult 有点怀疑

The elements :the forces of nature,the weather 自然力 ,风雨等的力量

Battle against elements 与大自然做斗争。

Elementary adj.基本的,初级的

Elementary school (Am) 小学 = Primary school (Br)

3. Opportunity n.机会

Eg.I found it too good an opportunity to miss 。我发现好的机会不容错误。

At every opportunity 只要一有机会

Eg.I try to speak English at every opportunity.

Chance :possibility 可能性

Stand good chance :大有可能获得成功(机会)

Eg.China as the largest developing country in the world stands good chance after entering W.T.O..

A chance in a million 千载难逢,难得的机会

Eg.Peter found it a chance in a million to have got to work in China,for he is interested in Chinese.

Occasion :a moment when sth happens.

Eg.I could meet her on certain occasions. 在适当的机会还是可能见到他。

4. Coral n.a hard red or white substance formed from the bones of very small sea creatures.

A coral necklace 珊瑚项链 a coral island 珊瑚岛 a coral reef 珊瑚礁

5. Virgin Island :one island of West Indies

Virgin : a girl who has never had sex .处女,少女

The Blessed Virgin Mary 圣母玛利亚

A virgin forest 原始森林 a virgin piece 处女作

Virgin snow (pure snow)

Maid :a woman who is not married .没有结婚的女人,仆人

A house-maid 仆人

Mermaid :a girl in story who has a fish’s tail instead of legs.美人鱼。

6. Miami 迈阿密

A city in the southeast of Florida in the US ,which is popular with tourists.

Dinghy : a small boat for racing 为了比赛的小的橡皮艇

Dingy :a.(dark and dirty)

A dingy room

Tanker :a ship to carry gas or liquid .

Oil tanker 油轮 life boat 救生船 motorboat 汽艇 canoe 独木舟 ferry 摆渡用的船

Junk 平地帆船 submarine 潜水艇 destroyer 驱逐舰

Aircraft carrier 航空母舰 freighter 货轮 Noah’s ark 诺亚方舟

Background Notes:

Noah’s ark:in the Old Testament of the Bible ,a man chosen by God to build an ark so that he could save his family and two of every kind of animal that lived on the Earth from the terrible flood which covered the Earth.


1. Form an unrealistic picture of life

Eg.Most of us have formed a unrealistic picture of life.

Imagine sth to be 把…想象成

Eg.We sometimes imagine a family to be a sort of paradise.

Think sth to be

Think of sth as 把….当成

2. A sort of :used when describing something in a not very exact way.

Eg.What do you mean?

It’s a sort of joke. 开个玩笑

Don’t take it so seriously.

Sort of :used to say that sth is partly true.可能吧

Eg.Do you love him?

Oh,I sort of like him.

It takes all sorts(to make a world):to say that you think sb is behaving in a strange or crazy way. 不可思议

Eg.He goes climbling up cliffs without rope or anything ? 他没有用绳子和任何东西爬悬崖?

Oh,well,it takes all sorts.太不可思议

1. Simple and good

The simple life :without all the problems of the modern world.美好又简单的生活

Eg.I hope one day I will enjoy the simple life in the country side.我希望有一天能够在乡村过上简单又美好的生活

It’s not as simple as that :used to say sth is not as easy as what is imagined 很多事情不像想象那样的容易

Eg.I wish I could offer you more money but I’m afraid it’s not as simple as that.

2. The other side of the picture is quite the opposite 另外一面则截然不同

Eg.The other side of the picture is totally different.

Eg.I think quite the opposite.

Eg.It’s quite another case.

Eg.Most of us have formed an unrealistic picture of marriage.They sometimes imagine it to be a sort of paradise.But the other side of the picture is quite the opposite.Many people think it to be a sort of tomb for love.So reality doesn’t speak the same language as imagination(背诵).

Eg.Most of us have formed an unrealistic picture of America .They sometimes imagine it to be a sort of a promising land where the city is paved(铺路) with gold.The other side of the picture is quite the opposite.Life there is only a desolate(凄惨,荒凉) future.

3. Wretched 可怜的

4. Either or 二者必居其一,不能同时

Either starve to death or live like Robinson Crusoe.

Either make or break it. 不成功则成仁,破釜沉舟

Starve to death 饿死 scare to death 怕得要死 fight to death 战斗要死

Be sick to death (of sth) 讨厌死了,烦透了

Starve for 极度渴望 be starved of 渴望

Eg.The motherless child starved for love .

5. Waiting for a boat which never comes.

Eg.I always kept standing in the hot sun,waiting for a bus which never came.


Topic 1:Is money the source of happiness or the root of evil?

Topic 2:Is failure a good thing or a bad thing?

Topic 3:Who is better,the Liberal Arts students or the Science Students?


1. Topic sentence (general sentence)

2. Passage :presentation

3. Conclusions

Topic 2:

Eg.I think failure to be a bad thing which can be turned into a good one.我认为挫折失败口语转变成好事情的坏事情。

Topic 3:

Eg.My parents are both Science Students .When the TV is broken,my father can mend it ;when the radio goes wrong,my mother can fix it,but when my computer crashed,I can repair it.So,who is better.I don’t know and I don’t think anybody knows.

Eg.So suppose you’re invited by a famous scientist to have dinner,but at the same time,a famous writer asked you to have dinner with,who could you choose to dine with?

--I’ll first make a phone call to the scientist to tell him there’s a writer who wants to dine with him,and then I’ll call the writer to tell him there’s a scientist who invites him to dinner.And I can be a companion.

6. 虚拟语气

语法结构和借助词汇变化实现的。但是目的却是表示说话人主观的一种祝愿,命令,建议,要求,或者用语法的结构变化来明确提醒对方,说话人所表达的是不可能或难以实现的愿望。Subjunctive mood

Eg. Wished they had stayed there longer.

Wish +宾语从句(subjunctive mood) hope + 不能加宾语从句 hope ×

主+wish+(that) +主+did/were (现在)

Had done (过去)

Would do (将来)


一般现在 -> 一般过去 do/does->did

一般过去-> 过去完成 did ->had done

一般将来-> 过去将来 will -> would do

Wish 本身的时态不影响宾语从句的时态

Practice :

1) I wish I were a bird.

2) I really wish you hadn’t said that.

7. Badly adv.

1) <-> well 反义词 badly decorated 装的很槽糕

2) seriously He was badly hurt.

3) want sth so badly /need sth so badly. 很想得到(非常)

Eg.You’ve Got a Mail <<网络情缘>>

I want it to be you so badly. 我真的希望那个人就是你。

8. Load v.

Be loaded with 载满了

Eg.Country people(乡村居民) stagger(踉跄) home loaded(伴随状态) with as many goods as they can carry.

Unload 卸货 download 下载 be loaded 载满了

1) Rich 腰缠万贯的

2) Drunk 醉醺醺的

9. Can 罐 Br

Tin 听 Am

Canned fish 灌装鱼

A can of worms 一大堆的烦心事

10. Prove v.

Not prove (to be) a problem 算不上问题

Prove to be a success 大获成功


Proof :防 water proof 防水 stain proof 防锈

Fire proof 防火 bullet proof ladder proof

11. Collect v.


Collect stamps collect coins collect cards collect money 筹集钱collect sb 接某人

Gather gather one’s thoughts 集中思绪 gather up courage 鼓起勇气

12. Fish n.鱼

Eg.Give me a fish ,I’ll eat for a day and teach me to fish,I’ll eat for a life with.

13. As sb put(s) it

Used to repeat what sb else has said.转述

Eg.As one commentator puts it:”New York is the social Olympics ,the rest are just tryouts”


Eg.As Shakespeare put it:”woman,your name is frailty”.

14. Eat like kings 吃的向国王一样好

Eat like beggars 吃的像乞丐 eat like a bird 吃的少

Eat like a horse 吃的特别多 work like a horse 任劳任怨,勤勤恳恳

15. Genuine a.真的

Genuine leather 真皮 genine signature 亲笔签名 genuine love 真爱

Authentic Chinese food 地道的中国菜

1. Simple and good

The simple life :without all the problems of the modern world.美好又简单的生活

Eg.I hope one day I will enjoy the simple life in the country side.我希望有一天能够在乡村过上简单又美好的生活

It’s not as simple as that :used to say sth is not as easy as what is imagined 很多事情不像想象那样的容易

Eg.I wish I could offer you more money but I’m afraid it’s not as simple as that.

2. The other side of the picture is quite the opposite 另外一面则截然不同

Eg.The other side of the picture is totally different.

Eg.I think quite the opposite.

Eg.It’s quite another case.

Eg.Most of us have formed an unrealistic picture of marriage.They sometimes imagine it to be a sort of paradise.But the other side of the picture is quite the opposite.Many people think it to be a sort of tomb for love.So reality doesn’t speak the same language as imagination(背诵).

Eg.Most of us have formed an unrealistic picture of America .They sometimes imagine it to be a sort of a promising land where the city is paved(铺路) with gold.The other side of the picture is quite the opposite.Life there is only a desolate(凄惨,荒凉) future.

3. Wretched 可怜的

4. Either or 二者必居其一,不能同时

Either starve to death or live like Robinson Crusoe.

Either make or break it. 不成功则成仁,破釜沉舟

Starve to death 饿死 scare to death 怕得要死 fight to death 战斗要死

Be sick to death (of sth) 讨厌死了,烦透了

Starve for 极度渴望 be starved of 渴望

Eg.The motherless child starved for love .

5. Waiting for a boat which never comes.

Eg.I always kept standing in the hot sun,waiting for a bus which never came.


Topic 1:Is money the source of happiness or the root of evil?

Topic 2:Is failure a good thing or a bad thing?

Topic 3:Who is better,the Liberal Arts students or the Science Students?


1. Topic sentence (general sentence)

2. Passage :presentation

3. Conclusions

Topic 2:

Eg.I think failure to be a bad thing which can be turned into a good one.我认为挫折失败口语转变成好事情的坏事情。

Topic 3:

Eg.My parents are both Science Students .When the TV is broken,my father can mend it ;when the radio goes wrong,my mother can fix it,but when my computer crashed,I can repair it.So,who is better.I don’t know and I don’t think anybody knows.

Eg.So suppose you’re invited by a famous scientist to have dinner,but at the same time,a famous writer asked you to have dinner with,who could you choose to dine with?

--I’ll first make a phone call to the scientist to tell him there’s a writer who wants to dine with him,and then I’ll call the writer to tell him there’s a scientist who invites him to dinner.And I can be a companion.

6. 虚拟语气

语法结构和借助词汇变化实现的。但是目的却是表示说话人主观的一种祝愿,命令,建议,要求,或者用语法的结构变化来明确提醒对方,说话人所表达的是不可能或难以实现的愿望。Subjunctive mood

Eg. Wished they had stayed there longer.

Wish +宾语从句(subjunctive mood) hope + 不能加宾语从句 hope ×

主+wish+(that) +主+did/were (现在)

Had done (过去)

Would do (将来)


一般现在 -> 一般过去 do/does->did

一般过去-> 过去完成 did ->had done

一般将来-> 过去将来 will -> would do

Wish 本身的时态不影响宾语从句的时态

Practice :

1) I wish I were a bird.

2) I really wish you hadn’t said that.

7. Badly adv.

1) <-> well 反义词 badly decorated 装的很槽糕

2) seriously He was badly hurt.

3) want sth so badly /need sth so badly. 很想得到(非常)

Eg.You’ve Got a Mail <<网络情缘>>

I want it to be you so badly. 我真的希望那个人就是你。

8. Load v.

Be loaded with 载满了

Eg.Country people(乡村居民) stagger(踉跄) home loaded(伴随状态) with as many goods as they can carry.

Unload 卸货 download 下载 be loaded 载满了

1) Rich 腰缠万贯的

2) Drunk 醉醺醺的

9. Can 罐 Br

Tin 听 Am

Canned fish 灌装鱼

A can of worms 一大堆的烦心事

10. Prove v.

Not prove (to be) a problem 算不上问题

Prove to be a success 大获成功


Proof :防 water proof 防水 stain proof 防锈

Fire proof 防火 bullet proof ladder proof

11. Collect v.


Collect stamps collect coins collect cards collect money 筹集钱collect sb 接某人

Gather gather one’s thoughts 集中思绪 gather up courage 鼓起勇气

12. Fish n.鱼

Eg.Give me a fish ,I’ll eat for a day and teach me to fish,I’ll eat for a life with.

13. As sb put(s) it

Used to repeat what sb else has said.转述

Eg.As one commentator puts it:”New York is the social Olympics ,the rest are just tryouts”


Eg.As Shakespeare put it:”woman,your name is frailty”.

14. Eat like kings 吃的向国王一样好

Eat like beggars 吃的像乞丐 eat like a bird 吃的少

Eat like a horse 吃的特别多 work like a horse 任劳任怨,勤勤恳恳

15. Genuine a.真的

Genuine leather 真皮 genine signature 亲笔签名 genuine love 真爱

Authentic Chinese food 地道的中国菜


1. Under the weather (slightly ill) 偶感危样

Eg.You look a bit under the weather.

2. Hit the nail on he head. 一针见血