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Problems NIntegrate solves: 1) Decouple WCF configuration from Web.config/App.config files. 2) Dynamic query through WCF. 3) Flexible object mapping. 4) LRU dictionary & caching. 5) Single thread worker queue. Read More
posted @ 2010-01-20 21:58 Teddy's Knowledge Base Views(2543) Comments(18) Diggs(0) Edit
BackgroundLots of people declares they are using WCF in their “enterprise” distributed software development together with other SOA technologies, and ... Read More
posted @ 2009-08-28 23:46 Teddy's Knowledge Base Views(2789) Comments(15) Diggs(3) Edit
NIntegrate (http://nintegrate.com/) 是Teddy近期在维护的开源SOA开发框架。原本计划在近期能达到1.0版本,不过,在0.8之后,经过很多深入的思考和工作中的相关应用实践,决定进行较大的重构,或者说重新设计更合适。以下是在0.9中将包含的部分重大修改: 首先,新设计的核心模块不再依赖并默认提供基于SQL Server数据库的集中化配置实现和相关UI。取而代之的... Read More
posted @ 2009-08-06 09:55 Teddy's Knowledge Base Views(1683) Comments(6) Diggs(1) Edit
有意者请点击下面的链接给我留言:http://www.cnblogs.com/teddyma/contact.aspx?id=1 Position: Senior Software Engineer (full-time position, based in Shanghai) * Bachelors degree in computer science, Master’s desir... Read More
posted @ 2009-06-29 09:28 Teddy's Knowledge Base Views(1721) Comments(6) Diggs(0) Edit
AdoNet vs LinqToSql vs NIntegrateQuery查询性能测试. 先上测试结果: AdoNetTest: 267ms AdoNetCachedCommandTest: 182ms LinqToSqlTest: 3191ms LinqToSqlCompiledQueryTest: 386ms NIntegrateQueryTest: 266ms Read More
posted @ 2009-06-07 01:45 Teddy's Knowledge Base Views(4094) Comments(15) Diggs(0) Edit
要求Flex3.0开发经验,ASP.NET前端开发经验,本科,英语至少CET4最好CET6以上。 Main responsibilities -Develop front end components (Ajax, javascript, HTML etc.) of Englishtown’s web-site -Work on Flash/Flex coding -Help desi... Read More
posted @ 2009-06-04 10:41 Teddy's Knowledge Base Views(1091) Comments(1) Diggs(0) Edit
本示例程序具体演示如下内容: 1) 基于SQL Server数据库的集中化WCF服务配置管理; 2) 集中化ConnectingString管理; 3) 集中化AppVariable管理; 4) 基于集中化配置管理的WCF ServiceHostFactory和WCF ServiceLocator; 5) 基于集中化配置管理的跨WCF的LINQ Style分页、排序查询及DataSource控件的使用; 6) 整合本地ServiceLocator的WCF服务发布和消费; Read More
posted @ 2009-04-21 00:45 Teddy's Knowledge Base Views(2990) Comments(5) Diggs(0) Edit
本文介绍如何实现一个基于WCF的ASP.NET数据源控件,从而使得跨WCF通信的数据库CRUD,尤其是复杂的分页排序更简单。 Read More
posted @ 2009-03-30 00:03 Teddy's Knowledge Base Views(2912) Comments(3) Diggs(0) Edit
本文提供一种支持跨WCF通讯的数据库端分页和排序(以及更多超过你预期的功能)方案。 Read More
posted @ 2009-03-28 00:24 Teddy's Knowledge Base Views(4813) Comments(14) Diggs(0) Edit
本文提供一种在WCF服务消费应用程序中通过与服务提供应用程序共享WCF服务契约接口来自动化定位WCF服务实现的方案。 Read More
posted @ 2009-03-26 23:57 Teddy's Knowledge Base Views(2911) Comments(1) Diggs(0) Edit
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