解决ImmediateDeprecationError 用Python获取Yahoo数据

最近正在看用 python 进行数据处理的内容,很多教程都会用 pandas 去抓取金融数据。我也尝试跑教程上的示例代码以抓取数据。


注:我使用的是 Python 3.6.1


1. import pandas.io.data as web

我看到的教程均采用如上形式引入 pandas.io.data,然而该方式在 pandas 0.19.0 及以上版本就不支持这种引入形式,该模块功能迁移到了 pandas-datareader 上。我使用的 pandas 版本是 0.22.0,必然已经不支持 pandas.io 这种方式,用旧方法引用会出现如下报错

 import pandas.io.data as web   # Package and modules for importing data; this code may change depending on pandas version
  File "D:\Program Files (x86)\Python\lib\site-packages\pandas\io\data.py", line 2, in <module>
    "The pandas.io.data module is moved to a separate package "
ImportError: The pandas.io.data module is moved to a separate package (pandas-datareader). After installing the pandas-datareader package (https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader), you can change the import ``from pandas.io import data, wb`` to ``from pandas_datareader import data, wb``.

于是根据提示,安装 pandas-datareader 模块

pip install pandas-datareader 

安装完成之后,以 pandas-datareader 代替 pandas.io

import pandas-datareader.data as web  



2. ImmediateDeprecationError

很快第二个问题随之而来,当我使用如下代码,试图从 yahoo 抓取数据来源时,问题二出现。

import pandas as pd
import pandas_datareader.data as web   # Package and modules for importing data; this code may change depending on pandas version
import datetime
# We will look at stock prices over the past year, starting at January 1, 2016
start = datetime.datetime(2016,1,1)
end = datetime.date.today()
# Let's get Apple stock data; Apple's ticker symbol is AAPL
# First argument is the series we want, second is the source ("yahoo" for Yahoo! Finance), third is the start date, fourth is the end date
apple = web.DataReader("AAPL", "yahoo", start, end)


raceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\l1.py", line 11, in <module>
    apple = web.DataReader("AAPL", "yahoo", start, end)
  File "D:\Program Files (x86)\Python\lib\site-packages\pandas_datareader\data.py", line 291, in DataReader
    raise ImmediateDeprecationError(DEP_ERROR_MSG.format('Yahoo Daily'))
Yahoo Daily has been immediately deprecated due to large breaks in the API without the
introduction of a stable replacement. Pull Requests to re-enable these data
connectors are welcome.

See https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader/issues

然而这个错误,在网上搜索了很多结果,都没有找到能解决的办法。无可奈何,就通过下面的 github 链接,想搜索是否有类似的疑问。在 github 上看到有人提了这个问题



(1)将 pandas-dataread 版本回退到 0.5.0。用 pip 安装的 pandas-datareader 默认是 0.6.0,将版本回退再尝试,发现可以成功运行上面的代码;

(2)安装 fix_yahoo_finance,这是高人分享的一个补丁,专门解决 pandas-datareader 无法获取 yahoo 金融数据的方法。





posted @ 2018-04-22 11:47  snailteam  阅读(990)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报