Javascript MVC/MVVM 框架对比, AngularJS vs Backbone vs Knockout



-Uses primitive javascript types instead of function wrappers (“dirty checking”)
-Loaded with functionality
-Easy to get started
-Fast development and smaller amounts of boiler-plate code compared to backbone
-Makes testing easy and offers many testing tools
-Working with standards bodies to make browsers operate in the same way as angular



-Relatively mature, proven framework with a strong community behind it
-Many extensions and scaffolding tools available
-Flexible, works fine for a new project or improving an existing one



-Highly compatible with other 3rd party js libraries
-Easy to learn and use
-Dependencies are handled through a dependency graph which targets specific data as opposed to updating entire models when data changes like in Angular.js. This may increase performance in data-heavy applications compared to “dirt checking” which Angular uses.


For more: Javascript MVC/MVVM Frameworks, AngularJS vs Backbone vs Knockout

posted on 2013-05-30 10:28  Jack Niu  阅读(3395)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

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