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C# Application Markup Language

Posted on 2006-04-02 02:59  Sheva  阅读(1800)  评论(3编辑  收藏  举报

C# Application Markup Language (CSAML):
An Evolutionary Leap

by Charles Petzold


    Several weeks ago, Microsoft Corporation began a limited circulation of a specification and beta compiler for the new C# Application Markup Language or CSAML (sometimes pronounced “scammel”), and I’m pleased to say I find it fascinating. This merging of C# and XML is an important evolutionary leap for both standards, and represents a profound advance in the Xmlization of all textual data.

    Basically, CSAML is an alternative syntax for C# based on XML and, more specifically, on XAML, the Extensible Application Markup Language that plays such an important role in the forthcoming WinFX and the Windows Presentation Foundation. In particular, CSAML makes uses of the XAML “property element” syntax for denoting complex statements.

    My new book Programming in the Key of CSAML is expected to be available early in 2007. For now, I want to show you just a few examples that will let you savor the flavor of this new syntax and be ready for the big transition when the old C# syntax is phased out in 2008.

    Consider the following “old syntax” C# hello-world program:

namespace  MyNamespace
public   class  MyClass
public   static   void  Main()
" Hello, C# " );

    This freeform, unstructured format simply cannot be tolerated in modern computing environments. Look at the string of words “public static void Main.” What are those words? How do they relate to each other? There’s no way to tell. These problems may have been overlooked in the days of ALGOL, but they can be ignored no longer.

    By contrast, check out the clarity that results when equivalent code is expressed with a syntax that emphasizes precision and accountability. This is a complete CSAML file with the current namespace declarations:

< CsamlFile  xmlns ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/csaml"
="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" >
< NamespaceDeclaration  Identifier ="MyNamespace" >
< ClassDeclaration  Identifier ="MyClass"  
="Public" >
< MethodDeclaration  Identifier ="Main"  
="{x:Type void}" >
< InvocationExpression
MemberAccess ="System.Console.WriteLine" >
< InvocationExpression .ArgumentList >
< Literal  Type ="{x:Type string}"
="Hello, CSAML! " >
</ InvocationExpression.ArgumentList >
</ InvocationExpression >
</ MethodDeclaration >
</ ClassDeclaration >
</ NamespaceDeclaration >
</ CsamlFile >

    As you’ll note, many of these element names are based on the grammar notations used in the C# Language Specification, so every C# programmer is intimately familiar with the names and can begin coding in CSAML immediately.

    By relying upon the hierarchical structure that is built into XML, CSAML is able to forgo the reliance upon curly brackets, square brackets, and parentheses that so clutters old-syntax C#. As you’ll note in the file shown above, curly brackets are restricted to their use in XAML markup extensions, such as x:Type.

    In fact, CSAML is able to rid itself of every symbol used in old-syntax C#. For example, consider the following old-syntax C# assignment statement:

=   5   *  (B  +   27   *  C);

    This statement translates without much fuss into the following chunk of CSAML:

< ExpressionStatement >
< Assignment  LValue ="A" >
< Assignment .Expression >
< MultiplicationExpression >
< Multiplication .Multiplier >
< Literal  Type ="{x:Type Int32}"
="5"   />
</ Multiplication.Multiplier >
< Multiplication .Multiplicand >
< AdditionExpression  Augend ="B" >
< AdditionExpression .Addend >
< Multiplication .Multiplier >
< Literal  Type ="{x:Type Int32}"
="27"   />
</ Multiplication.Multiplier >
< MultiplicationExpression  Multiplicand ="C" />
</ AdditionExpression.Addend >
</ AdditionExpression >
</ Multiplication.Multiplicand >
</ MultiplicationExpression >
</ Assignment.Expression >
</ Assignment >
</ ExpressionStatement >

    The advantages of this notation are obvious. Because no parentheses are required (or allowed), the programmer has composed the CSAML by carefully considering the problem. Errors are much less likely. The compiler can become more efficient as well because the statement has, in effect, been pre-parsed by the programmer.

    Here’s another example of perhaps the most notorious syntactical absurdity in all of traditional C# — the for loop:

for  (i = 0 , j = 0 ; i  <   1000 ; i ++ )
if  (IsPrime(i))
++ ;

    In CSAML, that jumble of symbols and semicolons is abandoned for a structural beauty that can almost induce the modern programmer to weep with joy:

< ForLoop >
< ForLoop .Initializer >
< StatementExpressionList >
< Assignment  LValue ="i" >
< Assignment .Expression >
< Literal  Type ="{x:Type Int32}"
="0"   />
</ Assignment.Expression >
</ Assignment >
</ StatementExpressionList >
</ ForLoop.Initializer >
< ForLoop .Condition >
< BooleanExpression >
< LessThanExpression  LeftSide  ="i" >
< LessThanExpression .RightSide >
< Literal  Type ="{x:Type Int32}"
="1000"   />
</ LessThanExpression.RightSide >
</ LessThanExpression >
</ BooleanExpression >
</ ForLoop.Condition >
< ForLoop .Iterator >
< StatementExpressionList >
< PreIncrementExpression  Identifier ="i"   />
</ StatementExpressionList >
</ ForLoop.Iterator >
< ForLoop .EmbeddedStatement >
< IfStatement >
< IfStatement .Condition >
< BooleanExpression >
< InvocationExpression  MemberAccess ="IsPrime" >
< InvocationExpression .ArgumentList >
< Variable  Identifier ="i"   />
</ InvocationExpression.ArgumentList >
</ InvocationExpression >
< BooleanExpression >
</ IfStatement.Condition >
< IfStatement .EmbeddedStatement >
< StatementList >
< PreIncrementExpression  Identifier ="j"   />
</ StatementList >
</ IfStatement.EmbeddedStatement >
</ IfStatement >
</ ForLoop.EmbeddedStatement >
</ ForLoop >

    As I write my CSAML book in the months ahead, I’ll be blogging, of course, and sharing with you some of the many features of this new C# syntax, and perhaps even a few shortcuts.

    It's certainly an exciting time to be a programmer.