I was watching a teleplay titled "Plot Against" on my computer today.

     "Plot Against" a teleplay made in China telling stories about the spy work in China. To many people, especially those alway stay online, the teleplays made in the mainland of China is not worth for watching. However, this one, is not that case. To tell the truth, I think this teleplay is the most attractive I've ever watched. The stories in it is showed so compactly and attractively that I found myself unable to leave my computer once I started to watch the teleplay today.
     My dear friends, if you have time, I strongly suggest you download this teleplay and watch it or watch it on SZTV-1 at every workday's 7:50 pm.
     Now let me post some stills of the teleplay.

posted on 2006-02-11 23:35  rocman  阅读(576)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报