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Posted on 2010-08-24 12:19  Riceball LEE  阅读(3356)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报


相对于以Linux为代表的开源软件阵营,开源硬件也是开 源思想的继承者。这些硬件的开发者将硬件的全部资料都对外公开,包括电路图、固件、软件、元件列表、器件列表以及印刷版图。这些资料允许任何人使用,比开 源软件的开放度更高的地方在于,作者更是允许将这些资料及硬件用于任何商业开发。

每年MAKE杂志都会来介绍这些开源硬件,2009年有超过125种开源硬件项目被总结出来,涵盖了相关的19个种类,超出2008年的成果数目的一倍之多。这19个种类的项目具体包括:3D打印机, Arduino,Arduino shields,Blinky projects,时钟,Culture jamming,开发工具与平台,游戏、趣味及娱乐,摄像机,医学与生物学相关,音乐相关(MP3),处理器(CPU),宗教相关,机器人技术相关,通信,交通相关,无人机,无线及GPS


打印机可以实现三维物体的打印了,在过去的几年中,大约有两到三个项目开始在桌面3D打印领域受到关注,这些项目包括Fab@Home, MarkerBot 和 RepRap,另外一些新的项目今年也纷纷上线。

4118807483 A484884069 B
Contraptor is a DIY open source construction set for experimental personal fabrication, desktop manufacturing, prototyping and bootstrapping.
Price: See site
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 614Px-Img 0110
Fab@Home is a project dedicated to making and using fabbers - machines that can make almost anything, right on your desktop. This website provides everything you need to know in order to build or buy your own simple fabber, and to use it to print three dimensional objects. The hardware designs and software on this website are free and open-source. Once you have your own fabber, you can also download and print various items, try out new materials, or upload and share your own projects. Advanced users can modify and improve the fabber itself
Price: $2,700 and up
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Pt 2389
MakerBeam is a project to build a toy and tool for the open source imagination. Based on Mini-T, a new open source standard, MakerBeam will develop a construction toy for our times: open source precision hardware equally at home doing desktop fabrication or serving as a drawbridged castle for action figures.
Price: See page for details
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 Media Catalog Product Cache 1 Image 5E06319Eda06F020E43594A9C230972D C U Cupcake-Cnc 1
MakerBot is an affordable, open source 3D printer. It makes almost anything up to 4" x 4" x 6" using ABD plastic.
Price: $750 and up
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RepRap is short for Replicating Rapid-prototyper. It is the practical self-copying 3D printer shown on the right - a self-replicating machine. This 3D printer builds the parts up in layers of plastic. This technology already exists, but the cheapest commercial machine would cost you about €30,000. And it isn't even designed so that it can make itself. So what the RepRap team are doing is to develop and to give away the designs for a much cheaper machine with the novel capability of being able to self-copy (material costs are about €500). That way it's accessible to small communities in the developing world as well as individuals in the developed world.
Price: Various

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Arduino - Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments. Perhaps one of the most successful open source hardware projects to date. Dozens of projects are included in the guide.

 En Uploads Main Arduinoduemilanove
Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments. Arduino can sense the environment by receiving input from a variety of sensors and can affect its surroundings by controlling lights, motors, and other actuators. 

Here are all the flavors that are (or were) officially from the Arduino team...

  • Duemilanove - This is the latest revision of the basic Arduino USB board. It connects to the computer with a standard USB cable and contains everything else you need to program and use the board. It can be extended with a variety of shields: custom daughter-boards with specific features. details
  • Diecimila - This is the previous revision of the basic Arduino USB board. details
  • Nano - A compact board designed for breadboard use, the Nano connects to the computer using a USB Mini-B cable. details
  • Mega - A larger, more powerful Arduino board, shield compatible with the Duemilanove and Diecmila.details
  • Bluetooth - The Arduino BT contains a bluetooth module that allows for wireless communication and programming. It is compatible with Arduino shields. details
  • LilyPad - Designed for wearable application, this board can be sewn onto fabric, and is a stylish purple.details
  • Mini - This is the smallest Arduino board. It works well in a breadboard or for applications in which space is at a premium. It connects to the computer using the Mini USB Adapter. details
  • Mini USB Adapter - This board converts a USB connection into 5 volt, GND, TX and RX lines that you can connect to the Arduino Mini or other microcontroller. details
  • Pro - This board is designed for advanced users who want to leave a board embedded in a project: it's cheaper than a Diecimila and easily powered by a battery, but requires additional components and assembly. details
  • Pro Mini - Like the Pro, the Pro Mini is designed for advanced users requiring a low-cost, small board and willing to do some extra work. details
  • Serial - It's a basic board that uses RS232 as an interface to a computer for programming or communication. This board is easy to assemble even as a learning exercise. details (including Schematics and CAD Files)
  • Serial Single Sided - This board is designed to be etched and assembled by hand. It is slightly larger than the Diecimila, but still shield compatible. details

Price: $20 and up
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Keeping reading for more! 

Arduino clone and derivatives
Because the Arduino is open source hardware some makers have worked with the Arduino team to create other versions of the Arduino, some folks have just made their own and made sure they worked with the license the Arduino team has requested (you can make them, sell them, don't make them blue or call them Arduino).

Boarduino - Breadboard compatible clone
Boarduino Lrg
If you've ever struggled to use a solderless breadboard with an Arduino, you understand how frustrating it can be! Adafruit designed this Arduino clone to solve this problem in an inexpensive DIY fashion. The Boarduino is an Arduino clone: when programmed with the Arduino bootloader, it can talk to the Arduino software and run sketches just like the original. Also comes in USB version.
Price: $17.50 and up
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Bare Bones Board
The Bare Bones Board is an Arduino-compatible board (Freeduino) that implements the functionality of the Arduino Diecimila, on a smaller printed circuit board, by removing the USB communications chip to a cable.

Price: $19.99
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 Freeduino Plus Parts
Another solderable Arduino kit, the Freeduino is compatible with standard expansion shields, has onboard USB port (like the standard Arduino), and is fully compatible with add-on shields. It also looks pretty darn cool in orange/yellow!
Price: $23.99 and up
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Another 'duino kit designed for use with electronics breadboards, the iDuino can be powered via USB and uses standard 5mm LEDs as status indicators.
Price: $17.82
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The Illuminato is an AVR based chip, much like the Arduino, and is 100% Open Source - GNU GPL, that is. It has 42 I/O pins, more than any other Arduino clone out there right now, and even works with all the shields built for the Arduino.
Price: $38.99
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LilyPad Arduino
Lilypad 3
The LilyPad Arduino is a microcontroller board designed for wearables and e-textiles. It can be sewn to fabric and similarly mounted power supplies, sensors and actuators with conductive thread. The board is based on the ATmega168V (the low-power version of the ATmega168) or the ATmega328V. The LilyPad Arduino was designed and developed by Leah Buechley and SparkFun Electronics, but it's an official and supported part
of the Arduino line.
Price: $20.95 and up...
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Seeeduino is an Arduino compatible board. Its design is based on the Arduino Diecimila and is 100% compatible with existing programs, shields and IDE. On the hardware part, many changes have been made to improve the flexibility and user experience.
Price: $22.50 and up
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Seeeduino MEGA
Seeeduino Mega is a microntrolller board based on ATmega1280, derived from Arduino Mega with changes in pursuit for small form factor, flexibility and functionality.It has 70 digital input/output pins (of which 14 can be used as PWM outputs), 16 analog inputs, 4 UARTs (hardware serial ports), a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started.
Price: $45.00 
Visit the project page OSH LICENSE NOT FOUND, PCB FILES NOT FOUND (email sent)

2692856142 Bf041A07Aa
The Sanguino was designed and developed by Zach Hoeken at the RepRap Research Foundation. It was originally intended for use in a next generation RepRap electronics design, but we realized that it would be universally useful. Thus the Sanguino was born. The primary difference between the Arduino and the Sanguino is the processor: Arduino uses the atmega168, while the Sanguino uses the atmega644. The rest of the differences basically all derive from this.
Price: $25.00
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3、Arduino shields


Arduino shields - This is a new category mostly because there are so many open source hardware shields in 2009. These "shields" add music, internet, GPS and additional functions.

Ardethshield Lrg-1
Arduino shields and add-ons, these are projects that enhance the Arduino by adding additional functionality such as music, GPS, internet and more. They are added on top of the Arduino and some can be stacked.

Here are the official shields from the Arduino team:

  • Xbee Shield - This shield allows multiple Arduino boards to communicate wirelessly over distances up to 100 feet (indoors) or 300 feet (outdoors) using the Maxstream Xbee Zigbee module. details

  • Motor Shield - This shield allows an Arduino board to control DC motors and read encoders. details

  • Ethernet Shield - This shield allows an Arduino board to connect to the internet. details

  • Arduino Protoshield - design for an Arduino protoshield that sits on top of the main Arduino board for prototyping. details

Keeping reading for a ton more...

Adafruit Proto Shield for Arduino Kit
 1267 1341944959 D39A197F27 B
This prototyping shield works with NG, Diecimila and Duemilanove Arduinos.
Price: $12.50 and up
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Adafruit Motor/Stepper/Servo Shield for Arduino kit
 2184 2237983028 B0B7144507 B
Arduino is a great starting point for electronics, and with a motor shield it can also be a nice tidy platform for robotics and mechatronics. Here is a design for a full-featured motor shield that will be able to power many simple to medium-complexity projects.
Price: $19.50 
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Adafruit Ethernet (XPort/WIZnet) shield for Arduino kit
Xport Lrg-1
Want your Arduino to check email? How about sending a twitter (which can then be easily forwarded to a phone via SMS)? Or grabbing data from a website? Or serving up sensor data world-wide?There are so many possibilites for projects that connect to the Internet to get data, now there's an easy way to do it with an Arduino.
Price: $15.00
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Adafruit Wave Shield for Arduino Kit
Waveshield Lrg-1
Adding quality audio to an electronic project is surprisingly difficult -- the Waveshield for the Arduino solves this problem. This clever shield board can play up to 22kHz, 12-bit uncompressed audio files of any length. A great low-cost, easy-to-make kit.
Price: $21.95 and up
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Adafruit GPS logger shield kit
2616756753 4936F31Fc7
GPS shield for Arduino kit with data-logging capability. After building this easy kit, you can create your own geo-locative project. This shield is designed to make GPS projects straight-forward and easy. Plug in a supported GPS module and run any of the example Arduino sketches for parsing GPS data (NMEA sentences), logging to a FAT16-formatted SD flash memory card and storing analog sensor data along with precise location, date and time in CSV format.
Price: $19.50
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The ArduiNIX shield is a user programmable platform for driving multiplexed Nixie tube, Vacuum Fluourescent displays* or other high voltage displays.
Price: $45.00
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Danger Shield
2604137311 3Aaa571A45
The Danger Shield is an add-on for the Arduino micro controller board. It contains a variety of fun and useful electronic circuits that you can use to do fun and useful things. It is a fully self-contained shield. You plug it into your Arduino, and you can immediately start using it. No extra things to hook up, no external components.
Price: $30.00
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Pocket Piano Synth Kit for Arduino
This is a board for making the Arduino into a portable stand alone music synthesizer. It plugs directly into the Arduino board and provides 25 multiplexed keys (2 full octaves), 4 pots, status LED, reset switch, digital to analog converter IC, and a RCA audio jack. The Arduino board with its powerful AVR processor is more than adequate for a wide range of sound synthesis techniques. We have experimented with simple additive / wave-table synthesis, frequency modulation, ring modulation, sampling, polyphony, various arpeggiators. The whole thing can be powered over the Arduino's USB port for convenient experimenting. Arduino not included. The board is designed to mount easily to 1/8" panel material, and 1/2" round keys can be made out of wood or plastic.
Price: $49.95
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Sanguino Breakout Shield
2947861244 5C96A813E5
This is the Sanguino Breakout Shield board. It is primarily intended as a shield for existing Sanguino boards, but we've also included the footprint for a full Sanguino on the PCB as well. Its up to you as the builder to decide what shape the board should take: You can build it as a single board with an integrated Sanguino, or you can add headers that allow you to plug an existing Sanguino into the board.
Price: $16.00
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SparkFun Ardumoto - Motor Driver Shield
Pt 2393
This is a motor shield for Arduino that will control two DC motors. Based on the L298 H-bridge, the Ardumoto can drive up to 2 amps per channel. The board takes its power from the same Vin line as the Arduino board,  includes blue and yellow LEDs to indicate active direction, and all driver lines are diode protected from back EMF.
Price: $24.95
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SparkFun GPS Shield
Pt 2394
With the GPS Shield you can add GPS functionality to your Arduino. A connector for the popular EM-406 GPS receiver is populated on the board, and footprints for EM-408 and EB-85A connectors are also made available (connectors are not soldered on or included and can be found below in the related items). The regular GPS pins (RX, TX, PPS, etc.) are also broken out to a 10-pin 0.1" pitch header, and a small protoyping area is also provided.
Price: $16.95 
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SparkFun Joystick Shield
Pt 2396
The Joystick Shield sits on top of your Arduino and turns it into a simple controller. Five momentary push buttons (4+ joystick select button) and a two-axis thumb joystick gives your Arduino functionality on the level of old Nintendo controllers.
Price: $4.95
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SparkFun MegaShield Kit
Pt 2395
The Arduino Mega now has its very own prototyping shield! The MegaShield mates with the Arduino Mega board and gives the user a prototyping area, two general LEDs, and, most important of all, the Arduino Mega reset switch is brought to the top level. The shield also works with our small breadboards if you don't want to solder to the prototyping area.
Price: $17.95
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SparkFun microSD Shield
Pt 2397
Running out of memory space in your Arduino project? The microSD Shield equips your Arduino with mass-storage capability, so you can use it for data-logging or other related projects.
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Scope Clock Shield
Turn your X-Y capable analog oscilloscope it a very unique clock with this kit. A very cool (and practical) way to put your idle scope to work.
Price: $34.95 (not for sale any longer 12/2009)
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Wingshield Screwshield
3552600468 4D8Ed93D5B
The ScrewShield for Arduino is a "wing-format" shield that extends the Arduino pins to sturdy, secure, and dependable screw terminal blocks. The wing design allows you to extend just one or both sides (Analog and Digital) of the Arduino and still access its jumpers, LEDs, and buttons. Thanks to the ScrewShield's extra-long header pins, it can be stacked above or below other shields.
Price: $12.00
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4、Blinky projects


Blinky projects - Open source hardware tends to have a lot of projects that blinky, pulse, and light up. It's a hard category to define exactly, so I'm calling it blinky projects. From a "Larsen scanner" (cylon) to making your bicycle spell words in the air, all of these projects are filled with LEDs.

The 3rd generation MiniPOV is perfect for beginners who are looking to learn how to solder, how to program microcontrollers, or make LED blinky toys. Because the programmer is built into the kit, you don't need a special "microcontroller programmer". This version can be used with PCs (Linux/Unix or Windows) and Macs (running MacOS X and with a USB/serial converter).
Price: $17.99
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Spokepov Med-1


Spoke POV is an easy-to-make electronic kit toy that turns your bicycle wheel into a customized display! The project includes a free schematic design, open software for uploading and editing stored bitmap images, and a high-quality kit with all the parts necessary to build your own.

Price: $37.50 and up
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Peggy, Peggy 2
A versatile, high-brightness LED display, Peggy 2 is an updated version of the Peggy light-emitting pegboard display. Version 2 adds simple animation capability and Arduino compatibility.
Price: $94.95
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LED Micro-Readerboard Kit
This fun little open source soldering kit provides an introduction to the capabilities of microcontrollers.The readerboard spells out preprogrammed messages such as "MAKE" one letter at a time on its alphanumeric LED display.
Price: $15.00
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USB 7 - 6 Digit LED Display Kit
The USB7 expands most computers with a USB connected 6-digit, seven-segment display. Supporting letters, numbers, and a range of punctuation, the USB7 benefits any project requiring highly visible information. Using common a USB cable for both communication and power, the USB7 requires no special or bulky cables and with a simple virtual-serial port protocol, sending regular ASCII characters is all that's required to control the USB7s full output capacity. Based on the AVR-CDC project, the USB7 is supported by Windows XP, Windows 2000, OS X, and many Linux variants.
Price: $25.99
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Trippy RGB Waves Kit
Imagine a bunch of little lights on a table, each about the size of a chess piece, each independent of the others. Arrange them any way you want. Each one continually, slowly changes colors on its own -- but when you wave your hand over them, they create waves of colors that follow your hand. Trippy! Another awesome and affordable kit from the creator of the TV-B-Gone and the Brain Machine, Mitch Altman.
Price: $10.00
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Larson Scanner Kit
3969588758 6F31B1D7A3
The Larson Scanner is named after Glen A. Larson, the man responsible for producing the original Battlestar Galactica and Knight Rider television shows. The kit is very easy to build, and includes a preprogrammed microcontroller, battery holder, and nine ultrabright red LEDs. Once you've built it, you'll have a beautiful back-and-forth scanning red light, ready for incorporation into various sci-fi props, costumes, and pumpkins.
Price: $13.00
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Wee Blinky
The Wee Blinky is a simple LED flasher kit that you can build.
Price: $8.00
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Lux Spectralis
The Lux Spectralis is a deluxe RGB (red, green and blue) LED (light emitting diode) blinky that you can build.
Price: $10.00
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The original Cylons are from TV's Battlestar Galactica. They are humanoid robots with a scanning red visor where their eyes should be.
Price: $10.00
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Open heart kit
2578471958 602107D036 B
The Open Heart is an LED matrix of individually addressable LEDs. It can be used to create a brooch or bag light with highly customizable animations. It can be configured so that you can temporarily attach it to fabrics with headers that you simply push through, or you can configure it to be sewn into a project using conductive fabric for a more permanent setup
Price: $18.00
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Clocks and watches - This year there are some really timely additions to the list, clocks! From a retro Russian tube clock to an open source watch. These time pieces are open and timely.

The Bulbdial Clock Kit
4152288199 6511B20353
The Bulbdial Clock kit is based on an original design concept from IronicSans.com and developed at Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories. It works like an indoor sundial, but with three shadows of different length. You tell the time just like you do on a normal clock, by reading the positions of the hour, minute, and second hands.
Price: $65.00
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This is a great kit to learn the basics of soldering. ClockIt is a basic alarm clock with buzzer based on the ever popular ATMega168.
Price: $24.95
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IceTube clock kit
3853319302 60D91E1956
Somewhere at the junction of modern open-source hardware and early 80's Russia lives a beautiful new DIY kit called the Ice Tube Clock. The centerpiece of this old-meets-new clock is a Russian-made, 9-digit, vacuum florescent display (VFD). These types of displays were typically used in electronics form from the late 60's through the mid 1980's. Remember those bright green VCR and boom-box displays? Yep, those were most likely a type of VFD.
Price: $70.00
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Makerbot watch
4155876231 613A825Acb
It's a open source affordable and fashionable watch that is can run the Arduino platform.
Price: $30.00
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TI eZ430-Chronos
eZ430-Chronos, the world's first customizable development environment within a sports watch. Taking the popular line of eZ430™ development tools to the next level, the kit allows developers to easily harness the leading integration, ultra-low power and wireless capabilities of TI's CC430 microcontroller (MCU). According to some not-public announcments (yet) TI is publishing the CAD files, source, everything and allowing commercial use. We're keeping this on this for now and talking to them, rules are bent a little, hope this works out.
Price: $49.00
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6、Culture jamming 文化反堵


Culture jamming - These projects are not only open source hardware, they aim to open ours minds a bit. A cell phone jammer, a universal device that turns off TVs and an open source homeland security non-lethal weapon.

 Images Bedazzler Complete2
After attending a conference where the $1 million "sea-sick flashlight" (named "THE DAZZLER") was demonstrated by the US Dept. of Homeland Security, Adafruit decided to create their own version. For under $250, you can build your own dazzler and they've released the source code, schematics and PCB files to make it easy. A great Arduino project for people who really like blinking LEDs. They have also added in a mode selection so you can put it into some pretty color-swirl modes, great for raves and parties!
Price: Not for sale (about $250 to build your own)
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3830336293 5Fdc1Fa128
Tired of all those LCD TVs everywhere? Want a break from advertisements while you're trying to eat? Want to zap screens from across the street? The TV-B-Gone kit is what you need!
Price: $21.99
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Wave Bubble
A self-tuning, wide-bandwidth portable RF jammer. The device is lightweight and small for easy camouflaging: it is the size of a pack of cigarettes. An internal lithium-ion battery provides up to 2 hours of jamming (two bands, such as cell) or 4 hours (single band, such as cordless phone, GPS, WiFi, bluetooth, etc). The battery is rechargeable via a mini-USB connector or 4mm DC jack (a common size). Alternately, 3 AAA batteries may also be used. Output power is .1W (high bands) and .3W (low bands). Effective range is approximately 20' radius with well-tuned antennas. Less so with the internal antennas or poorly matched antennas. Self-tuning is provided via dual PLL, therefore, no spectrum analyzer is necessary to build this jammer and a single Wave Bubble can jam many different frequency bands - unlike any other design currently available! To reconfigure the RF bands, simply plug it into the USB port of your PC and type in the new frequencies when prompted. Multiple frequency ranges can be programmed in, each time the device is power cycled it will advance to the next program in memory.
Price: Not for sale (about $200 to build your own)
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Development platforms and tools - These are tools and platforms, a wide category - but filled with chip programmers, mini-computers, debugging hardware and tons of project to - make other projects!

Beagle board
Pt 2380
The USB-powered Beagle Board is a low-cost, fan-less single board computer that unleashes laptop-like performance and expandability without the bulk, expense, or noise of typical desktop machines.
Price: $149.00
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Bug Labs
BUG is a modular, open source system for building devices.
Price: $499 and up
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Bus Pirate
The 'Bus Pirate' is a universal bus interface that talks to most chips from a PC serial terminal, eliminating a ton of early prototyping effort when working with new or unknown chips. Many serial protocols are supported at 0.6-5.5volts, more can be added.
Price: $27.15
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 Wordpress Wp-Content Uploads Chumby One
Chumby takes your favorite parts of the Internet and delivers them to you in a friendly, always-on, always-fresh format. It's a window into your Internet life that lives outside your desktop, so content like weather, news, celebrity gossip, podcasts, music, and more has a place to play away from your world of documents and spreadsheets.
Price: $99 and up
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Funnel is a toolkit to sketch your idea physically, and consists of software libraries and hardware. By using Funnel, the user can handle sensors and/or actuators with various programming languages such as ActionScript 3, Processing, and Ruby. In addition, the user can set filters to input or outputs ports: range division, filtering (e.g. LPF, HPF), scaling and oscillators.
Price: $24.95
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 Pmwiki Uploads About I-O Module V1.0.P
Gainer is an environment for user interfaces and media installations. By using the Gainer environment, the user can handle sensors and/or actuators with a PC on various programming environments such as Flash, Max/MSP, Processing and so on.
Price: $30.00
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The Open Source project Liberlab aims to help democratize educational scientific experimentation through the creation and use of a DIY digital lab at a very low price ($20). Liberlab can also be used to learn about robotics, automation, human-machine interface or interactive arts.
Price: $20.00
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Make controller
The Make Controller 2.0 & Interface Board Kit includes the Make Controller Version 2.0 and the new Interface Board that makes adding sensors and motors easier than ever! Also available with the Application Board. The Make Controller is built around the AT91SAM7X256, and adds the essential components (like the crystal, voltage regulator, filter capacitors, etc.) required to run it, while bringing almost all the processor's signal lines out to standard 0.1" spaced sockets.
Price: $85.00
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Wiring 09170116 48Cfdbcbb67F0 Wiring is an open source programming environment and electronics i/o board for exploring the electronic arts, tangible media, teaching and learning computer programming and prototyping with electronics. It illustrates the concept of programming with electronics and the physical realm of hardware control which are necessary to explore physical interaction design and tangible media aspects. Price: $84.00 Visit the project page

Illuminato X Machina
Pt 2381
In less than four square inches, each Illuminato X Machina board contains the elements of a fully functional computer. A single Illuminato X Machina module, or 'cell', is equipped with a 72 MHz ARM-based microprocessor, a dedicated EEPROM chip for data storage, and RAM.
Price: $65.89
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Pocket AVR Programmer
This is a simple to use USB AVR programmer. It is low cost, easy to use, works great with AVRDude, and is tested extensively on a Windows desktop. Based on Dick Steefland's USBtiny and Limor Fried's USBtinyISP.
Price: $14.95
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Project Sun SPOT was created to encourage the development of new applications and devices. It is designed from the ground up to allow programmers who never before worked with embedded devices to think beyond the keyboard, mouse and screen and write programs that interact with each other, the environment and their users in completely new ways. A Java programmer can use standard Java development tools such as NetBeans to write code.
Price: $299.00
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The #twatch scrolls the latest trending topics from Twitter on an LCD screen. It's a stand-alone network appliance that stays updated without a PC.
Price: $40.65
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USBasp AVR programmer
USBasp is a USB in-circuit programmer for Atmel AVR controllers. It simply consists of an ATMega48 or an ATMega8 and a couple of passive components. The programmer uses a firmware-only USB driver, no special USB controller is needed.
Price: $20
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USBtinyISP AVR Programmer Kit
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USBtinyISP is a simple open-source USB AVR programmer and SPI interface. It is low cost, easy to make, works great with avrdude, has both 6 and 10 pin standard ISP cables, is AVRStudio-compatible and tested under Windows and MacOS X.
Price: $22.00
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Web platform
 2009 12 Cover
The Dangerous Prototypes web platform is a tiny server designed for networked hacks where a full PC is inconvenient. There's lots of interesting projects that bridge the internet to microcontrollers, but most of them have a PC in the middle to handle network stuff. This business card size internet appliance can connect to web services, control physical objects from a browser interface, or email sensor status reports; no PC intermediary required! (Initially licensed Creative Commons, then released into the public domain after Seeed delivers the first units).
Price: $35
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Energy, Power and Green - These open source hardware projects power things or have something to do with powering devices, saving the planet and monitoring power/energy in some way.

Smart Battery Meter
Pt 2382
The Smart Battery Meter measures the "state of charge" of a 12 volt or 24 volt sealed, lead-acid battery system. It uses a multi-color array of LEDs to give an instant visual indicator of the remaining charge, sort of like a gas gauge.
Price: $24.95
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Adjustable breadboard power supply
Bbpsup Lrg-2
This project details the design of a very low dropout adjustable power supply. A good power supply is essential to electronic projects. While there are many existing designs for adjustable power supplies, this one makes improvements that make it more useful for hobby designs.
Price: $15.00
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Botanicalls Kit
Botanicalls Kits let plants reach out for human help! They offer a connection to your leafy pal via online Twitter status updates to your mobile phone. When your plant needs water, it will post to let you know, and send its thanks when you show it love.
Price: $99.00
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MintyBoost Kit
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Build your own MintyBoost: a small and simple (but very powerful) USB charger for your iPod or other MP3 player, your camera, cellphone, and any other gadget you can plug into a USB port to charge.
Price: $19.50
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Fun, games and entertainment - These open source hardware projects that are more fun than anything else, from net connect set top boxes to fun games (and gaming systems) you can make yourself.

"Simon-like" Electronic Game Kit
Gamekit 500
Originally designed for the Maker Faire by Grand Idea Studio, the Build Your Own Electronic Game Kit is a custom-created kit intended to introduce you to the world of electronics and soldering. When successfully assembled, the kit becomes a version of the popular memory game, Simon, with a few optional twists, including no LEDs, no sound, reverse order, and fast play.
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Game of Life
Golanim Med-2
In 1970, John Conway came up with a 1-player game called Game of Life. The Game of Life is a mathematical game that simulates 'colonies' that grow or die based on how crowded or lonely they are and is known for the way it creates a beautiful organic display out of randomness. Here is a design for a simple electronic project that plays Conway's Game of Life. Make one kit and keep it on your desk, or attach multiple kit modules together to create a large display.
Price: $15.50
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Digg button
 Images Digg Digg Blackcover T
Make your very own social bookmarking tool without the hassles of running a webserver. This kit contains the PCB and all the electronic parts for a Digg Button, including 2 batteries.
Price: $15.00
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Drawpack Lrg-2
Drawdio is an electronic pencil that lets you make music while you draw! It's great project for beginners: An easy soldering kit with instant gratification. Essentially, its a very simple musical synthesizer that uses the conductive properties of pencil graphite to create different sounds. The result is a fun toy that lets you draw musical instruments on any piece of paper.
Price: $17.50
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Pt 2390
The Metro-Gnome is a basic digital metronome used to keep time during music practice. This is a basic kit that goes together in 15-20 minutes for people learning to solder, and 5-10 minutes for those with a bit of experience.
Price: $14.95
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Meggy Jr PRB
Meggy Jr RGB is a kit from the talented scientists at Evil Mad Scientists (who are actually quite nice and friendly) designed as a platform to develop handheld pixel games. It's based around a fully addressable 8x8 RGB LED matrix display, and features six big fat buttons for comfy game play. The kit is driven by an ATmega168 microcontroller, and you can write your own games or otherwise control it through the Arduino development environment by simply plugging in an FTDI cable. Meggy Jr is fast, programmable, open source and hackable.
Price: $75.00
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Mignonette Kit
Mignonette is a do-it-yourself electronic game console to learn about soldering, microcontrollers, and game programming. Inspired by the Mignon Game Kit that was done in Germany several years ago. Extended upon their wonderfully simple design to include a bicolor display, as well as a completely new software library for making games.
Price: $34.95
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 Wikipedia Commons B B0 Minimig Rev1
Minimig (short for Mini Amiga) is an open source re-implementation of an Amiga 500 using a field-programmable gate array (FPGA).
Price: Various
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Simon Game
Pt 2391
This is a good demo board for our button pads, DC to DC step up, LEDs, battery holders, buzzer, pseudo-random number generator for game sequence, etc.
Price: $24.95
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Pt 2392
This is Terror-Min, the wonderful toy to annoy and bring terror to the most patient parents. It's a simple kit based on the principals of a Theremin that makes noise based on how the user interacts with the light sensor. This is a great kit that goes together quickly and easily for those who are just beginning how to learn to solder.
Price: $9.95
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Ybox set top box
The YBox2 is a DIY networked set-top box. Connect it to your TV and you can design customized content to be delivered direct from the Internet. This project is great for people who want a new platform to experiment with. The video and Internet cores are ready to go and easy to work with.
Price: $75.00
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Board Details
The Uzebox is a fully open-source, DIY 8-bit game console. It is designed specifically for people who know a little bit of programming to expand into designing and creating their own video games and demos. A full-featured core runs in the background and does all the video and audio processing so that your code stays clean and easy to understand.
Price: $70.00
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maging - There's only project, but it's a great start. Open source cameras for everyone aren't here yet, but there's one project that is pioneering the field... of vision!

Elphel open source cameras and network cameras
Pt 2383
Elphel, Inc. was started in 2001 to provide high performance cameras based on free software and hardware designs.
Price: $800 and up
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Medical and bio - The open source hardware projects are medical or biological. While this category only has a few I expect this to be the largest category in 5 years or less. Open sourcing medical equipment around the world seems like the most logical step in the evolution of open source hardware, check out some of the first projects!

Brain machine
Hack your brain! Get comfortable, put on the glasses and headphones, close your eyes (the LEDs are bright!), and flick the power switch. Enjoy the hallucinations as you drift into deep meditation, ponder your inner world, and then come out after the 14-minute program feeling fabulous. Sound and Light Machines (SLMs) produce sound and light pulses at brain wave frequencies, which help people sleep, wake up, meditate, or experience whatever state of consciousness the machine is programmed for.
Price: $34.99
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Peripheral nerve stimulator
The jfish project seeks to encourage the use and development of free anaesthetic monitoring technologies. Our goal is to produce free and open technology to provide safe and reliable anaesthetic monitoring anywhere in the world the need exists. Stage 2 of the jfish project is complete, with the research, design and construction of a free hardware/open source peripheral nerve stimulator (PNS).
Price: $
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Open ECG
Show Image
The openECGproject is an online community conceived around a simple, but challenging and worthy goal - to develop an open source hardware and software solution for electrocardiography.
Price: Various
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Eeg Analog
Many people are interested in what is called neurofeedback or EEG biofeedback training, a generic mental training method which makes the trainee consciously aware of the general activity in the brain. This method shows great potential for improving many mental capabilities and exploring consciousness. Other people want to do experiments with brain-computer interfaces or just want to have a look at their brain at work. Unfortunately, commercial EEG devices are generally too expensive to become a hobbyist tool or toy.
Price: Various
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Open Prosthetics
The Open Prosthetics Project is producing useful innovations in the field of prosthetics and freely sharing the designs. This project is an open source collaboration between users, designers and funders with the goal of making our creations available for anyone to use and build upon. Our hope is to use this and our complementary sites to create a
Price: Donate
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Twittering heart meter
Apulse Overview1
The open source hardware project allows you to twitter your heart rate, the video is a little odd, but that's what it seems to be doing.
Price: See site
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Music - Music is one of the largest categories: synthesizers, guitar amps, MP3 players to an arcade MIDI device. These projects not only are open, they're musical (one of the old forms of "open information") so that's twice the goodness rolled in to one.

Daisy MP3 player
 Newdaisyphoto Low
Can't find an open source MP3 player? Neither could we. Here's an idea: Build your own. Daisy is an easy-to-build, pocket-sized open source MP3 player.
Price: $114.95
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1 bit groove box
 ~Nvawter Projects 1Bit Protohw Topside
The Bit Box. Music Synthesizer using one-bit algorithms based on The One-Bit Groove Box. This goes way beyond square waves and PWM. It continuously incorporates the newest research into 1-bit signal processing from the Ph. D. research of Noah Vawter at MIT.
Price: See parts list
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Arduinome, Formerly the Arduino Monome project
Pt 2378
Clone of the Monome, using the easy to find Arduino, and learning a little bit about shift-registers and multiplexors among many other things along the way (Photos, PCB files and OSH license not found, but it appears OSH, email sent)
Price: Review parts list
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Aurora 224
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Aurora 224 - Open source DJ mixer, mix audio video & color.
Price: Group orders
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The AVR SYNTH is a monophonic "virtual analog" synth based, originally, on the Atmel AT90S8535 microcontroller and was designed by Jarek Ziembicki. His aim was to check to see if a simple micro could be used for sound synthesis purposes. And the result? The AT90S8535 managed to do all the tasks: front panel switches and pots services, receiving and processing MIDI messages, and sound generation.
Price: See parts list
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The Firefly is a tube-based guitar amplifier popularized on ax84.com (a tube amp community and forum). The Firefly PCB was created so even the beginner to tube amps can succeed.
Price: $19.00
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Minty MP3 player
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DIY MP3 player. Tired of not being able to find cases for your projects? Stuck with those hideous ABS plastic RadioShack boxes? Try those ubiquitous tin boxes, not only do they block EMI, they come with free mints! Fresh breath and fresh design in one.
Price: See parts list, about $25
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Pt 2384
DJTechTools Midifighter device. Melds music and buttons mashing.
Price: $125.00
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Where's the party at b-bit sampler
Analogvideosynth Proto Small
WTPA is a very full featured 8-bit sampler kit. WTPA, as a KIT, is designed to the following aesthetic ends: to be a good and clear example of fairly "traditional" analog (low noise, relatively low frequency, high headroom, good routing, sensible ADCs and DACs etc) and digital (clean low level code, parallel memory architecture, I/O expansion via latches, various serial communication protocols) circuit design, and is catered to the determined (though not necessarily experienced) kit-builder who really, truly wants to learn more about how electronics work and how to get better at their craft.
Price: See site
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 Clearx0Xb0X Lrg
The x0xb0x is not just another MIDI-controlled TB-303 clone. x0xb0x is a full reproduction of the original Roland synthesizer, with fully functional sequencer. The sequencer can be programmed just like the original 303 (ok its actually a little easier, we think) and can be used to control other synthesizers via any of its various output formats. 128 banks of track memory and 64 banks of pattern memory are stored in onboard EEPROM, no battery-backup is needed!
Price: $350
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Processors - You can actually make and fabricate your own chips, I have met anyone who does this but there are a couple huge projects that openly share CPUs and on-chip interconnections. Living room chip fabs are a few years away (well, Jeri has one) but here's a glimpse.

OpenCores is a foundation that attempts to form a community of designers to support open-source cores (logic designs) for CPUs, peripherals and other devices. OpenCores maintains an open-source on-chip interconnection bus specification called Wishbone. ORSoC has designed a development kit for the OpenRISC processor. This kit enables easy access to the OpenRISC platform and gives the designer a fast start.
Price: Various
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Pt 2385
OpenSPARC is an open source hardware project started in December 2005. The initial contribution to the project was Sun Microsystems' Register transfer level (RTL) Verilog code for a full 64-bit, 32-thread microprocessor, the UltraSPARC T1 processor.
Price: Various
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Religious - Open source hardware has made inroads in to religious from an LED menorah to a blinky Christmas card. These projects almost belong in the "Blinky projects" category, but I thought they should get their own. I suspect more religions will be open sourcing their hardware soon.

Menorah Kit
Pt 2386
The Deluxe LED Menorah kit is an updated take on the traditional hanukkiyah, the nine-armed Hanukkah candelabrum. Two candles are lit on the first night of Hanukkah (one "real" candle plus the lighter candle, or shamash), three on the second night, right up to nine on the eighth night. (That's (2+9) * (8/2) = 44 candles all together).
Price: $14.00
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Christmas card & ornament
 2009 11 Cover-450
Hackable Christmas tree, made with an ATtiny13A and a few LEDs. Push the button to play a short light show in the tree.
Price: $15.00
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Robotics - From controlling motors to a robot arm you can make yourself, robotics is a new and growing category in open source hardware. While there's not a ton of projects many robotics groups are using Arduinos (FIRST is now) so I think we'll see this category double and triple in 2010, here are some of the early pioneers.

Easy Driver
The EasyDriver is a simple to use stepper motor driver, compatible with anything that can output a digital 0 to 5V pulse. EasyDriver requires a 7V to 30V supply to power the motor, and has an on board voltage regulator for the digital interface. Connect a 4-wire stepper motor and a microcontroller and you've got precision motor control! EasyDriver drives bi-polar motors, and motors wired as bi-polar. I.e. 4,6, or 8 wire stepper motors.
Price: $14.95
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Robot arm
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A five axis robotic arm design controlled by rather inexpensive hobby servos (material and cutting cost about USD$150) - loads of fun to play with, and we think potentially very useful for more serious pursuits.
Price: Various
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OpenServo is an open community-based project with the goal of creating a high quality digital servo for robotics.
Price: Various
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Pt 2387
Make your bots and plushies come to life! Twitchie is an amazingly lifelike animated armature that's Arduino-powered and comes preprogrammed, making it an excellent kit for beginners in robotics. No programming required! You can download and modify the code if you want, and it's pretty light on soldering, too. We recommend Twitchie for young makers (both boys and girls) interested in robotics or in bringing plush toys to life.
Price: $99.95
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Telecommunications - These projects use the telephone system in some way or are related to cell phones (or in one example, are cell phones). It's popular to open source the software on phones now, and slowly but surely we might see more phone systems go this way to if there are benefits for the companies and the customers.

P04 Four Port IP-PBX - Open source asterisk box
 Ip04 Front Phone
The goal of this project is to provide free hardware designs for telephone systems. Both the hardware and software are open. You are free to copy, modify and re-use the hardware designs. The hardware for a complete embedded Asterisk IP PBX (including multiple analog ports or a T1/E1) can be built for a few hundred dollars. No PC required!
Price: $290.00
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 Upload 2008 11 Freerunner02
Openmoko is a project dedicated to delivering mobile phones with an open source software stack. Openmoko is currently selling the Neo FreeRunner phone to advanced users and will start selling it to the general public as soon as the software is more developed. Beyond freeing the software on their devices they have also released their CAD files. And at LinuxWorld 2008, they announced the release of the schematics for their products.
Price: Various
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SIM card reader
This is a SIM card reader/writer for experimentation and investigation of SIM & Smart cards. Once the kit is built, accompanying software can be used to read and write from the card. Together they can be used to backup stored SIM card data, recover deleted SMS's and phone contacts, examine the last 10 phone numbers dialed, etc. (Despite being called a SIM reader, it can also write to SIM cards)
Price: $
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Transportation - There's just one in the transportation category, an electronic fuel injection project. While there is always talk of an "open source" automobile, there mostly design projects and not a project with downloads, files, software, etc - in a few years we might see a physical open source hardware car however, there seems to be a lot of interest.

 Static Images Articles Efi2 Aa
The MegaSquirt family of EFI controllers (including MS-I, MS-II, MicroSquirt, and the MS-II Sequencer) are intended as educational projects for those who want to learn about electronic fuel injection. They are experimental Do-It-Yourself programmable electronic fuel injection controllers that you build yourself. MegaSquirt controllers will work on virtually any liquid fueled spark-ignition engine, naturally aspirated or boosted (up to 21 psi boost with the standard MAP sensor) as long as they are not 'pollution controlled'. Note that any MegaSquirt EFI controller is the controller only, you will have to gather the remaining fuel system parts yourself (from 1 to 16 injectors, sensors, fuel rails, fuel pump, etc.).
Price: $200 and up
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18、无人机 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: UAV


UAVs - A Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is an aircraft that has the capability of fully autonomous flight, without a pilot in control. Amateur UAVs are non-military and non-commercial. They typically fly under "recreational" exceptions to FAA regulations on UAVs, so long as the pilots/programmers keep them within tight limits on altitude and distance. Usually the UAV is controlled manually by Radio Control (RC) at take-off and landing, and switched into autonomous mode only at a safe altitude.

ArduPilot is a full-featured autopilot based on the Arduino open-source hardware platform. It uses infrared (thermopile) sensors for stabilization and GPS for navigation. It is the autopilot used to win the 2009 Sparkfun Autonomous Vehicle Competition. The hardware is available from Sparkfun. An expansion board ("Shield") kits that includes an airspeed sensor, a 3.3v power regulator for 3.3v GPS modules and other sensors and cables and connectors for easy attachment of the XY and Z sensors.
Price: $24.95
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 Upload 2008 11 Blimpduino
The Blimpduino kit is a very low-cost, open source, autonomous blimp kit. It consists of an Arduino-based blimp controller board with onboard infrared and ultrasonic sensors and an interface for an optional RC mode, a simple gondola with two vectoring (tilting) differential thrusters, and ground-based infrared beacon.
Price: $100 and up
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 Upload 2008 11 Paparazzibundle
Paparazzi is a free and open-source hardware and software project intended to create an exceptionally powerful and versatile autopilot system by allowing and encouraging input from the community. The project includes not only the airborne hardware and software, from voltage regulators and GPS receivers to Kalman filtering code, but also a powerful and ever-expanding array of ground hardware and software including modems, antennas, and a highly evolved user-friendly ground control software interface.
Price: Various
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Wireless and GPS - From an open GPS tracker to a small wireless device that works with the Arduino, this is a fairly new category and likely one that will grow as more spectrum frees up.

 Docs Jn4.Dsc 0767
The JeeNode is based on an Atmel ATmega 328 - the same as an Arduino - and was inspired by Modern Device's Really Bare Bones Board, which is like a minimal implementation of an Arduino. The USB communication interface has been removed and any USB-to-TTLSerial based on the FTDI232R chip is guaranteed to work as connection. Being compatible with Arduino boards such as the Duemilanove means that you can use the IDE to upload a sketch using any PC running Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux.
Price: $20 and up
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Open GPS tracker
 Tracker Fs
The Open GPS Tracker is a small device which plugs into a $20 prepaid mobile phone to make a GPS tracker. The Tracker responds to text message commands, detects motion, and sends you its exact position, ready for Google Maps or your mapping software. The Tracker firmware is open source and user-customizable.
Price: $75.00
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Xbee adapter kit
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XBee modems are one of the easiest ways to create a wireless point-to-point or mesh network. They have error correction, are configured with AT commands, come in multiple flavors and can create a wireless serial link out of the box. This is an open source Xbee adapter kit, can be used to make a "Tweet-a-watt" - a twittering power monitor.
Price: $10.00 and up
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数百个项目没有一一介绍,前面的项目信息链 接介绍了所有的项目以及获取方法和费用等等。本文名为2009开源硬件大全,并不是指开始于2009年的开源项目,而是指截止2009年底的众多开源硬件 项目的整理与总结。这些项目并不是都在尖端领域或者采用了尖端技术,但是体现了国外设计者们在硬件的开源道路上做的努力。所有项目都可以从网上获取全部资 料,需要注意的是,” 开源并不代表免费“,但是开源产品允许在它基础上的改进和开发。当然,获取这些开源硬件的资料之后,你也可以成立自己的公司,并从这些硬件项目中获利。