
Bitmap Effect已经过时了。UIElement.BitmapEffect property is obsolete

没办法,Bitmap Effect的效率过于低下,有时还有莫名其妙的界面闪烁。所以用有硬件(GPU)支持的Effect来代替吧。注意,只适用于.Net 3.5 sp1以后版本。


  1. WPF Sample Series - Solution for the Obsolete BitmapEffect Property and Rendering an OuterGlowBitmapEffect
  2. GPU-accelerated custom Effects for WPF
  3. Using Effects in WPF (Part 2)
  4. More details on how Effects work
  5. Writing custom GPU-based Effects for WPF
  6. A simple Effect sample project and ClickOnce application
  7. Writing custom Effects - adding parameters to Effects
  8. A VisualStudio BuildTask and project and item templates for writing ShaderEffects
  9. Introducing Multi-Input Shader Effects
  10. A More Useful Multi-Input Effect
posted on 2009-05-05 15:03    阅读(1246)  评论(5编辑  收藏  举报