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 1. DirectUpdateHandler2.ADD


 1   40   <updateHandler class="solr.DirectUpdateHandler2">
 2   41 
 3   42 
 4   43      <autoCommit>
 5   44          <maxTime>${solr.autoCommit.maxTime:15000}</maxTime>
 6   45          <maxDocs>${solr.autoCommit.maxDocs:25000}</maxDocs>
 7   46        <openSearcher>false</openSearcher> 
 8   47      </autoCommit>
 9   48 
10   49      <autoSoftCommit> 
11   50          <maxTime>${solr.autoSoftCommit.maxTime:-1}</maxTime> 
12   51          <maxDocs>${solr.autoSoftCommit.maxDocs:1000}</maxDocs>
13   52      </autoSoftCommit>
14   53   
15   54   </updateHandler>


  • autoCommit,硬提交,Solr和Lucene原本存在的commit方式,负责把索引内容刷入磁盘,需要重新打开searcher,所以比较费性能。刷入磁盘后,Solr/Lucene对这部分内容可见可查。
  • autoSoftCommit,软提交,这是Solr新增的commit方式,Lucene没有。软提交负责将索引内容在内存中生成segment,并使得索引内容对Solr可见可查,该提交方式是autoCommit的改善方式,保证了Solr的实时性同时又兼顾了性能。在进行softcommit过程中需要进行预热(即将现在状态的searcher复制到新的searcher中,保证了旧的softcommit数据不丢失),虽然没有重新打开searcher那么费性能,但是预热频率过快还是会影响solr的性能。
  • 以上两种是Solr自动触发的commit方式,他们都有两个参数maxTime和maxDocs分别表示两个参数的极限,当距离前一次commit maxTime时间后或者内存中的document数量到达maxDocs时候就会触发commit(autoCommit和autoSoftCommit)。相比于前两种,还有另外一种方式即客户端主动commit,该方式由客户端控制。
  • 最后openSearcher配置表示进行autocommit时候是否重新打开searcher,如果autocommit频繁又将openSearcher设置为true,那么solr的性能压力会非常大。一般将autocommit的maxTime和maxDocs设的相对大点,对应的softcommit的设置小点,这样即保证了性能又保证了实时性,当然具体的值需要根据索引的频率以及document的大小综合考虑。



 1   public void processAdd(AddUpdateCommand cmd) throws IOException {
 3     if (DistributedUpdateProcessor.isAtomicUpdate(cmd)) {
 4       throw new SolrException
 5         (SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,
 6          "RunUpdateProcessor has recieved an AddUpdateCommand containing a document that appears to still contain Atomic document update operations, most likely because DistributedUpdateProcessorFactory was explicitly disabled from this updateRequestProcessorChain");
 7     }
 9     updateHandler.addDoc(cmd);
10     super.processAdd(cmd);
11     changesSinceCommit = true;
12   }


  • cmd.overwrite,是否会覆盖原先记录。如果传入的cmd中没有unique_id域,那么说明Solr索引中没有采用自定义的unique_id,因此就不会进行覆盖相同unique_id域的记录了。可以在schema.xml中进行设置unique_id域,如果设了该域,一旦新记录的该域值与旧的记录相同,它就会删除旧的记录。经过本人测试,没有unique_id的建索引速度是有unique_id的两到三倍,但是没有unique_id时候需要考虑数据的冗余性,查询时有可能会出现多条相同结果。
  • deletesAfter = ulog.getDBQNewer(cmd.version);获取ulog中delete by query的日志,并对这些数据进行删除。

  • add的先后顺序是先进行writer.updateDocument()将数据写入Lucene的索引中,后将记录写入uLog中(ulog.add(cmd))。这样更好的保证了数据一致性。
  • 关于writer.updateDocument()由于涉及到Lucene的索引建立过程了,在后面单独进行学习。
  1 private int addDoc0(AddUpdateCommand cmd) throws IOException {
  2     int rc = -1;
  3     RefCounted<IndexWriter> iw = solrCoreState.getIndexWriter(core);
  4     try {
  5       IndexWriter writer = iw.get();
  6       addCommands.incrementAndGet();
  7       addCommandsCumulative.incrementAndGet();
  9       // if there is no ID field, don't overwrite
 10       if (idField == null) {
 11         cmd.overwrite = false;
 12       }
 14       try {
 15         IndexSchema schema = cmd.getReq().getSchema();
 17         if (cmd.overwrite) {
 19           // Check for delete by query commands newer (i.e. reordered). This
 20           // should always be null on a leader
 21           List<UpdateLog.DBQ> deletesAfter = null;
 22           if (ulog != null && cmd.version > 0) {
 23             deletesAfter = ulog.getDBQNewer(cmd.version);
 24           }
 26           if (deletesAfter != null) {
 27             log.info("Reordered DBQs detected.  Update=" + cmd + " DBQs="
 28                 + deletesAfter);
 29             List<Query> dbqList = new ArrayList<>(deletesAfter.size());
 30             for (UpdateLog.DBQ dbq : deletesAfter) {
 31               try {
 32                 DeleteUpdateCommand tmpDel = new DeleteUpdateCommand(cmd.req);
 33                 tmpDel.query = dbq.q;
 34                 tmpDel.version = -dbq.version;
 35                 dbqList.add(getQuery(tmpDel));
 36               } catch (Exception e) {
 37                 log.error("Exception parsing reordered query : " + dbq, e);
 38               }
 39             }
 41             addAndDelete(cmd, dbqList);
 42           } else {
 43             // normal update
 45             Term updateTerm;
 46             Term idTerm = new Term(cmd.isBlock() ? "_root_" : idField.getName(), cmd.getIndexedId());
 47             boolean del = false;
 48             if (cmd.updateTerm == null) {
 49               updateTerm = idTerm;
 50             } else {
 51               // this is only used by the dedup update processor
 52               del = true;
 53               updateTerm = cmd.updateTerm;
 54             }
 56             if (cmd.isBlock()) {
 57               writer.updateDocuments(updateTerm, cmd, schema.getAnalyzer());
 58             } else {
 59               Document luceneDocument = cmd.getLuceneDocument();
 60               // SolrCore.verbose("updateDocument",updateTerm,luceneDocument,writer);
 61               writer.updateDocument(updateTerm, luceneDocument, schema.getAnalyzer());
 62             }
 63             // SolrCore.verbose("updateDocument",updateTerm,"DONE");
 65             if (del) { // ensure id remains unique
 66               BooleanQuery bq = new BooleanQuery();
 67               bq.add(new BooleanClause(new TermQuery(updateTerm),
 68                   Occur.MUST_NOT));
 69               bq.add(new BooleanClause(new TermQuery(idTerm), Occur.MUST));
 70               writer.deleteDocuments(bq);
 71             }
 73             // Add to the transaction log *after* successfully adding to the
 74             // index, if there was no error.
 75             // This ordering ensures that if we log it, it's definitely been
 76             // added to the the index.
 77             // This also ensures that if a commit sneaks in-between, that we
 78             // know everything in a particular
 79             // log version was definitely committed.
 80             if (ulog != null) ulog.add(cmd);
 81           }
 83         } else {
 84           // allow duplicates
 85           if (cmd.isBlock()) {
 86             writer.addDocuments(cmd, schema.getAnalyzer());
 87           } else {
 88             writer.addDocument(cmd.getLuceneDocument(), schema.getAnalyzer());
 89           }
 91           if (ulog != null) ulog.add(cmd);
 92         }
 94         if ((cmd.getFlags() & UpdateCommand.IGNORE_AUTOCOMMIT) == 0) {
 95           if (commitWithinSoftCommit) {
 96             commitTracker.addedDocument(-1);
 97             softCommitTracker.addedDocument(cmd.commitWithin);
 98           } else {
 99             softCommitTracker.addedDocument(-1);
100             commitTracker.addedDocument(cmd.commitWithin);
101           }
102         }
104         rc = 1;
105       } finally {
106         if (rc != 1) {
107           numErrors.incrementAndGet();
108           numErrorsCumulative.incrementAndGet();
109         } else {
110           numDocsPending.incrementAndGet();
111         }
112       }
114     } finally {
115       iw.decref();
116     }
118     return rc;
119   }

 2. UpdateLog.ADD


  • 检查update log有没有生成。同样需要说明,Updatelog是Solr的概念,在Lucene并没有出现,它在solrconfig.xml中进行配置,设置索引库更新日志,默认路径为solr home下面的data/tlog。如果没有ulog文件,那么就会重新生成一个.
1 <updateLog>
2  <str name="dir">${solr.ulog.dir:}</str>
3  </updateLog>
  • 开始写入ulog日志文件中,pos = tlog.write(cmd, operationFlags);该过程调用了TransactionLog的write接口,这在下一小节具体介绍。
  • 将update的内容再写入map结构中,存放于内存。

3. TransactionLog

    咋一看会觉得DirectUpdateHandler2的add过程比较简单,但是当add与commit以及updatelog recovering合并在一起,这个过程就变得比较复杂。本节先介绍updatelog的最小单位transactionLog.

  • TransactionLog是一个tlog文件,UpdateLog是多个tlog文件的集合,它更多的指的时tLog目录。
  • TransactionLog的文件命名格式如下:列入tlog.00000000000000000001
1 public static String LOG_FILENAME_PATTERN = "%s.%019d";
2 String newLogName = String.format(Locale.ROOT, LOG_FILENAME_PATTERN, TLOG_NAME, id);
  • TransactionLog的文件格式可以通过写文件的过程查看,注意这里的strings存放的是域,比如titile,author,content,那么后续存放document的值也是按这个顺序存放的,具有一一对应的关系。文件结构比较简单,可以从以下代码中了解。
 1   protected void writeLogHeader(LogCodec codec) throws IOException {
 2     long pos = fos.size();
 3     assert pos == 0;
 5     Map header = new LinkedHashMap<String,Object>();
 6     header.put("SOLR_TLOG",1); // a magic string + version number
 7     header.put("strings",globalStringList);
 8     codec.marshal(header, fos);
10     endRecord(pos);
11   }
 1 public long write(AddUpdateCommand cmd, int flags) {
 2     LogCodec codec = new LogCodec(resolver);
 3     SolrInputDocument sdoc = cmd.getSolrInputDocument();
 5     try {
 6       //写header信息
 7       checkWriteHeader(codec, sdoc);
 9       // adaptive buffer sizing
10       int bufSize = lastAddSize;    // unsynchronized access of lastAddSize should be fine
11       bufSize = Math.min(1024*1024, bufSize+(bufSize>>3)+256);
13       MemOutputStream out = new MemOutputStream(new byte[bufSize]);
14       codec.init(out);
15       //写tag
16       codec.writeTag(JavaBinCodec.ARR, 3);
17       //写update类型
18       codec.writeInt(UpdateLog.ADD | flags);  // should just take one byte
19       //写version信息
20       codec.writeLong(cmd.getVersion());
21       //写document
22       codec.writeSolrInputDocument(cmd.getSolrInputDocument());
23       lastAddSize = (int)out.size();
25       synchronized (this) {
26         long pos = fos.size();   // if we had flushed, this should be equal to channel.position()
27         assert pos != 0;
29         /***
30          System.out.println("###writing at " + pos + " fos.size()=" + fos.size() + " raf.length()=" + raf.length());
31          if (pos != fos.size()) {
32          throw new RuntimeException("ERROR" + "###writing at " + pos + " fos.size()=" + fos.size() + " raf.length()=" + raf.length());
33          }
34          ***/
36         out.writeAll(fos);
37         endRecord(pos);
38         // fos.flushBuffer();  // flush later
39         return pos;
40       }
42     } catch (IOException e) {
43       // TODO: reset our file pointer back to "pos", the start of this record.
44       throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Error logging add", e);
45     }
46   }
  • TransactionLog的创建是在每次update操作(add,delete或者deletebyquery)开始时,每当接收到update操作时候,Solr会去判断是否已有当前id的tlog文件,如果没有则新建新的当前id的tlog文件。
1   protected void ensureLog() {
2     if (tlog == null) {
3       String newLogName = String.format(Locale.ROOT, LOG_FILENAME_PATTERN, TLOG_NAME, id);
4       tlog = new TransactionLog(new File(tlogDir, newLogName), globalStrings);
5     }
6   }
  • Solr如果只进行soft commit,那么TransactionLog文件只会增大不会增多,它只会往最近的(即id最大的)TransactionLog文件中写入ulog日志。如果进行的是hard commit,则会生成新的TransactionLog文件,并且根据存放的总的日志数(record)以及TransactionLog文件的个数进行判断是否需要删除旧的日志文件,默认情况下日志数(record)为100,TransactionLog个数为10个。代码中numRecordsToKeep为100。但是当我们进行快速建索引的时候,一开始并不会满足上述的条件,即会存在多个日志数(record)多余100的情况,这是为什么呢?快速建索引的时候,当soft commit一次进去大量record到TransactionLog中,并不会生成新的id的TransactionLog文件,也就不会取处理旧的TransactionLog文件。当soft commit频率大于hard commit时候,每个TransactionLog文件都会存放大量record,但是hard commit只会删除最旧的那个文件,剩余的TransactionLog的record数量仍然大于100, 因此这种现象是正常的。当你停止建索引,或者调整hard commit频率,这种现象会慢慢改变,直至符合正常的范围。
 1   protected void addOldLog(TransactionLog oldLog, boolean removeOld) {
 2     if (oldLog == null) return;
 4     numOldRecords += oldLog.numRecords();
 6     int currRecords = numOldRecords;
 8     if (oldLog != tlog &&  tlog != null) {
 9       currRecords += tlog.numRecords();
10     }
12     while (removeOld && logs.size() > 0) {
13       TransactionLog log = logs.peekLast();
14       int nrec = log.numRecords();
15       // remove oldest log if we don't need it to keep at least numRecordsToKeep, or if
16       // we already have the limit of 10 log files.
17       if (currRecords - nrec >= numRecordsToKeep || logs.size() >= 10) {
18         currRecords -= nrec;
19         numOldRecords -= nrec;
20         logs.removeLast().decref();  // dereference so it will be deleted when no longer in use
21         continue;
22       }
24       break;
25     }
27     // don't incref... we are taking ownership from the caller.
28     logs.addFirst(oldLog);
29   }
  • UpateLog会始终保存最新的两个TransactionLog文件,以及log的信息。每当进行soft commit或者hard commit操作时候进行更新。
1   protected void newMap() {
2     prevMap2 = prevMap;
3     prevMapLog2 = prevMapLog;
5     prevMap = map;
6     prevMapLog = tlog;
8     map = new HashMap<>();
9   }


总结:本节主要讲了update 索引链的第三步DirectUpdateHandler2中的add过程,add过程主要包含了两步,第一步调用lucene indexwriter 进行updatedocument以及将索引写入updatelog。lucene indexwriter涉及到lucene的建索引了,将在后续文章中再研究。updatelog的难点主要在recovery上,所以本节又简要的介绍了updatelog的基本内容以及具体的日志文件TransactionLog。下一节将介绍update的commit操作,它也主要涉及了updatelog的更新操作。