Help a Pet Hit by a Car


Approach the injured pet with caution and do not make quick, loud or jerky movements; remaining calm will keep the animal from becoming more agitated and scared.

Check to make sure the animal is breathing. If not, you’ll need to perform artificial respiration by holding the muzzle closed and breathing air into the nose. You may also need to administer CPR.

Pay attention to the pet’s body movements and sounds to help determine the location of any injuries.

Try to locate any external wounds and stop any bleeding by applying pressure to the spot with a towel, bandage or tourniquet.

Immobilize the pet to prevent further injury to broken bones or spine. You can restrain the pet with towels or blankets and a muzzle if necessary, but don’t use a muzzle if the pet is having difficulty breathing or is injured around the nose or mouth.

Keep the pet warm by covering with blankets or towels.

Notify or have someone else notify your vet or an emergency clinic that you are bringing in an injured animal.

posted @ 2008-08-09 15:41  KK in cnblog  阅读(232)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报