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RHEL 5.3 开始,提供了编译好的 iscsi target 。
这里转载一篇相关的文章,原文由两个部分组成,分别介绍 target 和 Initiator, 这里将两篇合二为一。

Orignal Site: http://pbraun.nethence.com 

iSCSI targets

The target name may be forged like e.g.,
Note. lowcase characters only, otherwise some initiators won't accept it (namely Microsoft iSCSI initiator).
TGT iSCSI target (since RHEL 5.3)
Install TGT,
yum install scsi-target-utils
Make sure you've got a LV or an disk to share,
fdisk -l
Start and enable the daemon at boot time,
/etc/init.d/tgtd start
chkconfig tgtd on
create the target and define its name,
tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode target --op new --tid=1 --targetname iqn.2010-07.net.example:disk50gb
note. id must not be zero
add a LUN to the target,
tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode logicalunit --op new --tid=1 --lun=1 --backing-store=/dev/sdb
note. lun >=1
note. it's also possible to use a vdisk file instead of /dev/sdb
enable the target to accept any initiators,
tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode target --op bind --tid=1 -I ALL
check port 3260,
netstat -apne | grep 3260
#lsof -i:3260
Note. to check for targets, luns, and connected initiators,
tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode target --op show
Note. to delete a LUN,
tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode logicalunit --op delete --tid=1 --lun=1
Note. to delete a target,
tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode target --op delete --tid=1
IET iSCSI target
Get IET (iscsitarget.sourceforge.net/) and install it from source,
yum install kernel-devel openssl-devel gcc
tar xvzf iscsitarget-0.4.17.tar.gz
cd iscsitarget-0.4.17
make install
Make sure you've got a LV or an disk to share,
fdisk -l
Configure the LUNs,
vi /etc/ietd.conf
Target iqn.2009-05.net.example:vdisk20gb
Lun 0 Path=/dev/sdb,Type=blockio
MaxConnections 2
InitialR2T No
ImmediateData Yes
Note. MaxConnections' default is 1...
Note. "/dev/sdb" here
Note. "vdisk20gb" as an example here, needs to be a unique string.
Authorize all clients,
vi /etc/initiators.allow
iqn.2009-05.net.example:vdisk20gb ALL
Launch the daemon and activate on boot,
service iscsi-target start
chkconfig iscsi-target on
Check the service is running,
ps aux | grep ietd
Check for exported LUNs,
cat /proc/net/iet/volume
NetBSD iSCSI target
As an alternative, there's also NetBSD's iSCSI target software.
Get the RPM from EPEL (fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL) and install it,
rpm -ivh netbsd-iscsi-20071205-1.el5.i386.rpm
Check how much bytes you have to export,
fdisk -l /dev/sdb
Substract one byte to define the export length thereafter.
Configure the target,
vi /etc/iscsi/targets
## extent file or device start length
extent0 /dev/sdb 0 62277025791
# target flags storage netmask
target0 rw extent0
Start the daemon,
Linux SCSI target framework (tgt) project : stgt.berlios.de/
tgtadm(8) - Linux man page : linux.die.net/man/8/tgtadm
The iSCSI Enterprise Target Project : iscsitarget.sourceforge.net/
How to setup an iSCSI target using tgtadm in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 : kbase.redhat.com/faq/docs/DOC-15154
iSCSI target HowTo on Enterprise Linux (RHEL4) : mail.digicola.com/wiki/index.php?title=User:Martin:iSCSI
Linux iscsitarget+tools : www3.amherst.edu/~swplotner/iscsitarget/
Additional references

iSCSI initiators

If using an STGT on the target side, you will see a weired LUN0 on the initiator. Just discard it and on Windows, just don't configure any driver for it (lists.wpkg.org/pipermail/stgt/2009-February/002633.html).
RHEL4/5 configuration
Install the iscsi initiator RPM,
yum install iscsi-initiator-utils
Note. although the package name is identical on RHEL4/5, it's different :
- configuration file and paths
- rhel5 has 'iscsi' and 'iscsid' init scripts
- rhel4 only has 'iscsi' init script
cd /etc/iscsi
mv iscsid.conf iscsid.conf.dist
sed -e '
' iscsid.conf.dist > iscsid.conf
Note. the default config is fine for dedicated VLANs but if you need CHAP authentication add,
node.session.auth.authmethod = CHAP
node.session.auth.username = USERNAME
node.session.auth.password = PASSWORD
discovery.sendtargets.auth.authmethod = CHAP
discovery.sendtargets.auth.username = USERNAME
discovery.sendtargets.auth.password = PASSWORD
Enable the iscsi daemon,
service iscsid start
chkconfig iscsid on
Note. we'll activate /etc/init.d/iscsi (to log into targets automaticly) later on
cd /etc
mv iscsi.conf iscsi.conf.dist
vi iscsi.conf
# OutgoingUserName=USERNAME
# OutgoingPassword=PASSWORD
fix the perm,
chmod 600 iscsi.conf
Enable the iscsi daemon,
service iscsi start
chkconfig iscsi on
RHEL4/5 finish up
Check the iSCSI target is available on the network,
telnet ISCSI_TARGET 3260
Discover and login to all available targets,
iscsiadm -m discovery -t st -p ISCSI_TARGET
Note. for a specific interface e.g. 'bond0' for trunking, add '-I bond0'
Note. eventually add "-d" to the iscsiadm command for debugging
Note. login to a precise LUN,
iscsiadm -m node -L automatic
#iscsiadm -m node -T iqn.2010-07.net.example:disk50gb -p ISCSI_TARGET
Show current records and sessions,
iscsiadm -m node
iscsiadm -m session
Ready to go ! Check for new disks,
cat /proc/scsi/scsi
fdisk -l
Note. to logout all sessions,
iscsiadm -m node -U all
Log again to the target but with the init script, and enable it for boot time,
service iscsi start
chkconfig iscsi on
Note. don't restart that daemon ! It would change the device name until next reboot (for example, sdc would become sdd instantly...)
RHEL4/5 troubbleshooting
If you experience this error when shutting down the system,
Synchronizing SCSI cache for disk sdb
it's simply becuase the iscsi disk hasn't been removed. Enable the iscsi (beside iscsid) daemon to unlog from the target before completely shutting down the system.
Microsoft iSCSI Software Initiator
Discover the target,
Discovery tab > Add
IP address or DNS name : ...
Targets tab > select a target > Log On...
To log off,
Targets tab > select a target > Details
Sessions tab > check a target > Log off...
and unconfigure a target,
Discovery tab > select a target portal > Remove
StarWind Software Starport
Instead of "Microsoft iSCSI Software Initiator" (www.microsoft.com/downloads/) you may use StarWind Software's one : StarPort (www.starwindsoftware.com/starport-free).
Get StarPort and the Personal Free License .spk file. Install it and put the .spk file inside the installation directory,
C:\Program Files\StarWind Software\StarPort
note. the program won't start if the .spk file isn't there.
start the program and register with that licence,
Help > Register Startport...
then in the Registration window,
Load from file > C:\Program Files\StarWind Software\StarPort\StarPort_Free_Personal_License_1978.spk
click "Register"
Add a iSCSI disk,
right click on "Remote iSCSI devices" > Add device
then into the Wizard,
Remote iSCSI device IP Address or Machine Name : ISCSI_SERVER
Remote iSCSI device Port number : 3260
select a target
keep "Automount this device" box checked
To log off,
right click on an iSCSI disk > Remove device
ISCSI and XEN Server Storage Repository issue : forums.openfiler.com/viewtopic.php?id=2280
posted on 2012-11-16 13:58  岌岌可危  阅读(523)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报