LeetCode 665. Non-decreasing Array (不递减数组)

Given an array with n integers, your task is to check if it could become non-decreasing by modifying at most 1 element.

We define an array is non-decreasing if array[i] <= array[i + 1] holds for every i (1 <= i < n).

Example 1:

Input: [4,2,3]
Output: True
Explanation: You could modify the first 4 to 1 to get a non-decreasing array.


Example 2:

Input: [4,2,1]
Output: False
Explanation: You can't get a non-decreasing array by modify at most one element.


Note: The n belongs to [1, 10,000].




  题目给了我们一个nums array, 只允许我们一次机会去改动一个数字,使得数组成为不递减数组。可以实现的话,return true;不行的话,return false。

  这个题目关键在于,当遇见一个 nums[i] > nums[i+1] 的情况,我们是把 nums[i]降为nums[i+1] 还是 把nums[i+1]升为nums[i]。

  如果可行的话,当然是选择优先把 nums[i]降为nums[i+1],这样可以减少 nums[i+1] > nums[i+2] 的风险。


  a. 1 3 5 4 6 7  -->  1 3 4 4 6 7

    当遇到5 > 4 的情况,这里因为4比5 之前的所有数字都大,所以可以把5 降为4。

  b. 1 4 5 3 6 7  -->  1 4 5 5 6 7


    当遇到5 > 3 的情况,这里3比5之前的4小,所以没有选择,只能把3 升为5。





Java Solution:

Runtime beats 89.68% 




 1 class Solution 
 2 {
 3     public boolean checkPossibility(int[] nums) 
 4     {
 5         boolean modified = false;
 7         for(int i=0; i<nums.length; i++)
 8         {
 9             if(i+1 < nums.length && nums[i] > nums[i+1])
10             {
11                 if(modified) // if modified a number already
12                     return false;
13                 else // if it is first time to modify a number
14                 {
15                     if(i-1 < 0 || nums[i+1] >= nums[i-1]) // if nums[i+1] is larger or equal all numbers before nums[i]
16                         nums[i] = nums[i+1]; // change nums[i] as same as nums[i+1]
17                     else // if nums[i+1] is not larger than all numbers before nums[i]
18                         nums[i+1] = nums[i]; // change nums[i+1] as same as nums[i]
20                     modified = true;
21                 } 
22             }
23         }
25         return true;
27     }
28 }



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posted @ 2017-10-21 06:18  Jimmy_Cheng  阅读(1203)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报