Internet Explorer 8.0 正式版

微软宣布Internet Explorer 8.0 释放

中国 - 中文 简体 For Windows Server 2003
 Windows XP
 Windows XP x64
 Windows Vista
 Windows Vista 64-bit
 Windows Server 2003
 Windows Server 2003 64-bit
 Windows Server 2008
 Windows Server 2008 64-bit
 Group Policy Settings Reference Windows Internet Explorer 8 Release Candidate 1
 Windows Internet Explorer 8 Technology Overview for Developers
 Windows Internet Explorer 8 FAQ for Business
 Windows Internet Explorer 8 Technology Overview for Enterprise and IT Pros
 Techniques for Preinstalling Windows Internet Explorer 8 whitepaper
 Windows Internet Explorer 8 Compatibility View List



推荐:修改你网站的内容以支持Internet Explorer 8的默认网页视图标准,欲了解更多信息,请参阅:
备用:让你的网站告诉Internet Explorer 8强制使用Internet Explorer 7模式。 
如果以网站为基础,请新增HTTP标头:X-UA-Compatible: IE=EmulateIE7
如果以网页为基础,请在网页的<title>标记之后添加<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" />


Windows Internet Explorer工具

 MIX09:Expression Web 团队昨宣布了一款跨浏览器测试工具 SuperPreview,,,,,,,下载Microsoft Expression Web SuperPreview
  Internet Explorer 开发者工具栏(IE8已封装 )
 IE DebugBar( 现已无法访问 )
 Internet Explorer 谷歌工具栏
 Windows Live 工具栏



 IE8 WebSlice 尝鲜
 如何创建IE8新增即时搜索建议功能Search AutoSuggestions

 Web Slice and Feed Authentication – Developer Guidelines
 Site Compatibility and IE8
 More IE8 Extensibility Improvements
 The CSS Corner: Using Filters In IE8
 IE8 Security Part VII: ClickJacking Defenses
 Accessibility: Improved ARIA Support in the IE8 RC
 The CSS Corner: Alternate Style Sheets
 New Accessibility Features in IE8
 Ending Expressions
 Updates for AJAX in IE8 Beta 2
 Hello, World: Getting Started with IE8 Visual Search
 Introducing the IE8 Developer Tools JScript Profiler
 Native JSON in IE8
 Microsoft CSS Vendor Extensions
 Developer Tools in Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2
 IE8 Security Part VI: Beta 2 Update
 Introducing Compatibility View
 Introducing IE=EmulateIE7
 IE8 Security Part II: ActiveX Improvements
 Address Bar Improvements in Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1
 Activities and WebSlices in Internet Explorer 8
 The Internet Explorer 8 User-Agent StringThe Internet Explorer 8 User-Agent String (Updated Edition)


早前的Internet Explorer 8.0 Beta

 Internet Explorer 8 RC1发布
 Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 发布( 追加内容 )


Internet Explorer 8.0 资源

Internet Explorer 8 中的新东西,VS.85).aspx

Internet Explorer 8 主页   

Internet Explorer MSDN开发中心

Internet Explorer Technet技术中心


Internet Explorer 8 封锁工具包

Internet Explorer 8 准备工具包

Internet Explorer Administration Kit 8

IE Blog

IE8 在 Channel 9

IE8 视频

IE8 Demos

IE8 加载项资源库  

IE8 中的兼容性视图列表的说明

某些网站可能无法正确显示,或在 Windows Internet Explorer 8 中正常工作
posted @ 2009-03-20 00:06  真见  阅读(6141)  评论(68编辑  收藏  举报