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China Software + Services Sample Applicatoin Crab Release!

Crab, China first Software + Services sample application completed by co-operations of Microsoft (China) DPE, Microsoft AST (Architecture Strategy Team), Suzsoft Software Company and Suzhou SaaS Incubator, it is also the second ISV-oriented application case after LitwareHR, which can manifest SaaS main technical features. We can say Crab is a milestone of Software + Services in China, and we hope, through this case, Microsoft Software + Services architecture and development of related knowledge can be shown, and available for the Architect developers and staff to learn. 

Crab use the same Microsoft new technologies to create Software + Services application(.NET 3.0, ADAM,SQL2005), use a variety of techniques to overcome all the features and difficulties in SaaS Architecture. Crab 1.0 version did not show a lot more commercial logic, which mainly based on Microsoft SaaS architecture of the White Paper multi-tenant Data Architec to achieve the meta-data based multi-tenant architecture. Crab only achieved the third level of the SaaS application maturity model (Configurable. Multi-Tenant-Efficient), and used the Name-Value Pairs model to implement Multi-tenant framework. In version 1.0, we did not materialize SaaS application maturity model into the fourth level (Scalable, Configurable, Multi-Tenant-Efficient), But we will consider adding the fourth Maturity Model realization into the next version of Crab.

Some of the available resources of Crab can be found on the following address,

Code and related documentation (currently available only in Chinese version) :



Structure and the development community to discuss


Demo Walkthrough(currently available only in Chinese version)


  Thanks to all who have helped Crab colleagues and partners!

posted on 2007-07-11 18:42  Hao  阅读(2680)  评论(19编辑  收藏  举报
