




1 数据模型中的Keyspace和ColumnFamily可以动态修改:




/* 相关结构体定义. */

/* describes a column in a column family. */
struct ColumnDef {
    1: required binary name,
    2: required string validation_class,
    3: optional IndexType index_type,
    4: optional string index_name

/* describes a column family. */
struct CfDef {
    1: required string keyspace,
    2: required string name,
    3: optional string column_type="Standard",
    4: optional string clock_type="Timestamp",
    5: optional string comparator_type="BytesType",
    6: optional string subcomparator_type="",
    7: optional string reconciler="",
    8: optional string comment="",
    9: optional double row_cache_size=0,
    10: optional bool preload_row_cache=0,
    11: optional double key_cache_size=200000,
    12: optional double read_repair_chance=1.0
    13: optional list<ColumnDef> column_metadata
    14: optional i32 gc_grace_seconds

/* describes a keyspace. */
struct KsDef {
    1: required string name,
    2: required string strategy_class,
    3: optional map<string,string> strategy_options,
    4: required i32 replication_factor,
    5: required list<CfDef> cf_defs,

/* 相关接口定义. */

/** adds a column family. returns the new schema id. */
string system_add_column_family(1:required CfDef cf_def)
throws (1:InvalidRequestException ire),
/** drops a column family. returns the new schema id. */
string system_drop_column_family(1:required string column_family)
throws (1:InvalidRequestException ire),
/** renames a column family. returns the new schema id. */
string system_rename_column_family(1:required string old_name, 2:required string new_name)
throws (1:InvalidRequestException ire),

/** adds a keyspace and any column families that are part of it. returns the new schema id. */
string system_add_keyspace(1:required KsDef ks_def)
throws (1:InvalidRequestException ire),

/** drops a keyspace and any column families that are part of it. returns the new schema id. */
string system_drop_keyspace(1:required string keyspace)
throws (1:InvalidRequestException ire),

/** renames a keyspace. returns the new schema id. */
string system_rename_keyspace(1:required string old_name, 2:required string new_name)
throws (1:InvalidRequestException ire),

2 增加二级索引,提供对Column的value进行查询的功能:







/* 相关结构体定义. */

enum IndexType {

/* describes a column in a column family. */
struct ColumnDef {
    1: required binary name,
    2: required string validation_class,
    3: optional IndexType index_type,
    4: optional string index_name

/* 相关接口定义. */

/** Returns the subset of columns specified in SlicePredicate for the rows matching the IndexClause */
list<KeySlice> get_indexed_slices(1:required ColumnParent column_parent,
				2:required IndexClause index_clause,
				3:required SlicePredicate column_predicate,
				4:required ConsistencyLevel consistency_level=ONE)
throws (1:InvalidRequestException ire, 2:UnavailableException ue, 3:TimedOutException te),

3 配置文件格式修改




~ The name of this cluster. This is mainly used to prevent machines in
~ one logical cluster from joining another.
<ClusterName>Test Cluster</ClusterName>


# name of the cluster
'Test Cluster'



* sstable versioning (CASSANDRA-389)
* switched to slf4j logging (CASSANDRA-625)
* add (optional) expiration time for column (CASSANDRA-699)
* access levels for authentication/authorization (CASSANDRA-900)
* add ReadRepairChance to CF definition (CASSANDRA-930)
* fix heisenbug in system tests, especially common on OS X (CASSANDRA-944)
* convert to byte[] keys internally and all public APIs (CASSANDRA-767)
* ability to alter schema definitions on a live cluster (CASSANDRA-44)
* renamed configuration file to cassandra.xml, and log4j.properties to
-server.properties, which must now be loaded from
the classpath (which
is how our scripts in bin/ have always done it)
* change get_count to require a SlicePredicate. create multi_get_count
* re-organized endpointsnitch implementations and added SimpleSnitch
* Added preload_row_cache option (CASSANDRA-946)
* add CRC to commitlog header (CASSANDRA-999)
* removed deprecated batch_insert and get_range_slice methods (CASSANDRA-1065)
* add truncate thrift method (CASSANDRA-531)
* http mini-interface using mx4j (CASSANDRA-1068)
* optimize away copy of sliced row on memtable read path (CASSANDRA-1046)
* replace constant-size 2GB mmaped segments and special casing for index
entries spanning segment boundaries, with SegmentedFile that computes
segments that always contain entire entries
/rows (CASSANDRA-1117)
* avoid reading large rows into memory during compaction (CASSANDRA-16)
* added hadoop OutputFormat (CASSANDRA-1101)
* efficient Streaming (no more anticompaction) (CASSANDRA-579)
* split commitlog header into separate file and add size checksum to
mutations (CASSANDRA
* avoid allocating a new byte[] for each mutation on replay (CASSANDRA-1219)
* revise HH schema to be per-endpoint (CASSANDRA-1142)
* add joining/leaving status to nodetool ring (CASSANDRA-1115)
* allow multiple repair sessions per node (CASSANDRA-1190)
* optimize away MessagingService for local range queries (CASSANDRA-1261)
* make framed transport the default so malformed requests can't OOM the
server (CASSANDRA-475)
* significantly faster reads from row cache (CASSANDRA-1267)
* take advantage of row cache during range queries (CASSANDRA-1302)
* make GCGraceSeconds a per-ColumnFamily value (CASSANDRA-1276)
* keep persistent row size and column count statistics (CASSANDRA-1155)
* add IntegerType (CASSANDRA-1282)
* page within a single row during hinted handoff (CASSANDRA-1327)
* push DatacenterShardStrategy configuration into keyspace definition,
eliminating datacenter.properties. (CASSANDRA
* optimize forward slices starting with '' and single-index-block name
queries by skipping the column index (CASSANDRA
* streaming refactor (CASSANDRA-1189)
* faster comparison for UUID types (CASSANDRA-1043)
* secondary index support (CASSANDRA-749 and subtasks)



posted on 2010-08-20 14:45  逖靖寒  阅读(2604)  评论(3编辑  收藏  举报