Windows API Code Pack V1.1

     在以前的博文中关于Windows 7 开发的部分,使用的都是Windows API Code Pack V1.0.1 版本。今年8月微软发布了最新的V1.1 版本。Windows API Code Pack 提供了强大的代码库用于开发带有Windows 7 和Windows Vista 相关特性的应用程序。下面列出Windows API Code Pack V1.1 版本支持的所有特性。


· Windows 7 Taskbar

- Jump Lists, Icon Overlay, Progress Bar, Tabbed Thumbnails, and Thumbnail Toolbars

· Windows Shell

- Windows 7 Libraries
- Windows Shell Search API support
- Explorer Browser Control
- A hierarchy of Shell Namespace entities
- Windows Shell property system
- Drag and Drop for Shell Objects
- Windows Vista and Windows 7 Common File Dialogs, including custom controls
- Known Folders and non-file system containers
- Shell Object Watcher
- Shell Extensions API support

· DirectX

- Direct3D 11.0, Direct3D 10.1/10.0, DXGI 1.0/1.1, Direct2D 1.0, DirectWrite, Windows Imaging Component (WIC) APIs

· Windows Vista and Windows 7 Task Dialogs

· Sensor Platform APIs

· Extended Linguistic Services APIs

· Power Management APIs

· Application Restart and Recovery APIs

· Network List Manager APIs

· Command Link control and System defined Shell icons



· Many FxCop violations and PREfast warnings have been addressed

· Bug fixes across various features and samples

- Includes many API improvements

· New features

- Shell Object Watcher
- Preview Handler APIs
- Thumbnail Handler APIs

· New samples for the new features

· Visual Studio 2010 compliance

· Initial xUnit test coverage

· String localization

· Signed assemblies



在V1.1 中文档也增加了不少,可以方便开发者查找相关资料。

· API References

- Windows API Code Pack Help.chm
- Windows API Code Pack DirectX Help.chm

· API Changes since the previous release

- Windows API Code Pack API Changes.html

· Overview of the release (including new features)

- Windows API Code Pack Release Notes.htm



posted @ 2010-12-29 09:32  Gnie  阅读(6400)  评论(7编辑  收藏  举报
Copyright © 2010 Gnie