
Posted on 2005-02-08 09:38  freshventure  阅读(1124)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

Blog Software Breakdown

Even before the whole Movable Type fallout, I had been trying to decide which of the many weblog CMS packages would be best for my needs. (Choice made!) I got tired of flipping back and forth between each of the sites, especially when not all of the answers to my questions were apparent from simply reading the main web page.

This chart displays attributes of different user-installed blog software packages side-by-side for comparison. Only server-installed scripts will be included in this list. (Sorry, no Radio, Blogger, etc.) I created this chart to help figure out what blog tool best suited my needs. Hopefully, it will be useful to the self-hosted blogging community as well.

If you have more complete information about any of these packages, please email that information along with the URL to your blog to "blogware[at]midnightcircus[dot]com". I will integrate your info and add your site to the example site lists at the bottom of the chart.
I have created an Excell spreadsheet to make this easier. You can download it here. Just forward the file to the specified address when you've added your info!

If you have any suggestions for criteria to include in the chart, please include that, too. If your favorite software is not listed here, please mention it and I will attempt to add it. If you are part of a development group for any of the mentioned software, feel free to submit updates regarding upgrades. If I have made a mistake somewhere, please email me with a correction and I will do my best to apply it.

Be sure to stop back as the chart becomes more complete.

Unverified features

I have received a few new submissions since a link to this page appeared on Slashdot. For the sake of getting them online quickly in the interest of these visitors, I added these directly and have not verified the features by hand. I trust that the interested folks who have supplied the data have given me good info, but you should use your own judgement, so I'll list these here until I verify them myself:

  • Nucleus
  • SPIP
  • Blojsom

If you notice discrepencies between the actual features of any tool listed here and what I have in the chart, feel free to email a correction.

Blog Software Chart

In alphabetical order. Entries with † symbol indicate non-default functionality provided by plugins.

  b2Evolution bBlog BLOG:CMS Blojsom Blosxom Expression Engine MovableType Nucleus   Pivot pMachine Pro Serendipity SPIP .Text TextPattern WordPress
Current Version Oslo 0.7.2 3.0 final 2.15 2 1.0 3.0 3.0 Current Version 1.14 2.3 0.6.5-CVS 1.7.2 0.95 Gamma 1.18a 1.2 Mingus
Home URL here here here here here here here here Home URL here here here here here here here
Trial URL here OSCMS here     here   OSCMS Trial URL   here OSCMS OSCMS   OSCMS OSCMS
License GPL GPL GPL BSD MIT Personal/Commercial Non-Commercial GPL License GPL Personal/Commercial BSD GPL BSD BSD GPL
Cost (US$) Free Free Free Free Free $149/$199 Free Free Cost (US$) Free $45/$125 Free Free Free Free Free
Minimum Server
PHP 4.1
MySQL 3.23
PHP 4.1

MySQL 3.23.28
PHP 4.0.6 (or PHP 5.0.0)

Java 1.4
Servlet 2.3/JSP 1.2-compliant app server (e.g. Tomcat)
Perl 4 or 5 PHP 4.1
MySQL 3.23.32

Perl 5.004_04
Berkeley DB/MySQL/ SQLLite/PostgreSQL

PHP 4.1
MySQL 3.23.38
Minimum Server
PHP 4.0.6 PHP 4.06
MySQL 3.23

PHP 4.1
MySQL 3/

MySQL 3.23
Windows 2000 Server
.NET Framework
SQL Server

PHP 4.1
MySQL 3.23.23

Localization cs-CZ de-DE en-EU en-UK en-US en-CA en-AU es-ES fr-FR fr-CA it-IT ja-JP lt-LT nb-NO nl-NL nl-BE pt-BR sv-SE zh-CN zh-TW en cs, de, en, es, fr, zh, ru, ja, ko, nl, it, lv, sk, fi, gl, fa, ta, tl, pt, pt-br en-US en en, ca, zh, nl, fi, fr, de, hu, it, ja, pt, es en, ca, zh, da, nl, et, fr, de, el, he, hi, hu, is, id, it, ja, ko, la, ms, no, fa, pt, ru, sv, ur, cy en, es, de, fr, zh, ru, ja, ko, nl, it, cs, lv, sk, fi, gl, fa, ta, tl, pt, pt-br Localization chi/ace, cz/cs, de, ee, en, fr, fry, it,kor, lv, nl, ru, se, sk, spa en, zh, cs, da, nl, fi, fr, de, id, hu, ja, ko, no, it, fa, pt, ru, sk, sl, sp en,de,fr,cz,da,spa en, fr, ar, bg, ca, cpf, da, de, eo, es, fa, gl, it, nl, oc, pl, pt, vi, zh   en, de ar, en-GB, en-CA, es-ES, fr, ja, de-DE, nl-NL, sv-SE, it-IT, hi
Multilingual Yes   Yes† Yes     Yes No Multilingual     Yes Yes No   Yes
Data Storage Database Database Database Flat Files Data File Database Flat Files Database Data Storage Flat Files Database Database Database Database Database Database
  b2Evolution bBlog BLOG:CMS Blojsom Blosxom Expression Engine MT Nucleus   Pivot pMachine Pro Serendipity SPIP .Text TextPattern WordPress
Max. Weblogs Unlimited 1 Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Max. Weblogs Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited 1
Multiple Sites   No No No     Up to 3 No Multiple Sites     No Yes† Yes   No
Post Ordering ascending
Post Ordering     descending
Categories Multiple Multiple Single
Single Single
Multiple Multiple Single Categories Multiple Single Multiple Multipl   Multiple Multiple
Subcategories Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No Subcategories No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Keywords No No Yes Yes† Yes† No Yes Yes Keywords No No No Yes   Yes No
Default Post Fields 3 2 3 9   4 4 3 Default Post Fields 4 4 7 7   3 3*
Max Post Fields 3 2 Unlimited 9   Unlimited 4 Unlimited† Max Post Fields 4 7 Unlimited† Unlimited   6 Unlimited
Post Editor Plugin Based Plugin Based Textarea
Plugin Based Plugin Based Textile Textarea Textarea
Plugin based
Post Editor Textarea

Plugin Based

HTML   Textile Plugin Based
Draft Mode Yes+ Yes Yes Yes† Yes+ Yes+ Yes Yes Draft Mode Yes Yes Yes Yes+   Yes+ Yes
Post API Support Blogger
MetaWeblog Blogger
  No Atom
Post API Support No Blogger Blogger No     Blogger
Post Moderation Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes† Post Moderation No Yes Yes Yes   Yes Yes
Post Pings Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes† Yes Yes Yes Post Pings Yes No Yes No   Yes Yes
Bookmarklets Yes Yes Yes   Yes† Yes Yes Yes Bookmarklets Yes Yes No Yes†   No Yes
  b2Evolution bBlog BLOG:CMS Blojsom Blosxom Expression Engine MT Nucleus   Pivot pMachine Pro Serendipity SPIP .Text TextPattern WordPress
RSS Output 0.92, 2.0, RDF 2.0 0.91, 2.0 RDF 0.92, 2.0, RDF 0.92 Yes 2.0, RDF 0.92, 2.0, RDF RSS Output 2.0 Yes 0.92, 1.0, 2.0 0.91, 1.0, 2.0 2.0 0.92 0.92, 2.0, RDF
Atom Output 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 Yes 0.3 0.3 Atom Output 0.3 Yes 0.3 No 0.3 0.3 0.3
Comments Yes Threaded Yes Yes Yes† Yes Yes Yes Comments Yes Yes Threaded Threaded Yes Yes Yes
Comment Spam login
?† login
Comment Spam duplicate


moderate none delay


Comment RSS Yes No Yes Yes   Yes Yes Yes† Comment RSS No
Yes Yes† No No Yes
Template Storage PHP File Flat File Database Flat File Flat File Database Flat File/
Database Template Storage Data File Database PHP File Flat File   Database PHP File
Template Tagging PHP functions Smarty Proprietary Underlying engine Proprietary PHP functions Proprietary Proprietary Template Tagging Proprietary PHP functions PHP Functions Proprietary   Proprietary PHP functions
Edit Templates Online Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Edit Templates Online Yes Yes No No   Yes Yes
Template Expert No No No No No No No No Template Expert No No No No   Yes No
Edit Templates Offline Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Edit Templates Offline Yes Yes Yes Yes   No Yes
Template Conditionals Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes† Yes Yes Yes Template Conditionals Yes Yes Yes Yes   Yes Yes
  b2Evolution bBlog BLOG:CMS Blojsom Blosxom Expression Engine MT Nucleus   Pivot pMachine Pro Serendipity SPIP .Text TextPattern WordPress
Open Registration Toggle No Toggle Toggle   Toggle No Toggle Open Registration No Toggle No Toggle   No Toggle
User Security permission groups single user user/group permissions user permissions   permission groups user permissions permission groups User Security permission groups numeric levels permission groups user permissions   permission groups numeric levels
Trackback Yes Threaded Yes Yes Yes† Yes Yes Yes† Trackback Yes Yes Yes Yes†   No Yes
Pingback Yes No Yes No Yes† No No Yes† Pingback No Yes Yes No   No Yes
RSS Aggregator No feed aggregator No feed† No   feed RSS Aggregator feed feed Yes† aggregator?   No Yes†
Forum No No Yes No No No No Yes Forum No Yes No Yes   No No
File Editor Yes No No No Yes† No No No File Editor Yes   No No   No Yes
CSS Editor Simple No No Simple No Simple Simple No CSS Editor Simple Simple No Simple   Fancy Simple
Plugins/ Extensions Drop-in Push-button Push-button Config Drop-In Push-button Drop-in Push-button Plugins/ Extensions Hack Drop-in Push-button Config   Push-button Push-button
Plugin Directory     here here here   here here Plugin Directory     here here     here
Visitor Logs Yes No Yes No No   No Yes† Visitor Logs Yes   Yes Yes   Yes Yes†
Referrer Logs Yes* Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes† Referrer Logs Yes No Yes Yes   Yes Yes†
Imports From b2
Movable Type
Manywhere Miniblog
none Movable Type
Movable Type
Movable Type
Movable Type
Imports From Movable Type
Movable Type
RSS Feeds None   Blogger*
Movable Type*
Movable Type
  b2Evolution bBlog BLOG:CMS Blojsom Blosxom Expression Engine MT Nucleus   Pivot pMachine Pro Serendipity SPIP .Text TextPattern WordPress
User Profiles Custom No Custom Simple No Custom Simple Simple
User Profiles Custom Simple Simple Simple   No Simple
SEF URLs path_info path_info mod_rewrite
  filenames mod_rewrite
SEF URLs mod_rewrite
mod_rewrite   mod_rewrite mod_rewrite
Thumbnails No No Yes No Yes† Yes Yes Yes† Thumbnails Yes No Yes Yes   No Yes
Category Images No No Yes Yes Yes† Yes No Yes Category Images Yes No Yes Yes   Yes Yes
Skin Switch Yes No Yes Yes Yes† No No Yes† Skin Switch No No Yes Yes   Yes Yes†
Cross-Post Yes No No No Yes† No No No Cross-Post Yes No No No   No No
Linkroll Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes† Yes No Yes† Linkroll Yes Yes Yes† Yes   Yes Yes
Password Posts Yes No   No Yes†   No


Password Posts No   No No     Yes
Blog By Email No No   Yes† Yes†   No Yes† Blog By Email No   Yes†     No Yes
  b2Evolution bBlog BLOG:CMS Blojsom Blosxom Expression Engine MT Nucleus   Pivot pMachine Pro Serendipity   .Text TextPattern WordPress
User Community here here here here here here here here User Community here here here here   here here
Documentation here here here here here here here here Documentation here here here here     here
Sample Sites

Samples linked here

Samples linked here   Samples lnked here Samples linked here
and here (v2.661) (v2.661)
Samples linked here Sample Sites Samples linked here
Webring of Pivot sites
  Samples linked here Samples linked here     Samples linked here

Criteria Descriptions

The criteria in the above chart are described here.

Current Version

This indicates the current version number of the software in production as of June 13, 2004.

Home URL

This is the URL of the home page for the CMS software.

Trial URL

This is a URL at which the software is installed for demonstration/trial purposes. Thanks to OpenSourceCMS (OSCMS) for hosting the many open source weblogs that are available.


This indicates the license requirements for the installation of the software. This is a general overview - please see the software sites for actual licensing requirements.

GNU Public License
The software is available for personal use on one site. Usually requires a button/link to the software site and cannot be used to generate income.
The software is available to commercial use on one site. Restrictions of the personal version are usually not applicable to the commercial version, but there is also usually a higher price.

Concerning the Movable Type 3.0 license

The free version of the software includes 3 "weblogs" in the license. However, the definition of a "weblog" in MT terms is relevant to the discussion of how it applies to my chart. This quotation (from here) explains MT's position on "weblog" in their license:

In our licenses, we now address this with this language: "Weblog" means a single Web site viewable at a single URL (Uniform Resource Locator), consisting of one or more weblogs as generated by the Software via the "Create New Weblog" function of the Software.

I think there is a lot of confusion around this issue, which is what has MT users in an uproar. Much of this seems to stem fromwhat a "weblog" is, whether it is a section of a site or an entire site itself. I think this terminology is clarified (not entirely, but well enough) in the quotation above.

I should also note here that the commercial license terms are really not that different from those applied to MT version 2.661. If you are using the free version of MT 2.661 for commercial gain, you may be violating the license terms.

Cost (US$)

This is the cost of the system in United States Dollars.

Different prices may be listed depending on the licensing available. Some packages cost different amounts based on the number of output streams and/or users that can post.

Minimum Server Requirements

This indicates the minimum requirements of the server on which the software is to be installed. This usually is not indicated in the power/speed of the server, but in the installed software on which the blog software is dependent. This software may have additional license requirements and costs that are not indicated here.


This indicates the languages supported by the administration interface of the system. It does not indicate an ability to translate your content into another language. This does not necessarily include localized template samples in all of the specified languages. See this reference for two-letter codes.


This indicates whether the system's administrative interface is localized based on individual user settings.

Data Storage

This indicates the primary source of drawn data for the transmission of site pages. This information is useful for determining the processing speed of the site and the method required for backup of post data.

Flat File
When the site is served to requesting browsers, the full page is pulled from a flat file and is not built on-the-fly by the blog software.
Data File
When the site is served to requesting browsers, the data for the page is pulled from a flat file and inserted into a template for delivery.
When the site is served to requesting browsers, the data for the page is pulled from a database and inserted into a template for delivery.

Max. Weblogs

This number indicates the maximum number of weblogs (channel of postings) that the system can manage through a single installed administrative interface. This number is not the number of sites for which the single administrative interface will manage content (see: Multiple Sites).

Mutiple Sites

This indicates whether the system can manage weblogs across multiple sites. To qualify, all user information and data input must be managed from a single point of entry, although user permission may allow a specific user access to only one of the available sites.

Post Ordering

This indicates the available methods for ordering the display of posts on the site.

Posts can be ordered in descending chronological order, with the newest at the top. This is the default setting for many weblogs.
Posts can be ordered in ascending chronological order, with the oldest at the top.
Posts can be ordered alphabetically by post topic.
Posts can be ordered by the category in which they appear.


This indicates whether the system allows posts to be classified by categories.

There is no category mechanism.
A post can be assigned to only one category.
A post can be assigned to any number of categories.


This indicates whether a system allows subcategories to be created in a hierarchy.


This indicates whether the system allows keywords (these do not count as entry fields, below) to be associated by a post author to each post, and also allows the system to return posts that are related by these keywords via a keyword search.

Default Post Fields

This number represents the number of entry fields available per post in a default installation. This includes such basics as the Title field, an Excerpt, and the post Body. This includes fields that are available in an advanced posting mode, but not those that must be added via an administrative interface.

WordPress has entry fields for GPS information in addition to the basic text entry.

Max Post Fields

This number indicates the maximum number of entry fields that may become available per post after modifying the post fields via an administrative interface.

Post Editor

This indicates the type of editor used to edit the primary post field. Some more sophisticated methods of entry may be available by means of a plugin or API.

The system accepts post data directly from a plain HTML <textarea> tag with little or no modification. The data can include HTML markup, and there may be scripted controls that automatically insert these markup tags, but the system does not process the tags.
The system accepts post data from a <textarea> and processes it through Texurize.
The system accepts post data from a <textarea> and processes it through Textile. There may be scripted controls that automatically apply Textile markup.
The system uses a browser-integrated WYSIWYG solution to allow users to enter post data.
The system uses a WYSIWYG Java applet to allow users to enter post data.
Plugin Based
b2Evolution lets you choose your editor using plugins (included: Textile, Auto-P, Greymatter, BB Code, Texturize, graphic smilies)
bBlog lets you choose your editor using plugins (included: Textile, bbcode, plain)
Serendipity let you choose your editor using plugins (included: Textile, wiki, BB Code)

Draft Mode

This indicates whether the system supports submitting unpublished drafts of posts.

Yes+ indicates that there are additional post statuses beyond published and draft.

Post API Support

This indicates which blogging APIs the system supports.

Some systems, such as Pivot and Expression Engine, are waiting for completion of the Atom API before implementing that for a post API.

Post Moderation

This indicates whether it is possible to require editor- or administrative-level approval of a post before it is published to the site.

Post Pings

This indicates whether the system will "ping" any number of pre-designated URLs using XMLRPC to indicate that a new post has been published to the site.


This indicates if posting features are available from a browser bookmarklet.

RSS Output

This indicates what versions of RSS the system will produce for syndication, if any.

Atom Output

This indicates whether the system will produce Atom output for syndication.


This indicates whether the system supports per-post comments. bBlog supports Threaded comments in which replies that are made to existing comments are displayed so that this is evident, rather than a typical "flat" stream of replies.

Comment Spam

This indicates the methods available to prevent comment spam. These options are not necessarily requirements and might need to be configured or activated in the system by the administrator.

Users must login to leave comments.
Comments are searched for spam suspect words and eliminated if found to match.
Users leaving comments must replicate the text that appears in a generated image.
The system does not allow duplicate comments.
The system can ban commenters by IP. Pivot IP bans are checked against both the user's IP and their referrer.
The system can ban comments by username.
The system can require that comments are reviewed by editors/administrators before publication.
The system uses a list of URLs or IPs that indicate spam comments. Pivot blacklists are checked against both the user and the referrer. b2Evolution blacklists are centralized on a remote server and are contributed by the b2Evolution community.
The system requires that a reasonable amount of time passes between adding comments.
The system will turn off commenting for a post automatically after a preset amount of time. This is different from manually disabling comments.
The system will replace commenting users URLs with local URLs that redirect to the specified site. This prevents the link from garnering PageRanking. (See this.)
The system will reject or hold for moderation all comments containing a minimum number of links.
The system will allow the deletion of a batch of comments simultaneously.

Comment RSS

This indicates whether the system offers comments for a post as an RSS feed.

Template Storage

This indicates how the templates for a page are stored and retrieved.

Descriptions of the possible values:

Flat File
The templates are stored in a flat file. The system reads the flat file and inserts post data into the template for display.
PHP File
The templates are stored as PHP files and are executed. The code built into the template files inserts post data for display.
The templates are stored in a database. The system reads the database entry and inserts post data into the template for display.

Template Tagging

This indicates what means the system uses to recognize the insertion points for post data or other functions of the system.

PHP functions
The template contains actual PHP functions that execute to insert post data at that point.
The template contains proprietary HTML tags that are replaced by the system with post data.
The template uses the Smarty library to insert post data.
Underlying Engine
The template uses the underlying sever-side scripting engine to insert content. This varies based on the engine on which the system is installed.

Edit Templates Online

This indicates whether the system allows editing of templates via an online interface.

Template Expert

This indicates whether the system provides some development environment for editing templates beyond a blank <textarea>. This might include (at least) a button that inserts code into the editor at the cursor to display a designated post field.

Edit Templates Offline

This indicates whether the system allows offline editing and downloading/uploading of templates, such as via FTP.

Template Conditionals

This indicates whether the system can alter the presentation of a template based on a conidition, such as the category or author of a post.

Open Registration

This indicates whether users can create their own logins for posting on the site via the system.

Users cannot register their own logins.
The option is available or not based on an administrative setting.
This option is always on, or must be disabled by hacking or removing sections of the system code.

User Security

This indicates the method used to differentiate the permissions of different users.

numeric levels
Users are assigned a level by number. Users at one end of the range have all permissions, users at the other have few or none, the range between allows different permissions. Individual permissions are generally not assigned directly to users.
permission groups
Users are assigned to a group and inherit their permissions from that group. There can be any number of groups with different permissions as defined by an administrator.
single user
There is only one user account that can log in to the software control panel.
user permissions
Users are assigned all permissions individually.


This indicates the ability of the system to initiate a trackback ping to another weblog when a new post is added. bBlog supports Threaded Trackbacks in which pings that are made to existing Trackbacks are displayed so that this is evident, rather than a typical "flat" stream of replies.


This indicates the ability of the system to initiate a pingback to a site when a new post is added.

RSS Aggregator

This indicates the extent to which the system can consume RSS from other sites.

The system cannot consume RSS feeds.
The system includes a full-featured RSS aggregator that can display feeds from other sites. The aggregator may provide its own interface, separate from the templating of the weblog proper.
The system can read the RSS data from a site and integrate that information in some way with the standard posting methods available in the system.


This indicates whether the system includes an integrated bulletin board-style forum, or the blogging software can be configured to behave as such. To be used as a forum, the blog software must allow users to create new entries with an attached user profile and must also still be able to operate a separate weblog area with private content.

File Editor

This indicates whether the system includes an online editor for files that reside on the web site.

CSS Editor

This indicates whether the system includes an online editor for Cascading Style Sheets.

This system does not include an editor for CSS of any kind.
The system allows editing of CSS via direct editing of site files.
The system parses CSS and displays its properties in a special interface.


This indiates the method most acceptable by the developers by which additional functionality can be added to the base system.

To activate this plugin, the administrator installs the plugin files to a specific directory. The system automatically integrates these files with no configuration changes. To remove the plugin, it must be removed from the filesystem.
To activate this plugin, the administrator installs the plugin files to the system, then activates the plugin from an administration console. The plugin can also be deactivated through the console without requiring removal of its files.
To activate this plugin, the administrator installs the plug files to the system, then alters a configuration file to inform the system that the plugin is available. The plugin is deactivated by removing the changes form this config file.
To activate this plugin, the administrator must replace or patch an existing system file. To remove the plugin, the original file must be restored.

Plugin Directory

This URL indicates a directory at which plugins or extensions can be obtained for the system.

Visitor Logs

This indicates whether a system can display a log of the recent visitors to the site, including such information as pages visited, user agent, IP address, IP nationality, etc.

Referrer Logs

This indicates whether a system can display a log of the sites that referred visitors to the system site.

B2Evolution includes a collaborative spam feature that helps eliminates spam from the referrer logs.

Imports From

This indicates from what other systems this system can import post data. This does not imply that all data (posts and comments) is transfered, but that some bridge exists to ease the transition from one system to the other. This import feature includes the native functionality any freely available extension (marked with *).

Importing from "RSS Feeds" indicates that the system can import from an existing RSS feed, rather than importing the data natively. This allows importing from any system that suports RSS output, but may not import things such as user accounts, comments, and other unpublished data.

User Profiles

This indicates the detail allowed in user profiles for the system.

The system does not support user profiles.
The system includes some amount of pre-defined user profile information that can be edited by the user.
The system provides a feature that can customize the fields available for users to edit in their user profiles.


This indicates the method by which, if used, a system produces Search Engine Friendly URLs. Rather than, a URL might appear like

The system does not support the creation of SEF URLs.
The system uses the Apache extension mod_rewrite to create SEF URLs and provides some means by which the settings for mod_rewrite can be automatically determined. This method does not work natively under Windows IIS.
The system uses the path_info environment variable to parse the use of SEF URLs.
The system uses the Apache <filesmatch> directive to match regular expressions in URLs, similar to mod_rewrite. This method does not work under Windows IIS.
The system writes flat files with names that are search engine friendly by default.


This indicates whether the system can automatically create thumbnail images from images that are uploaded to the site.

Category Images

This indicates whether the system supports the specification of a distinct image for each category.

Skin Switch

This indicates whether the system incorporates a method by which users can change between styles of display of the site. This may be by CSS or by template selection.


This indicates whether the system allows a user to apply a single post to more than one weblog simultaneously.


This indicates whether the system can maintain a list of links to external sites.

Password Posts

This indicates whether the system allows users to password-protect individual posts so that only those visitors that know the correct password may read them.

Blog By Email

This indicates whether the users can add new posts to the system by sending email.

User Community

This URL references a community site that discuses issues surrounding the blog software. It is important that these sites are active and responsive to indicate whether support will be available for the selected CMS.


This URL references the online documentation for the system.

Sample Sites

This is a list of sites that use the specified engine to display content. They reveal what is actually capable of the system in use.

Feel free to link to this chart from wherever you like, but do not copy it - there are quite a few hours of my own hard work behind this effort. If you would like to republish the chart, please email me at the contact address given. I will eventually move this chart