My final Project Part1 (PocketOutlook ContactApplication)

Using compact WCF-BasicHTTPBinding(Application)


Transmit data using compact wcf-BasicHTTPBinding by wireless.

Stop using USB to injury my ppc, brush off Microsoft ActiveSync.


My final project part2:

If ppc side send a packet that is bigger than 45kb the server's response is bad response, that means the packet is too big, so use some segments to transmitting.

pc side send a packet which is no limit. but soap message size should be less than 100kb.

ppc端发送soap message 在45kb左右,返回的相应“bad response”, 就是包太大,修改了receiveSize和receiveBufferSize得到同样结果,所以只能分段发送,我没有找到可以分段发送的函数, 只能自己写了。pc端发送soap message 似乎没有限制, 但是soap mssage 应该不能超过100kb,这是我看到的情况得出的结论,也许修改某些参数可以解决,不知道具体原因,探索中。。。

list Local directory:

My Final Project: Mobile Manager

Tool: Visual Studio 2008, Windows Mobile 6.0 Pro SDK, IIS...

part1: Contact Manager

component: Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook;  XML;

联系人列表,添加和编辑在同一列表item中 ,删除,打电话,短信panel(因为我不愿等短信form跳出来),Email,

联系人列表过滤, 虚拟键盘(这个太花时间了)



List Contact Items:












Contact Filter:














To Be Continue......














posted @ 2009-03-08 15:02  frankAvanel  阅读(473)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报