驱动中 定时

    IN PVOID  Object,
    IN KWAIT_REASON  WaitReason,
    IN BOOLEAN  Alertable,
    IN PLARGE_INTEGER  Timeout  OPTIONAL   // Pointer to a time-out value that specifies the absolute or relative time, in 100 nanosecond units, 

  MicroSeconds                    // Specifies the number of microseconds to stall.

  DueTime, //
Specifies the absolute or relative time at which the timer is to expire. If the value of the DueTime parameter is negative, the expiration time is relative to the current system time. Otherwise, the expiration time is absolute. The expiration time is expressed in system time units (100-nanosecond intervals). Absolute expiration times track any changes in the system time; relative expiration times are not affected by system time changes.

posted @ 2007-11-29 09:14  至尊王者  阅读(691)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报