NDIS的研究 http://www.ndis.com/.

1,GetAdaptersInfo 获取设备名

DWORD GetAdaptersInfo(
  PIP_ADAPTER_INFO pAdapterInfo,
  PULONG pOutBufLen
Pointer to a buffer that, on successful return, receives a linked list of IP_ADAPTER_INFO structures.
Pointer to a ULONG variable that contains the size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by the pAdapterInfo parameter. If this size is insufficient to hold the adapter information, this function fills in this variable with the required size, and returns an error code of ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW.
Return Values

2.CreateFile 获得ndis 句柄

3.DeviceIoControl 用上面取得的句柄和设备名,和你要查询的ndis OID,获取信息。

如果你想测试是你的程序问题还是wlan driver 没有返回查询,推荐使用ndis tools ,
免费下载 在 http://rawether.net/embedded/WINCE/downloads.htm

windows DDK开发.

WRAPI works on all wireless NICs (network interface cards) that have drivers for WindowsXP. In other words, WRAPI works with any driver that is NDIS 5.1 compliant. This is because the wireless OIDs are not supported in any earlier versions of NDIS (5.0 and earlier).


 How can I query and set NDIS adapter driver information from my Win32 application?
 How can I manage 802.11 connections on Windows XP (including Windows XP Embedded)?


The lesson to be learned here is not to develop software that depends on the Microsoft-signed in-box NDISUIO driver. The API supported by NDISUIO is NOT a supported Windows service that you can depend upon.
If you are not able or willing to develop and deploy your own NDIS protocol driver, you can adapt your software to initially attempt to use the NDISUIO Build 2600 IOCTL values. If they fail, then attempt to use the NDISUIO SP1 IOCTL values.

use ndisuio to get/set wifi card.



1,GetAdaptersInfo 获取设备名
  2.CreateFile 获得ndis 句柄
  3.DeviceIoControl 用上面取得的句柄和设备名,和你要查询的ndis OID,获取信息。
如果你想测试是你的程序问题还是wlan driver 没有返回查询,推荐使用ndis tools ,
免费下载 在 http://rawether.net/embedded/WINCE/downloads.htm

我在实际项目要控制wifi sdio卡,现在是调用WZC实现的。比较傻瓜级,如果更深层次的控制依旧需要使用NDISUIO和NDIS。


posted on 2009-05-07 13:35  Emosen  阅读(684)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报