

#df –k                   <df G>

/dev/lv00       10485760       44%        /oracle

/dev/lv01        52428800       12%        /oradata

/dev/hd1         131072           4%         /home

/dev/ha9v       ar    262144           12%        /var


#smitty fs


File system name                         /var

Size of file system

              Unit size                       512bytes

              Number of units            524288

Mount group                               bootfs

Mount Automatically at system restat yes

Permissions                                read/write

Start DISK actioning                    no

Fragment size bytes             4096

Compression algorithom               no

Large File Enable                         true

Allocation Group Size(MBytes)     64


#lspv             /hdisk0            005baffcf84b78a7         rootvg           active

hdisk2            005baf6c02b69d7          oravg             active


prtconf                     / 

lsvg o

lsvg p oravg

hdisk2            active             total pps 779      free pps398        1pps128M


lslv l lv00




lsps     a                /hd6         hdisk0            rootvg            1152MB


lsvg l rootvg

lv name          Type              LPS        PPS        PVS        Lvstate

hd5                boot        1            1            1           

lv00               jfs           80           80           1            open


smitty lvm                   /LVVolume GroupsLogical VolumesPhysical Volumespaging space 

smitty lvm    

              Logical Volumes

              list all logical volumes by volume group


lv name          type        pps         mount point                         <pps=pvs>

lv01               jfs           400         /oradata


lv name          type        pps         mount point

lv00               jfs           80           /oracle


smitty lvm    

              Volume Groups

              add a volume group

volume group namephysical partition size in megabytes 4

physical volme namehdiskForce the creation of volume groupno

Active volume group automatically

                     At system restartyes

Volume group major number Create a big VG format volumes groupno

LTG size in Kbytes 128


smitty lvm    

              Physical Volumes

              list all phsycal volumes in system







              add a disk


smitty lvm    

              paging space

              list all paging space

page space             hd6

PV                        hdisk0

VG                       rootvg

Size                      1152MB

              change/show characteristics of a paging space

paging space name               PV                                      VG                                     Number of additional logical partions

Or number fo logical partition to removeUse this paging space each time the system

Is restarting                                yes

posted @ 2008-12-12 10:57  elegant  阅读(914)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报