


Paul Viola
Before moving to Search, Paul and his team worked on numerous efforts to use machine learning in the analysis of documents, emails, and web pages.  Results of this work can be seen in products like Windows, Live Search, and Microsoft Dynamics.

Yang Ran
Research Area: Object Detection/Tracking/Classification/Recognition in Video Acquired from Moving Platforms.

S. Kevin Zhou
Research interest lies in statistical signal/image processing, computer vision and machine learning, with their applications to biomedical image analysis (especially biomedical image context learning), biometrics and surveillance (especially face and gait recognition), etc.

Seth Benton
Writing/editing professional with engineering background

S. Shankar Sastry
My areas of research are embedded and autonomous software, computer vision, and computation in novel substrates such as DNA, nonlinear and adaptive control, robotic telesurgery, control of hybrid systems, embedded systems, sensor networks and biological motor control. Please visit the following websites for more information regarding my research interest.

Xavier Bresson
Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics to Image Processing in 2005 at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Switzerland.
Postdoctoral Scholar in the U.S. at UCLA in the Math Dept, working with Prof. Tony Chan and Prof. Stanley Osher.
Field of research is mathematical modeling (variational models, non-linear PDEs, and continuous optimization techniques) for Image Processing (image segmentation, image denoising, geometry processing), medical imaging and machine learning.

Dorin Comaniciu


Dorin received Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Polytechnic University of Bucharest in 1995 and Rutgers University in 1999. He has since been with Siemens Corporate Research, serving both as a scientist and manager. Since 2004 he is the head of the Integrated Data Systems Department, with offices in Princeton, New Jersey and Erlangen, Germany. Under his leadership the department has quadrupled in size, by refocusing on disruptive and high impact research. Dorin's scientific interests include robust computer vision, motion estimation, information fusion, discriminative methods for medical imaging, biomedical informatics, and content-based access to visual data. He holds 41 US patents, has co-authored more than 100 patent applications, and more than 160 papers, conference papers, and book chapters in the area of visual information processing. He has received the Best Paper Award at the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2000 and is a co-author of the upcoming book Nonparametric Analysis of Visual Data: The Mean Shift Paradigm. For his innovations in the areas of medical imaging and intelligent vehicles he has received the 2004 Siemens Inventor of the Year Award, the highest technical recognition of Siemens AG worldwide. He has been featured in the book Innovative Minds and has given numerous invited speeches. Dorin leads the scientific direction of one of the largest European projects in biomedical informatics, Health-e-Child, and is one of the main architects of MEDICO, a project focused on the next generation of semantic, scalable search engines for medical imaging. He served as an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (2006-2008) and is now an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.

Selected Publications:


Biomedical Informatics

Shape Tracking Object Detection / Classification Segmentation / Clustering Anisotropic Scale-Space Information Fusion
  • D. Comaniciu: Robust Information Fusion using Variable-Bandwidth Density Estimation, 6th ISIF/IEEE Int. Conf. Information Fusion (Fusion'03), Cairns, Queensland, Australia, 2003
  • B. Xie, D. Comaniciu, V. Ramesh, M. Simon, T. Boult: Component Fusion for Face Detection in the Presence of Heteroscedastic Noise, Annual Conf. of the German Society for Pattern Recognition (DAGM'03), Magdeburg, Germany, 434-441, 2003
Automotive Active Vision Filtering Modeling Retrieval Systems
  • D. Comaniciu, F. Berton, V. Ramesh: Adaptive Resolution System for Distributed Surveillance, Real Time Imaging, Vol. 8, No. 5, 427-437, 2002
  • A. Del Bue, D. Comaniciu, V. Ramesh, C. Regazzoni: Smart Cameras with Real-Time Video Object Generation, IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing (ICIP'02), Rochester, NY, Vol. 3, 429-432, 2002
  • M. Greiffenhagen, D. Comaniciu, H. Niemann, V. Ramesh: Design, Analysis and Engineering of Video Monitoring Systems: An Approach and a Case Study, Proceedings of the IEEE on Third Generation Surveillance Systems, Vol. 89, No. 10, 1498-1517, 2001
  • J. Rosca, S. Sudarsky, R. Balan, D. Comaniciu, Mobile Interaction with Remote Worlds: The Acoustic Periscope, AAAI Workshop Artificial Intelligence in Mobile Systems, Seattle, Washington, 2001
  • M. Greiffenhagen, V. Ramesh, D. Comaniciu, Heinrich Niemann: Statistical Modeling and Performance Characterization of a Real-Time Dual Camera Surveillance System, IEEE Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'00), Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, Vol. 2, 335-342, 2000
Medical Imaging Compression

Anil K. Jain


3115 Engineering Building, Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan 48824-1226
Tel: (517) 355-9282, Fax: (517) 432-1061
Email: jain@cse.msu.edu

Anil K. Jain is a University Distinguished Professor in the Departments of Computer Science & Engineering, and Electrical & Computer Engineering at Michigan State University. He received a B.Tech. from IIT, Kanpur (1969) and Ph.D. from Ohio State University (1973). His research interests include pattern recognition, computer vision and biometric recognition. His articles on biometrics have appeared in Scientific American, Nature, IEEE Spectrum, Comm. ACM, IEEE Computer1,2, Proc. IEEE1,2, Encarta, Scholarpedia, and MIT Technology Review.  
He has received a number of awards, including Guggenheim fellowship, Humboldt Research award, Fulbright fellowship, IEEE Computer Society Technical Achievement award (2003), W. Wallace McDowell award (2007), IAPR King-Sun Fu Prize (2008), and ICDM 2008 Research Contribution Award for contributions to pattern recognition and biometrics. He also received the best paper awards from the IEEE Trans. Neural Networks (1996) and the Pattern Recognition journal (1987, 1991, 2005). He served as the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (1991-1994). He is a Fellow of the ACM, IEEE, AAAS, IAPR and SPIE.  
Holder of six patents in the area of fingerprints (transferred to IBM in 1999), he is the author of several books: Handbook of Biometrics (2007), Handbook of Multibiometrics (2006), Handbook of Face Recognition (2005), Handbook of Fingerprint Recognition (2003) (received the PSP award from the Association of American Publishers), Markov Random Fields: Theory and Applications (1993), and Algorithms For Clustering Data (1988). ISI has designated him as a highly cited researcher (his h-index is 58). According to CiteSeer, his book, Algorithms for Clustering Data is ranked # 91 in the Most Cited Articles in Computer Science (over all times) and his paper "Data Clustering: A Review" (ACM Computing Surveys, 1999) is consistently ranked in the Top 10 Most Popular Magazine and Computing Survey Articles Downloaded.
He is an Associate Editor of the IEEE Trans. Information Forensics and Security and ACM Trans. Knowledge Discovery in Data. He is a member of the Defense Science Board Summer study on Capability Surprise and The National Academies committees on Whither Biometrics and Improvised Explosive Devices. He has been nominated to the Defense Science Board.

Anil Jain's Vita in [PDF].

Kristen Grauman


Clare Boothe Luce Assistant Professor
Microsoft Research New Faculty Fellow
Department of Computer Sciences
University of Texas at Austin

"I am an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Sciences at the University of Texas at Austin, where I lead the Computer Vision Research Group.  I received my Ph.D. from MIT in the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (2006).  "

"My research interests are in computer vision and machine learning.  In general, the goal of computer vision is to develop the algorithms and representations that will allow a computer to autonomously analyze visual information.   I am especially interested in learning and recognizing visual object categories, and scalable methods for content-based retrieval and visual search."


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Kenji Okuma

Computer Science Department
2366 Main Mall
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6T 1Z4

Research Interest
I am interested in Computer Vision and Machine Learning. At present, I specifically focus my research on probabilistic object tracking and general object recognition.

Rainer Lienhart, Ph.D, Professor


Prof. Dr. Rainer Lienhart, Head of Multimedia Computing
Institut für Informatik, Universität Augsburg
Eichleitnerstr. 30, D-86135 Augsburg, Germany
Email: Rainer.Lienhart@informatik.uni-augsburg.de
Phone : +49 (716) 242 23465
WWW: www.videoanalysis.org/mmc/

Research Interests

include image/video/audio content analysis, machine learning, scalable signal processing, scalable learning, scalable and adaptive algorithms, ubiquitous and distributed media computing in heterogeneous networks, and peer-to-peer networking and mass media sharing.

Journal Papers

Vikas Raykar, Igor Kozintsev, Rainer Lienhart. Position Calibration of Microphones and Loudspeakers in Distributed Computing Platforms. IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, Vo. 13, No. 1, pp. 70-83, Jan. 2005. [PDF: 613KB]

Rainer Lienhart and Alexander Hartmann. Classifying images on the web automatically. Journal of Electronic Imaging 11(4), pp. 445-454, October 2002.

Rainer Lienhart and Axel Wernicke. Localizing and Segmenting Text in Images, Videos and Web Pages. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 12, No.4, pp. 256 -268, April 2002.

Rainer Lienhart, Matthew Holliman, Yen-Kuang Chen, Igor Kozintsev, and Minerva Yeung. Improving Media Services on P2P Networks. IEEE Internet Computing, pp. 73-77, Jan./Feb. 2002.

Rainer Lienhart. Reliable Transition Detection In Videos: A Survey and Practitioner's Guide. International Journal of Image and Graphics (IJIG), Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 469-486, 2001.

Rainer Lienhart. Smart Media Management. OEMagazine, Vol. 1, No. 7, pp. 24-27, July 2001.  

Silvia Pfeiffer, Rainer Lienhart and Wolfgang Effelsberg. Scene Determination based on Video and Audio Features. Vol. 15, pp. 59-81, 2001.

Rainer Lienhart and Wolfgang Effelsberg. Automatic Text Segmentation and Text Recognition for Video Indexing. ACM/Springer Multimedia Systems, Vol. 8. pp.69-81, January 2000; also Technical Report TR-98-009, Praktische Informatik IV, University of Mannheim, May 1998.

Rainer Lienhart, Wolfgang Effelsberg, and Ramesh Jain. VisualGREP: A Systematic Method to Compare and Retrieve Video Sequences. Multimedia Tools and Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 10 (1):47-72, January 2000.

Rainer Lienhart, Silvia Pfeiffer, and Wolfgang Effelsberg. Video Abstracting. Communications of the ACM, Vol. 40, No. 12, pp.55-62, December 1997. [PDF : 132 KB]

Silvia Pfeiffer, Rainer Lienhart, Stephan Fischer and Wolfgang Effelsberg, Abstracting Digital Movies Automatically, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp.345-353, December 1996.

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