
In statistics, the Huber loss is a loss function used in robust regression, that is less sensitive to outliers in data than the squared error loss. A variant for classification is also sometimes used.


Huber loss (green, {\displaystyle \delta =1}\delta =1) and squared error loss (blue) as a function of {\displaystyle y-f(x)}y-f(x)

The Huber loss function describes the penalty incurred by an estimation procedure f. Huber (1964) defines the loss function piecewise by[1]

{\displaystyle L_{\delta }(a)={\begin{cases}{\frac {1}{2}}{a^{2}}&{\text{for }}|a|\leq \delta ,\\\delta (|a|-{\frac {1}{2}}\delta ),&{\text{otherwise.}}\end{cases}}}

This function is quadratic for small values of a, and linear for large values, with equal values and slopes of the different sections at the two points where {\displaystyle |a|=\delta }|a|=\delta . The variable a often refers to the residuals, that is to the difference between the observed and predicted values {\displaystyle a=y-f(x)}a=y-f(x), so the former can be expanded to[2]

{\displaystyle L_{\delta }(y,f(x))={\begin{cases}{\frac {1}{2}}(y-f(x))^{2}&{\textrm {for}}|y-f(x)|\leq \delta ,\\\delta \,|y-f(x)|-{\frac {1}{2}}\delta ^{2}&{\textrm {otherwise.}}\end{cases}}}


Two very commonly used loss functions are the squared loss{\displaystyle L(a)=a^{2}}L(a) = a^2, and the absolute loss{\displaystyle L(a)=|a|}L(a)=|a|. The squared loss function results in an arithmetic mean-unbiased estimator, and the absolute-value loss function results in a median-unbiased estimator (in the one-dimensional case, and a geometric median-unbiased estimator for the multi-dimensional case). The squared loss has the disadvantage that it has the tendency to be dominated by outliers—when summing over a set of {\displaystyle a}a's (as in {\textstyle \sum _{i=1}^{n}L(a_{i})}{\textstyle \sum _{i=1}^{n}L(a_{i})}), the sample mean is influenced too much by a few particularly large a-values when the distribution is heavy tailed: in terms of estimation theory, the asymptotic relative efficiency of the mean is poor for heavy-tailed distributions.

As defined above, the Huber loss function is convex in a uniform neighborhood of its minimum {\displaystyle a=0}a=0, at the boundary of this uniform neighborhood, the Huber loss function has a differentiable extension to an affine function at points {\displaystyle a=-\delta }a=-\delta  and {\displaystyle a=\delta }a=\delta . These properties allow it to combine much of the sensitivity of the mean-unbiased, minimum-variance estimator of the mean (using the quadratic loss function) and the robustness of the median-unbiased estimator (using the absolute value function).

Pseudo-Huber loss function

The Pseudo-Huber loss function can be used as a smooth approximation of the Huber loss function, and ensures that derivatives are continuous for all degrees. It is defined as[3][4]

{\displaystyle L_{\delta }(a)=\delta ^{2}({\sqrt {1+(a/\delta )^{2}}}-1).}L_{\delta }(a)=\delta ^{2}({\sqrt  {1+(a/\delta )^{2}}}-1).

As such, this function approximates {\displaystyle a^{2}/2}a^{2}/2 for small values of {\displaystyle a}a, and approximates a straight line with slope {\displaystyle \delta }\delta  for large values of {\displaystyle a}a.

While the above is the most common form, other smooth approximations of the Huber loss function also exist.[5]

Variant for classification

For classification purposes, a variant of the Huber loss called modified Huber is sometimes used. Given a prediction {\displaystyle f(x)}f(x) (a real-valued classifier score) and a true binary class label {\displaystyle y\in \{+1,-1\}}y\in \{+1,-1\}, the modified Huber loss is defined as[6]

{\displaystyle L(y,f(x))={\begin{cases}\max(0,1-y\,f(x))^{2}&{\textrm {for}}\,\,y\,f(x)\geq -1,\\-4y\,f(x)&{\textrm {otherwise.}}\end{cases}}}

The term {\displaystyle \max(0,1-y\,f(x))}\max(0,1-y\,f(x)) is the hinge loss used by support vector machines; the quadratically smoothed hinge loss is a generalization of {\displaystyle L}L.[6]


The Huber loss function is used in robust statisticsM-estimation and additive modelling.[7]

See also


  1.  Huber, Peter J. (1964). "Robust Estimation of a Location Parameter". Annals of Statistics 53 (1): 73–101. doi:10.1214/aoms/1177703732JSTOR 2238020.
  2.  Hastie, Trevor; Tibshirani, Robert; Friedman, Jerome (2009). The Elements of Statistical Learning. p. 349. Compared to Hastie et al., the loss is scaled by a factor of ½, to be consistent with Huber's original definition given earlier.
  3.  Charbonnier, P.; Blanc-Feraud, L.; Aubert, G.; Barlaud, M. (1997). "Deterministic edge-preserving regularization in computed imaging". IEEE Trans. Image Processing 6(2): 298–311. doi:10.1109/83.551699.
  4.  Hartley, R.; Zisserman, A. (2003). Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 619. ISBN 0-521-54051-8.
  5.  Lange, K. (1990). "Convergence of Image Reconstruction Algorithms with Gibbs Smoothing". IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging 9 (4): 439–446. doi:10.1109/42.61759.
  6. Zhang, Tong (2004). Solving large scale linear prediction problems using stochastic gradient descent algorithms. ICML.
  7.  Friedman, J. H. (2001). "Greedy Function Approximation: A Gradient Boosting Machine". Annals of Statistics 26 (5): 1189–1232. doi:10.1214/aos/1013203451.JSTOR 2699986.


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