
从sunfreesoftware.com下载以下安装软件:gcc,eventlog, libiconv, libintl, zlib, pcre, openssl, glib, syslog-ng.



gcc :

root@node1 # gunzip gcc-3.4.6-sol10-sparc-local.gz

root@node1 # pkgadd -d ./gcc-3.4.6-sol10-sparc-local

eventlog :

root@node1 # gunzip eventlog-0.2.12-sol10-sparc-local.gz

root@node1 # pkgadd -d ./eventlog-0.2.12-sol10-sparc-local

libiconv :

root@node1 # gunzip libiconv-1.14-sol10-sparc-local.gz

root@node1 # pkgadd -d ./libiconv-1.14-sol10-sparc-local

libintl :

root@node1 # gunzip libintl-3.4.0-sol10-sparc-local.gz

root@node1 # pkgadd -d ./libintl-3.4.0-sol10-sparc-local

zlib :

root@node1 # gunzip zlib-1.2.5-sol10-sparc-local.gz

root@node1 # pkgadd -d ./zlib-1.2.5-sol10-sparc-local

pcre :

root@node1 # gunzip pcre-8.21-sol10-sparc-local.gz

root@node1 # pkgadd -d ./pcre-8.21-sol10-sparc-local

openssl :

root@node1 # gunzip openssl-1.0.0g-sol10-sparc-local.gz

root@node1 # pkgadd -d ./openssl-1.0.0g-sol10-sparc-local

glib :

root@node1 # gunzip glib-2.25.13-sol10-sparc-local.gz

root@node1 # pkgadd -d glib-2.25.13-sol10-sparc-local

syslog-ng :

root@node1 # gunzip syslogng-3.2.4-sol10-sparc-local.gz

root@node1 # pkgadd -d ./syslogng-3.2.4-sol10-sparc-local


1. 停用system-log

# svcadm -v disable svc:/system/system-log:default

2. 拷贝以下文件

#cp /usr/local/doc/syslogng/contrib/solaris-packaging/syslog-ng.example.xml /var/svc/manifest/system/syslog-ng.xml

#cp /usr/local/doc/syslogng/contrib/solaris-packaging/syslog-ng.method /lib/svc/method/syslog-ng

3. 验证并导入syslog-ng.xml文件

# svccfg

svc:> validate /var/svc/manifest/system/syslog-ng.xml

svc:> import /var/svc/manifest/system/syslog-ng.xml

svc:> quit

4. 创建目录

# mkdir -p /usr/local/var/run

5. 修改启动脚本/lib/svc/method/syslog-ng





6. 修改配置文件/usr/local/etc/syslog-ng.conf


@version: 3.2

@include "scl.conf"

options { sync (0);

time_reopen (10);

log_fifo_size (1000);

long_hostnames (off);

use_dns (no);

use_fqdn (no);

create_dirs (no);

keep_hostname (yes);


source s_local {




source s_network {



#destination d_local {

# file("/var/log/messages");


#log {

# source(s_local);


# # uncomment this line to open port 514 to receive messages

# #source(s_network);

# destination(d_local);


destination d_cons { file("/dev/console"); };

destination d_mesg { file("/var/adm/messages"); };

destination d_mesg_all { file("/var/log/messages"); };

destination d_mail { file("/var/log/syslog"); };

destination d_auth { file("/var/log/authlog"); };

destination d_mlop { usertty("operator"); };

destination d_mlrt { usertty("root"); };

destination d_mlal { usertty("*"); };

filter f_filter1 { level(err) or

(level(notice) and facility (auth, kern)); };

filter f_filter2 { level(err) or

(facility(kern) and level(notice)) or

(facility(daemon) and level(notice)) or

(facility(mail) and level(crit)); };

filter f_filter3 { level(alert) or

(facility(kern) and level(err)) or

(facility(daemon) and level(err)); };

filter f_filter4 { level(alert); };

filter f_filter5 { level(emerg); };

filter f_filter6 { facility(kern) and level(notice); };

filter f_filter7 { facility(mail) and level(debug); };

filter f_filter8 { facility(user) and level(err); };

filter f_filter9 { facility(user) and level(alert); };

log { source(s_local); destination(d_mesg_all); };

log { source(s_local); filter(f_filter1); destination(d_cons); };

log { source(s_local); filter(f_filter2); destination(d_mesg); };

log { source(s_local); filter(f_filter3); destination(d_mlop); };

log { source(s_local); filter(f_filter4); destination(d_mlrt); };

log { source(s_local); filter(f_filter5); destination(d_mlal); };

log { source(s_local); filter(f_filter6); destination(d_auth); };

log { source(s_local); filter(f_filter7); destination(d_mail); };

log { source(s_local); filter(f_filter8); destination(d_cons);

destination(d_mesg); };

log { source(s_local); filter(f_filter9); destination(d_mlop);

destination(d_mlrt); };

posted @ 2012-02-17 13:50  生命的力量在于不顺从  阅读(1322)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报