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推荐看看:RosettaNet 简介


1.      微软:Biztalk

biztalk Accelerator for RosettaNet

Get product enhancements, customized tools, documentation, and samples to help you implement RosettaNet for your business. RosettaNet is a consortium of major companies working to create an industry-wide approach to process standards for open electronic business. The standards form a common business language that help to align the processes of supply chain partners on a global basis. Implement a biztalk Server environment customized to RosettaNet standards with this accelerator.

2.      IBM: BPEL4WS



3.      BEAimplement RosettaNet solutions for trading partner integration in BEA WebLogic Integration

Tutorial: Building RosettaNet Solutions

This topic describes how to implement RosettaNet solutions for trading partner integration in BEA WebLogic Integration. It contains the following sections:

*       Before You Begin

*       Tutorial Goals

*       Tutorial Overview

*       Tutorial Steps

*       Implementing New PIPs Based on the Example PIPs



posted on 2006-07-07 18:02  无为而为-凡事从积极的态度做起  阅读(1171)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报