
On Windows, open the Control Panel, choose Programs, and click Turn Windows Features On or Off. Check the box labeled Internet Information Services and then click the + to its left; continue to drill down into World Wide Web Services→Application Development Features, then check the box to enable CGI (you’ll need the CGI feature to install PHP in Chapter 6, Going Offline). Click OK. After you’ve done this, you can put your web documents in your IIS document root, which is typically located at C:\inetpub\wwwroot. Try this with the test.html file you created in Chapter 1, Getting Started; you should be able to load that file by going to http://localhost/test.html in your browser.

You’ll probably need to authenticate each time you put files into that folder. To work around this problem, you can either use the IIS Manager (Start→Control Panel→System and Security→Administrative Tools) to add a new virtual directory in a folder you have permissions to modify, or you can give yourself control of C:\inetpub\wwwroot (right-click on the folder, choose Properties→Security, and then click Edit→Add, type your username, click OK, then allow Full Control and click OK). If you want to connect to your Windows web server, even over your local network, you’ll need to go into the Control Panel→System and Security→Windows Firewall→Allow A Program or Feature Through Windows Firewall and enable World Wide Web Services.



如何在Android模拟器上访问本地的Web应用? 例如,在你的开发机器上启动一个Tomcat服务,接着打开电脑上的浏览器,默认情况下输入http://localhost:8080/就能够访问到Tomcat的主页面;那么,如果我们想在Android模拟器上来访问,可以吗?答案是肯定的,但是访问的URL会有所变化,这又是为什么呢?请继续往下看。
        在一般的Java Web程序开发中,我们通常使用localhost或者127.0.0.1来访问本机的Web服务,但是如果我们在Android模拟器中也采用同样的地址来访问,Android模拟器将无法正常访问到我们的服务,这是为什么呢?我们可以这样来理解:Android的底层是Linux kernel,包括Android本身就是一个操作系统,因此,这时我们在模拟器的浏览器中输入的localhost或127.0.0.1所代表的是Android模拟器(Android虚拟机),而不是你的电脑,明白了吗?这就是为什么你在模拟器中使用localhost时会报“Web page not available”的原因。

        那下面我们就启动电脑上的Tomcat,然后运行Android模拟器,打开模拟器上的浏览器,然后访问: 是不是已经看到那只可爱的Tomcat猫了呢?访问截图如下图所示。(说明:在我的电脑上,Tomcat服务使用的端口是8888,默认情况是8080)

