Qia's LabVIEW Station Virry Test & Control

We talk about LabVIEW and HVAC


Coding Challenge

Input string is encoded as nine bit characters -- eight data bits followed by a parity bit. Output string should contain the eight bit data character if the character parity is even, otherwise output a question mark '?'.

For example: Sixteen characters making the string "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" are encoded as in Encoder.vi, adding the parity bits, and resulting in an eighteen byte string of "4184 0C25 52D4 E811 2449 952E 61DA C4C9 5328". Given this eighteen byte string as an input, your VI should produce the original sixteen byte string. If any nine bit input character has odd parity,
this indicates an error in transmission, and you should output a '?'.
例如:16个字符” ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP”用Encoder.vi进行编码,加上校验位,结果得到以80位字符串” 4184 0C25 52D4 E811 2449 952E 61DA C4C9 5328”.把这80位字符串作为输入,你的VI要能生成原来的16位字符串.如任何9位输入字符有奇位,表示在传输中有错误产生,你应该输出”?”表示.

* The Winning VI will be the fastest correct solution to use no CINs, DLLs, or EXEs.
* Diagram readability and style will be used to break ties.
* VIs will be run on an Intel P4. We may use additional computer architectures such as PPC or multi-CPU to help break ties.
*VI将会在Intel PM 1.60GHz的计算机上运行.统一判断最优化的程序.

Hint -- a pretty good solution should take less than 100ms for the longest input string. That will not be fast enough to win, though.

Be sure to enter your identifying information below.

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posted on 2005-05-15 11:00  LabVIEW开发者  阅读(704)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
