CRM 4.0 E-mail Router 配置常见错误和解决方法

首先微软有一篇白皮书可以作为配置前的参考:Microsoft Dynamics CRM: How to configure the On-premise and Online E-mail Router in different deployment scenarios


总结一下在配置CRM 4.0 E-mail Router 遇到的问题和解决方案,一般来讲问题都处在 Incoming(POP, Exchange)端。Outgoing(SMTP)只要权限没问题,Server允许Relay的情况下,不会有太多问题。


  1. Incoming(POP, Exchange)




  • Incoming Status: Failure - Unable to connect to the remote server No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it


  • Incoming Status: Failure - The operation has timed out


  • Incoming Status: Failure - The remote server returned an error: (440) Login Timeout.





  • Incoming Status: Failure - The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel. The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.



Type the HTTP-DAV location of the Microsoft Exchange server in the Server open text box.
Note: You should enter the url address that has the HTTP-DAV enabled. Outlook Web Access (OWA) endpoints typically have HTTP-DAV enabled. Typically this location will be entered as https://ExchangeServerName or
Note: If Exchange is not installed on the default website and port, you must include the port number. For example https://ExchangeServerName:8080



(1) 确认协议[Protocol],地址[URL],端口[Port]都正确;

(2) 确认地址是邮件服务器的地址(Exchange Mailbox URL),这个地址不一定是OWA的地址;

(3) 不需要在地址后面添加 /exchange /owa ,因为Email Router Service 在搜索的时候会自动添加(通过分析Exchange日志得到的结果);

(4) 有些时候你必要先发布[Publish]你的设定,然后重启 Email Router Service,然后再测试[Load/Test]



  1. Outgoing(SMTP)


如果你发现配置没有问题,而当发送CRM E-mail时候,E-mail迟迟不被发送,显示:

  • This message has not yet been submitted for delivery


可以尝试修改 ..\Microsoft CRM Email\Service\Microsoft.Crm.Tools.EmailAgent.xml



然后重启 Microsoft CRM Email Router Service


如果还不能解决问题(其实这是一个Email Router Bug,微软已经有了补丁 KB 952019 )你可以联系微软来获取这个hotfix



  1. 关于E-Mail Router的日志


如果在Application Event 里的信息无法解决你的问题,可以尝试最大化日志设定,基本上要修改2个地方:

(1) 修改 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSCRMEmail,把LogLevel1改成3 。(123三个level

(2) 修改 ..\Microsoft CRM Email\Service\Microsoft.Crm.Tools.EmailAgent.xml,也是把<LogLevel>1改成3

然后需要重启 Microsoft CRM Email Router Service,这时在eventvwr(日志查看器)里就会多出一项叫:MSCRMEmailLog LogLevel改成23都会有这个项出现,而相关信息就不会出现在Application 程序 项里了


更多的CRM调试信息请参见 How to enable tracing in Microsoft Dynamics CRM


如果大家对Email Router有新发现,请留言。:)

posted @ 2008-07-13 20:18  MicrosoftCRM  阅读(4105)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报