ArcGIS Mobile在9.3版本中作为ArcGIS Server高级版的一部分(如下图左),在9.4 中被剥离了出来,作为一个独立的文件进行安装,由此产生了一些变化。我们知道在9.3版本中,登陆ArcGIS Server Manager管理页面,展开Applications面板后,会出现Web Applications, Mobile Projects等应用程序类型(如下图右)。点击Mobile Projects类型,利用其后向导页面可以很方便的构建ArcGIS Mobile Applications(Mobile开箱即用的应用程序),但在9.4中没有了Mobile Projects类型,类似功能的实现方法在寻找中。。。

  在服务的发布方面,9.3在发布Map Service服务的过程中确保选中“Mobile Data Access"能力,用来支持移动应用的地图服务,服务创建成功后,你将获得访问Mobile Service的url格式为:http://(Server)/arcgis/services/(ServiceName)/MapServer/MobileServer。在9.4中专门提供了用于移动地图服务的“Mobile Data Access”类型的服务,访问服务的Url格式:http://(Server)/arcgis/services/(ServiceName)/MobileServer,同9.3相比,中间去掉了“MapServer”。虽然没进行相关测试,但我相信在性能上,专门的移动地图服务类型肯定比9.3中附加了“Mobile Data Access"能力的普通地图服务要高很多,毕竟移动设备由于CUP、内存等有限,对性能的敏感度还是很高的。
  在地图服务缓存的创建方面,在ArcToolbox的Mobile Tools中,9.3(下左)和9.4(下右)也有变化(顺便说下,ArcGIS 9.4的界面有些Visual Studio的风格~),9.4中的Create Mobile Map的功能貌似和Generate Mobile Service Cache相同,用来为所有Operational layers生成mobile service cache,而为背景图层生成高压缩比例Cache的"Create Mobile Basemap"的GP Tool目前还不知道用什么东西替代了。
  ArcGIS9.4在安装后,在ArcGIS大目录下,Server、Desktop、Mobile等程序将创建各自独立的文件夹,针对于ArcGIS Mobile,将在默认路径C:\Program Files\ArcGIS下产生一个Mobile9.4的文件夹,其下Bin文件夹下的ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile.dll等程序集用于部署到Windows平台上的程序;其下DeveloperKit\CompactFramework文件夹下的ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile.dll等程序集用于部署到移动设备(安装了Windows Mobile等操作系统)的程序。我们可以看到ArcGIS Mobile的应用范围从原来的手持设备扩展到了笔记本、平板电脑,支持更多的平台:

  The field applications include ArcGIS Mobile for Windows and ArcGIS Mobile for Windows Mobile. Both contain the same functionality but are designed to fit the capabilities of the platform they run on.

  The ArcGIS Mobile for Windows application is specifically designed for notebooks or tablets running Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 operating system that have touch screens and may or may not be ruggedized. Typically these notebooks are mounted in vehicles and are used both during the day and at night. With this in mind, the ArcGIS Mobile for Windows application has large buttons that are best suited for finger touch access, employs a tap model over a drag model as ruggedized touch screens are difficult to drag your finger across, and can be skinned for day or night time use.

  The ArcGIS Mobile for Windows Mobile application is specifically designed for handheld Windows Mobile 6 or 6.5 devices that may or may not contain GPS receivers and cellular capabilities. Windows Mobile devices contain a subset of Windows functionality however they have a distinct user interaction model that is quite different than Windows. The Windows Mobile application contains the same functionality as the Windows application but has a different flow of use. Functional areas of each task are presented through a set of pages that you can step back and forwards through in a similar fashion to a wizard in a Windows application.

  Both of the field applications function in the context of a field project. Projects contain the set of tasks and map resources that are used to complete those workflows. Tasks can be configured and also extended to fit the workflows and terminology of your organization and field processes.

更多关于ArcGIS Mobile的开发:
posted on 2010-02-24 20:20  JayLiu  阅读(2743)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报