cocos2d-基本概念(5)-Effects 效果

Effects 效果

Introduction 介绍


 Effects 是一些列特别的动作。相比于改变通常的属性,像透明度,位置,旋转,或者缩放而言,它们修改的一种新的属性,Grid(网格)属性。

一个Grid 属性就好像一个矩阵,是一个网络的线,组成一系列的方块和矩阵。 

这些特别的动作把任何一个cocosNode 对象(层,场景,精灵等)变化成Grid,你可以通过它们的顶点来改变它们。

有两种不同的Grid:tiled 和 non-tiled网格,不同的是tiled网格是通过各自tiled组成,而non-tiled是通过顶点组成的。 

一个Grid有2个维度,行和列。但是任何一个vertex都有3个维度,xyz。所以你可以建立一个2d或者是3d的效果,不同的是通过tiled-grid-3d 或者是grid-3d。




How they work 如何工作

Each frame the screen is rendered into a texture (FBO). This texture is transformed into a vertex array and this vertex array (the grid!) is transformed by the grid effects. Finally the vertex array is rendered into the screen.




For more information about the internals refer to:

For example, if you have an scene or layer that renders this image:

 我们可以把图片转换成以上这样,使用的是Ripple3D action. 就像你砍刀的古怪的图片,踏实用一个32X24的方块,这个grid是一个non-tiled(所有的方块在一起)






3D actions 3D动作



// IMPORTANT: Call this function at the very beginning, 

//before running your 1st scene

// Create a depth buffer of 24 bits

// These means that openGL z-order will be taken into account

[[Director sharedDirector] setDepthBufferFormat:kDepthBuffer16];



// IMPORTANT: Call this function at the very beginning, 

// before running your 1st scene

// Use this pixel format to have transparent buffers

[[Director sharedDirector] setPixelFormat:kRGBA8];

Index of grid effects 效果索引



Available Grid3DAction actions:

Available TiledGrid3DAction actions:

  • FadeOutBLTiles
  • FadeOutTRTiles
  • FadeOutUpTiles
  • FadeOutDownTiles
  • ShakyTiles3D
  • ShatteredTiles3D
  • ShuffleTiles
  • SplitCols
  • SplitRows
  • TurnOffTiles
  • WavesTiles3D

Examples 例子

Some examples:

// execute a Waves action on sprite 1

id waves = [Waves actionWithWaves:5 amplitude:20 horizontal:YES vertical:NO 

                          grid:ccg(15,10) duration:5];

[sprite1 runAction: [RepeatForever actionWithAction: waves]];

// and execute a Shaky3D action on sprite 2

id shaky = [Shaky3D actionWithRange:4 shakeZ:NO grid:ccg(15,10) duration:5];

[sprite2 runAction: [RepeatForever actionWithAction: shaky]];

posted @ 2010-01-24 23:06  AlexLiu  阅读(4736)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报