Nvidia DirectX10 SSAO简要翻译


http://developer.download.nvidia.com/SDK/10.5/direct3d/Source/ScreenSpaceAO/doc/ScreenSpaceAO.pdf ;








法线是基于像素的,不能插值 ,但可通过ddx/ddy微分计算

角度加个偏移值,防止采样点的sin h过小

ao衰减参数 W(r) = 1 -((s-p)/R)2






// 参数说明: m_R,相机坐标系ao计算半径;m_NumSteps,每方向的计算次数;m_NumDir,随机方向个数;m_inv_R,半径倒数;

// m_sqr_R,半径平方;m_FocalLen,Vector2f(1f / (tanFovY * aspectRatio), 1f / tanFovY);m_Resolution,ao

// depthTexture的宽高;m_Contrast, 3;


  1. float M_PI = 3.14159265;
    varying vec2 texCoord;
    uniform sampler2D m_DepthTexture;
    vec3 uv_to_eye(vec2 uv, float z) {
        // texture origin is at bottom left corner in OpenGL
        uv = (uv * vec2(2.0, 2.0) - vec2(1.0, 1.0));
        return vec3(uv * m_InvFocalLen * z, z);
    vec3 fetch_eye_pos(vec2 uv) {
        float z = texture2D(m_DepthTexture, uv).x;
        z = m_invFrustumFar / (1.0 - z);// (-2.0 * 10000 / (z * 9999 - 10001)) / 9999; to be precise, but only approximation is required
        return uv_to_eye(uv, z);
    float length2(vec3 v) {
        return dot(v, v);
    vec3 min_diff(vec3 P, vec3 Pr, vec3 Pl)
        vec3 V1 = Pr - P;
        vec3 V2 = P - Pl;
        return (length2(V1) < length2(V2)) ? V1 : V2;
    vec2 rotate_direction(vec2 Dir, vec2 CosSin)
        return vec2(Dir.x * CosSin.x - Dir.y * CosSin.y, Dir.x * CosSin.y + Dir.y * CosSin.x);
    vec2 snap_uv_offset(vec2 uv)
        return round(uv * m_Resolution) * m_InvResolution;
    vec3 tangent_vector(vec2 deltaUV, vec3 dPdu, vec3 dPdv)
        return deltaUV.x * dPdu + deltaUV.y * dPdv;
    float tangent(vec3 T)
        return -T.z / length(T.xy);
    vec2 snap_uv_coord(vec2 uv)
        return uv - (fract(uv * m_Resolution) - 0.5) * m_InvResolution;
    float tan_to_sin(float x)
        return x / sqrt(1.0 + x * x);
    float falloff(float r)
        return 1.0 - m_Attenuation * r * r;
    float tangent(vec3 P, vec3 S)
        return (P.z - S.z) / length(S.xy - P.xy);
    float AccumulatedHorizonOcclusion_Quality(vec2 deltaUV,
                                              vec2 uv0,
                                              vec3 P,
                                              float numSteps,
                                              float randstep,
                                              vec3 dPdu,
                                              vec3 dPdv)
        // Jitter starting point within the first sample distance
        vec2 uv = (uv0 + deltaUV) + randstep * deltaUV;
        // Snap first sample uv and initialize horizon tangent
        vec2 snapped_duv = snap_uv_offset(uv - uv0);
        vec3 T = tangent_vector(snapped_duv, dPdu, dPdv);
        float tanH = tangent(T) + m_TanAngleBias;
        float ao = 0.0;
        float h0 = 0.0;
        for(float j = 0.0; j < numSteps; ++j) {
            vec2 snapped_uv = snap_uv_coord(uv);
            vec3 S = fetch_eye_pos(snapped_uv);
            uv += deltaUV;
            // Ignore any samples outside the radius of influence
            float d2 = length2(S - P);
            if (d2 < m_sqr_R) {
                float tanS = tangent(P, S);
                if (tanS > tanH) {
                    // Compute tangent vector associated with snapped_uv
                    vec2 snapped_duv = snapped_uv - uv0;
                    vec3 T = tangent_vector(snapped_duv, dPdu, dPdv);
                    float tanT = tangent(T) + m_TanAngleBias;
                    // Compute AO between tangent T and sample S
                    float sinS = tan_to_sin(tanS);
                    float sinT = tan_to_sin(tanT);
                    float r = sqrt(d2) * m_inv_R;
                    float h = sinS - sinT;
                    ao += falloff(r) * (h - h0);
                    h0 = h;
                    // Update the current horizon angle
                    tanH = tanS;
        return ao;
    void main() {
        vec3 P = fetch_eye_pos(texCoord);
        // Project the radius of influence m_R from eye space to texture space.
        // The scaling by 0.5 is to go from [-1,1] to [0,1].
        vec2 step_size = 0.5 * m_R  * m_FocalLen / P.z;
        // Early out if the projected radius is smaller than 1 pixel.
        float numSteps = min (m_NumSteps, min(step_size.x * m_Resolution.x, step_size.y * m_Resolution.y));
        if( numSteps < 1.0 ) {
            gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0);
        step_size = step_size / ( numSteps + 1.0 );
        // Nearest neighbor pixels on the tangent plane
        vec3 Pr, Pl, Pt, Pb;
        Pr = fetch_eye_pos(texCoord + vec2(m_InvResolution.x, 0));
        Pl = fetch_eye_pos(texCoord + vec2(-m_InvResolution.x, 0));
        Pt = fetch_eye_pos(texCoord + vec2(0, m_InvResolution.y));
        Pb = fetch_eye_pos(texCoord + vec2(0, -m_InvResolution.y));
        // Screen-aligned basis for the tangent plane
        vec3 dPdu = min_diff(P, Pr, Pl);
        vec3 dPdv = min_diff(P, Pt, Pb) * (m_Resolution.y * m_InvResolution.x);
        vec2 jitter = texCoord * 1000.0;
        vec3 rand = normalize(vec3(sin(jitter.x) + sin(jitter.y), cos(jitter.x) + cos(jitter.y), 0));
        float ao = 0.0;
        float d;
        float alpha = 2.0 * M_PI / m_NumDir;
        for (d = 0.0; d < m_NumDir; d++) {
            float angle = alpha * float(d);
            vec2 dir = vec2(cos(angle), sin(angle));
            vec2 deltaUV = rotate_direction(dir, rand.xy) * step_size.xy;
            ao += AccumulatedHorizonOcclusion_Quality(deltaUV, texCoord, P, numSteps, rand.z, dPdu, dPdv);
        gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(1.0 - ao / m_NumDir * m_Contrast), 1);


posted @ 2012-09-09 17:28  ActionFG  阅读(434)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报