This is a project to build reliable .NET bindings for the Subversion version-control system libraries. This is a continuation of the SubversionSharp library initially created by Softec and released under the LGPL.

The objective of DotSVN is to re-implement Subversion version-control-system completely in .NET.

The goal of SVNManagerLib is to create a kernel type library that can be used by .NET Web Services, Remoting, and ASP.NET for remotely administering Subversion repositories and users. This only supports files for svnserve as a NT Service or *nix Daemon.

What can it do?
  * Create and Delete Repositories
  * Create and Delete Directories
  * Create and Delete Users
  * Create Dump Files
  * Create Hot Copies
  * Manage access to repositories


2008-5-17 Zealic

posted on 2008-05-17 22:17  Zealic  阅读(426)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报