[论文笔记] Costs of virtual machine live migration A survey (SERVICES, 2012)

Timespan: 1.24 - 1. 25
Anja Strunk, "Costs of Virtual Machine Live Migration: A Survey," services, pp.323-329, 2012 IEEE Eighth World Congress on Services, 2012 (gs:1)

    作者Anja Strunk是德国德累斯顿工业大学(Dresden University of Technology)的scientific assistant,目前在参与FlexCloud (combines competencies in architectures of distributed systems and IT-security with a focus on non-functional properties)的研究。

    这篇论文对虚拟机动态迁移的成本进行了综述,针对的是Pre-Copy迁移方法,将迁移成本分为以下三类:(1)迁移性能(总迁移时间、宕机时间);(2)被迁移VM的性能损失(execution time, throughput);(3)能耗开销(energy overhead)。(S3.A)





    在(S5)Open Issues章节,作者认为现有的工作多是针对不超过三个参数对性能的影响进行了研究,而没有考虑了整套参数进行研究;因此,尚不存在针对虚拟机动态迁移性能的通用建模。


1. hypervisor的定义(SI): a special middleware abstracts from physical hardware resources and provides so called VM acting like real computers with thier own (virtual) hardware resources.

2. 摘录:

  • “…network card load may also influence performance of VM live migration, but it has not been studied yet.” (S4.A.3)
  • “…detailed studies of energy overhead and performance loss caused by live migration is missing. .”(S6)
posted @ 2013-01-25 14:02  玉泉老博  阅读(584)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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