VIM 拼写/spell check

VIM 拼写检查/spell check

Hunspell 作为一个拼写检查的工具,已经用在了许多开源的以及商业软件中。包括Google Chrome, Libreoffice等。


Use :set spell to turn on spell-checking. If it's source code, gvim is smart enough to only spellcheck comments and string literals.

:help spell will give you all the details. Here are some excerpts:

To search for the next misspelled word: ]s

Move to next misspelled word after the cursor. A count before the command can be used to repeat. 'wrapscan' applies.


Like "]s" but search backwards, find the misspelled word before the cursor.

Finding suggestions for bad words: z=

For the word under/after the cursor, suggest correctly spelled words.

To add words to your own word list: zg

Add word under the cursor as a good word

默认情况下,VIM只安装了English的语法检查的相应脚本en.xx.spl(xx是编码格式)。位置在C:\Program Files\Vim\vim74\spell。如果要做French,Chinese,Deutsech,Japanese的语法检查,要下载相应的语法规则文件,这里需要安装一个工具cURL


set spelllangs=en,fr,de,ch,jp
set spell


2、Hunspell --> Hunguarian Spell
3、VIM spell check

posted @ 2016-09-13 23:52  xiulug  阅读(893)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报