四、基于hadoop的nginx访问日志分析---top 10 request


# cat top_10_request.py 
!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 from mrjob.job import MRJob from mrjob.step import MRStep from nginx_accesslog_parser import NginxLineParser import heapq class UrlRequest(MRJob): nginx_line_parser = NginxLineParser() def mapper(self, _, line): self.nginx_line_parser.parse(line) yield self.nginx_line_parser.request, 1 def reducer_sum(self, key, values): yield None, (sum(values), key) def reducer_top10(self, _, values): for count, path in heapq.nlargest(10, values): yield count, path # for count, path in sorted(values, reverse=True)[:10]: # yield count, path def steps(self):
return ( MRStep(mapper=self.mapper, reducer=self.reducer_sum ), MRStep(reducer=self.reducer_top10) ) def main(): UrlRequest.run() if __name__ == '__main__': main()


# python3 top_10_request.py access_all.log-20161227 
No configs found; falling back on auto-configuration
Creating temp directory /tmp/top_10_request.root.20161228.055055.459306
Running step 1 of 2...
Running step 2 of 2...
Streaming final output from /tmp/top_10_request.root.20161228.055055.459306/output...
62728    "/forum.php"
47274    "/index.php"
45777    "/sync/avatar.php"
34568    "/"
12358    "/home.php"
3889    "/misc.php"
3044    "/static/image/common/swfupload.swf"
2666    "/thread-114874-1-1.html"
1585    "/favicon.ico"
1143    "/data/cache/style_2_common.css"
Removing temp directory /tmp/top_10_request.root.20161228.055055.459306...



reducer_sum()方法:计算出每个请求的URL的访问量,并输出 null [3, "/forum.php"]这种形式

reducer_top10()方法:对[3, "/forum.php"]这样数据进行排序输出


posted @ 2016-12-28 14:00  hexm  阅读(509)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报