Share Point&DotNet
Good health is above wealth



   // get the reference
   SPSite site = new SPSite("http://localhost"); // this will point to the portal URL
      SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb();
   // get the context
   PortalContext context = PortalApplication.GetContext(site.ID);  // context got using the site GUID
   Guid newsGuid = AreaManager.GetSystemAreaGuid(context, SystemArea.News);

   // SystemArea.News is a Sharepoint enumeration already available through the API
   Area newsarea = AreaManager.GetArea(context, newsGuid);
   AreaListingCollection newscoll = newsarea.Areas["内部新闻"].Listings;        // fetches all listings that are part of the current area
   DataTable areaTable = new DataTable("IntranetList");
   DataColumn idColumn = new  DataColumn();
   idColumn.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.DateTime");
   idColumn.ColumnName = "Date";
   DataColumn fTitleColumn = new DataColumn();
   fTitleColumn.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
   fTitleColumn.ColumnName = "Title";
   DataColumn fURLColumn = new DataColumn();
   fURLColumn.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
   fURLColumn.ColumnName = "URL";
   DataRow row = null;
   for(uint i=0;i<newscoll.Count;i++)
    row = areaTable.NewRow();
    row["Date"] = newscoll[i].CreationDate ;
    row["Title"] = newscoll[i].Title;
    row["URL"] = newscoll[i].URL;
   DataRow[] areaRows = areaTable.Select(null,"Date DESC");

   for(uint i=0;i<10;i++)

        if (areaRows[i][2].ToString().Substring(areaRows[i][2].ToString().Length-3,3)=="pdf" )
        output.Write("<img src='http://localhost/_layouts/images/pdf16.gif' align=bottom>"+"<a href=''http://localhost"+areaRows[i][2] + "'>" + areaRows[i][1] +"</a>["+areaRows[i][0] +"]<br>");   //WriteToFile is a custom function used for debug logging to a file
        output.Write("<img src=''http://localhost/Image%20Library/pic-07.gif' align=bottom>"+"<a href=''http://localhost"+areaRows[i][2] + "'>" + areaRows[i][1] +"</a>["+areaRows[i][0] +"]<br>");   //WriteToFile is a custom function used for debug logging to a file
   output.Write("<br><a href=''http://localhost/CompanyNews/default.aspx'><font color='red'><b>[更多项目新闻]</b></font></a>");

排序方法来此 dudu  的
新闻检索来此 harsh  的

谢谢 dudu和harsh。

posted on 2005-08-30 17:08  wangjinsheng  阅读(2352)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报