windows mobile 部署应用程序 之 setupdll.dll 扩展cab 的行为

windows mobile 部署应用程序 之  setupdll.dll 扩展cab 的行为

1,我们发布windows mobile 程序时,一般要制作*.cab 去在设备安装我们应用程序,那如何在安装时去做一些特殊的行为呢
     e.g.   拷贝程序的快捷方式去多个目录, 修改文件名称,创建日志文件 etc.
    cab 文件运行时,首先从cab文件中解压出所要安装的文件,如果文件中有setupdll.dll  则setupdll.dll会被隐式的加载,并调用Install_Init,Install_Exit,Uninstall_Init,Uninstall_Exit  etc. 函数, 我们可以在编写自己的setupdll.dll 在

Install_Init,Install_Exit,Uninstall_Init,Uninstall_Exit   函数体中实现自己的特殊操作。


   using System.Configuration.Install;



    public partial class CustomInstaller : Installer
        public CustomInstaller()
            this.BeforeInstall +=
             new InstallEventHandler(CustomInstaller_BeforeInstall);
        void CustomInstaller_BeforeInstall(object sender, InstallEventArgs e)
// Function Name: Install_Init
// Purpose: processes the push message.
// Arguments:
//    IN HWND hwndParent  handle to the parent window
//    IN BOOL fFirstCall  indicates that this is the first time this function is being called
//    IN BOOL fPreviouslyInstalled  indicates that the current application is already installed
//    IN LPCTSTR pszInstallDir  name of the user-selected install directory of the application
// Return Values:
//    codeINSTALL_INIT
//    returns install status
// Description: 
//    The Install_Init function is called before installation begins.
//    User will be prompted to confirm installation.
// **************************************************************************
    HWND        hwndParent,
    BOOL        fFirstCall,     // is this the first time this function is being called?
    BOOL        fPreviouslyInstalled,
    LPCTSTR     pszInstallDir

posted on 2010-03-03 17:20  酸辣大白菜  阅读(1062)  评论(4编辑  收藏  举报
