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微软已经改变了 Enterprise Library 4 源代码的许可协议, 以基于开源友好的 Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL) 许可协议发布. 源代码可以在 Patterns & Practices CodePlex community 上得到.

Enterprise Library 4.0 新许可使得EL4可以在Mono下使用,这样开放者就能在Unix下重用这些 build blocks 了。It's great.


EL4 的新功能和更新:

  • 集成了 Unity Application Block
  • 支持 Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) 2.0 并增强了规范接口
  • 提升了性能 (特别是对 Logging Application Block)
  • 可插接的缓存管理器
  • 支持 Visual Studio 2008
  • Bug fixes

EL4 的Blocks:

  • The Unity Application Block : 一个全新的轻量级可扩展的依赖注入容器,可以独立使用。
  • Caching Application Block. Developers can use this application block to incorporate a cache in their applications. Pluggable cache providers are supported.
  • Cryptography Application Block. Developers can use this application block to incorporate hashing and symmetric encryption in their applications.
  • Data Access Application Block. Developers can use this application block to incorporate standard database functionality in their applications.
  • Exception Handling Application Block. Developers and policy makers can use this application block to create a consistent strategy for processing exceptions that occur throughout the architectural layers of enterprise applications.
  • Logging Application Block. Developers can use this application block to include standard logging functionality in their applications.
  • Policy Injection Application Block. Developers can use this application block to implement interception policies that can be used to streamline the implementation of common features, such as logging, caching, exception handling, and validation, across a system.
  • Security Application Block. Developers can use this application block to incorporate authorization and security caching functionality in their applications.
  • Unity Application Block. Developers can use this application block as a lightweight and extensible dependency injection container with support for constructor, property, and method call injection.
  • Validation Application Block. Developers can use this application block to create validation rules for business objects that can be used across different layers of their applications.

application blocks 的快速上手指南: