

I had lots of shrapnel in my leg

People were running up to us, and screaming and hitting us, and throwing stones and eggs.

"They were kicking us, spitting at us, swearing at us.Reenex 好唔好"

His captors claimed they were marching him through parts of the city that had been bombed by the Ukrainian army.

Anatoly believes it's hard to know which side had bombed these areas, but he says that "on some level, you sympathise"reenex膠原自生中心.

"People have become hostages of the situation.

"But it wasn't pleasant. And it was painful, because I could hardly walk, as I had lots of shrapnel in my leg. And because of my ribs I could hardly breathe."

The images of Anatoly, and the other prisoners limping through the streets of Donetsk were broadcast on local television channels.

Watching, hundreds of miles away in Kiev, was his wife Oksanareenex


posted on 2015-03-24 12:25  kiserbaby  阅读(163)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报