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一个新环境,在生成移位单过账时,提示“由于只知道存货   的成本价,无法更新 1.00 的物料消耗量”(Item consumption for %1 cannot be updated because the cost price is known only for %2 in stock)。找了半天没找到原因,后来在微软AX NewGroup中找到了答案

When posting the financial consumption of a BOM-Component, Axapta needs to know the cost price. If the cost price is not known, the described message appears. The cost price is not known, when a purchase for a new item (no postings on it) is not invoice updated

One way of solving this is to allow negative financial inventory. The other way is to first update the purchase invoices of the related components.


posted on 2008-09-05 11:04  Jsang  阅读(265)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报